Is food political?

Is food political?

Food is food

Nice flyover curry, mate

>things white people say

Only if you politicize it.

Only when it concerns immigration

What the fuck? Taco bowls aren't even mexican!

Looks like a meal for astronauts. Kinda makes sense.

He said Hispanics, not Mexicans.

Not to people who have anything better to talk/argue about, no.

this senpai

politics can intrude on anything

White people =/= white middle-class culturally-impoverished flyover Yank plebs

same thing tho

Food is extremely political and anyone who doesn't believe that are fucking retards who haven't been paying attention for humanity's entire existence

no. it's not political at all. thats the best thing about it

The animal rights and vegan/vegetarian movement is mostly tied into left-wing urban politics

while land management and GMO contaminated crops is usually becomes a right wing rural issue.

>I love Hispanics!

Everything is politics.

It is always funny to me when I hear people saying *sniff* oh this is not political, there is no ideology here, it is just food and so on because *sniff* it is in these moments when we believe ourselves to be completely free of all ideological considerations, when we are eating our hamburgers and so on, that we are fully embraced by pure ideology,

I'm a believer in pork butt. What does tht make me?

Food is the best use of mixing cultures. I see absolutely no other purpose other than maybe music. I think variety of food is the only reason we're not all still murdering each other because we have different skin tone.



now why are liberals calling him the next hitler?

they can't simply be retarded can they?

The best use of mixing cultures actually is fucking your wife.

What does that taste like user?

Mein nigga

Just looking at the amount of oil in that thing is making my arteries harden.

>Why are white people so mad about minorities taking over their countries?
>I FUCKING HATE WHITE PEOPLE who eat my people's food

pick both


except not

Well what the fuck is it then

It's ghee, retard.

>Clarified butter
>different from oil


gentrification is the best thing that can happen to a cuisine

Butter is not an oil, retard.
Drink bleach.

Clarified butter is you dumb fuck

Yeah, it's only made from the same things, fatty acids. Its just an animal fat vs a plant fat.

Of course its political. Halal slaughter and the laws around it, raw milk and the reason why its banned in some places, GMO/anti GMO lobying, moral and religious veganism/vegetarianism. Free range, cruelty free, organic labels, kosher food, gluten free. All of this shit is political and/or profit driven in nature.

Butter is not an oil, retard.

Clarified butter, which separates the milk solids from the butter oils, is an oil buddy

>A tomato isn't a fruit, retard. It's a vegetable because that's what it's advertised as

You clearly don't know anything

Butterfat is not an oil, retard.
The clue is in the name.
Have you drunk that bleach yet?

Persist in your ignorance, then. It's not my problem.

>Butter is a water-in-oil emulsion

Drink it, retard.

>Butter is a water-in-oil emulsion
Ghee isn't, retard.

Right, it's literally just the oil.

Yes. Shitskins, thirdworlders and radical left are using foreign food as a pro to unlimited immigration into the west, while at the same time crying about cultural appropriation for eating said food. Also the "white people can't cook" bullshit, but that's more of an american thing.

Sort of? Spices caused colonialism and capitalism, pretty much creating the modern world. It's why white people were so dominant, they secured all the bandas and americans also needing to recoup their gold losses because they were running low on precious metal mines.

The Dutch after securing the bandas ended up not even bothering to sell much to europe and just bled asia dry.


David Cameron cause waves when he fucked up the order of jam and cream in cream tea
Ed Millipede eating a sandwich is all anything is going to remember about him
When Obama went to DC he had a chili half-smoke
Bill Clinton would take important people to his favorite rib joint to talk politics
If you are running for Canadian PM and don't get photographed with Tim Horton's you're fucking dead in the water
Merkel eats kebabs to show support for immigration

So um, yeah. Duh


Yes. And stop culturally appropriating our food, you racist white scum.

I'm sorry my curry doesn't include the traditional poo residue, shitskin

Don't forget that time Obama ordered Dijon mustard.

>bait thread ruined by shitposting about butter not being oil

What a tragedy


>found the racist

>people of color
this meme again!

bleach is oil, idiot

This is cringy as fuck. How much of an inferiority complex can one gook have?

These are American Asians, real asians are the most racist people on earth

Radical left and third generation third worlders are the ones crying about cultural appropriation. Us people who actually grew up with the culture in its origins are fine with other people trying the food. Come to any country and you'll see the locals going 'try this' to all their cuisine including the weirder stuff.

The opinions of filthy ignorant college students who have never left their countries don't matter and can suck my dick.

Asian racism is endearing, though. Asian Americans whining about "muh superior food culture" is just annoying.

>asian gets butthurt that whitey doesn't like the pungent smell of his fermented fish assholes

Grow a pair, gook

where the fuck do these people come from that they somehow believe all """""""poc""""""" (despite the fact that they are probably at least half white) only consume absolutely untouchable, meticulously prepared home-cooked meals? Are they really so deluded to think that only white people consume mass-produced garbage?