How does Veeky Forums feel about blood sausage/black pudding...

How does Veeky Forums feel about blood sausage/black pudding? I really like frying it with scrambled eggs and green onion for breakfast.

I like them spicy

I can't overcome the mental hurdle of convincing myself to eat coagulated blood. Am I missing out?

Meat has blood in it, even if just a bit when you eat it. It just takes some getting used to. If you need to steel yourself then just remember that you eat flesh and muscle soaked in fat, you even use bones for flavor. Blood should be no different. Hell I find it neat, I know it's silly but I kind of get the old "Eat their heart to get their courage, their blood for strength!" thing.

It's pretty good. Definitely takes a bit of getting used to though. Start with the less potent ones like polish. Don't go to Portuguese right off the bat, that shit is potent. I ate it a bunch growing up and even I need to dilute it a bit. It makes you feel really nice after too for whatever reason. Real easy on the stomach and high in iron, probably just some digestion thing. I always have it for breakfast on important days because I feel like it wakes me up better than coffee.

... Yeah, that's not what black pudding is.

I've only had morcilla. I eat it by itself. Love it

Thanks familia. I'll give it a try

Looks kinda tasty, smells lovely, but I'm not a huge fan of it.
It's tasty at first, but the grainy texture and lumps of fat mean I can't go through more than half a slice at once.

Blood mixed with minced meat, grain, and some fat as a binder. Formed into a sausage, sliced, and fried up to go with your breakfast.

I've been a fan of black pudding for many years, I enjoy it quite regularly usually as a breakfast item or maybe just a quick dinner. Fortunately, I live pretty close to Bury which is well known for it's fantastic black pudding, so can I just go get some handmade fresh black pudding when ever the mood strikes me. Typically have mine fried.

Dont know what other variations taste like, but in slovenia minced pork head (the entire head if a pig, boiled) is used instead of bacon or other meat
Doesn't taste very good desu

I slice it thin and put it on pizza

much better than salami or other shit like that


what does it taste like? i've had the opportunity to try blood sausage a lot of times, but i just can't get over myself. usually, i'm not picky and open to try new food. but the blood is holding me back.

highly underrated in my opinion

whenever i visit my family in ireland they include black pudding and white pudding in fried breakfasts, delicious

koreans eat this a lot. There isn't a distinct "blood taste". It tastes pretty good with shrimp salt.

i tried Morcilla..the same thing but Argentinian.
it has a weird texture..but if done well on the barbecue.. with some bread it's warm and really tasty.

It's a must-have item on a full English, for me.

Black pudding, morcilla - bring it on. Seems like it's falling more and more our of fashion, which is a shame.

To me, it mostly tastes like whatever oats and spices they've used, cooked blood seems to be a surprisingly neutral flavour. That said, I've never had straight cooked blood, so I might be confusing the blood flavour for something else.

After years of my stepfather offering it when he cooks it and me refusing to even taste it, I finally gave it a go a few months ago and it was fantastic. I regret not trying it sooner.

god dammit i love getting the irish breakfast at irish pubs. so fucking comfy

if you pour hot sauce on that im sold

Most of the types I have tried do nothing for me; but Korean sundae is frigging awesome.Mild, without the heavy bitterness/mineral flavor/ Plus it has noodles in it!

fucking love it

people are faggots, it literally barely has any blood in it

a little bit for flavor and color, and that's it

pic related, morcilla be Burgos, a type of morcilla made with rice

fucking dank with some dulce de membrillo (quince paste) and cheese

I don't mind most offal aside from boudin blanc or sweetbreads.

But I haven't had them in years so hopefully things have changed.

I love blood sausage. Little restaurant I like to go to occasionally when I transit through this city has little morcilla croquettes as part of one of their breakfast items, now I hardly order anything else on the menu.

Looks delicious. We have bun bo hue here and that's all the blood I can get my hands on. We have this puss culture when it comes to certain types of meat or certain parts of it, despite our culinary claim to fame being use of the very worst part of the cow, made delicious through careful cooking methods (Texas beef brisket).

I'll save you the effort. Adults will say it's nice and Americans will say it's "icky".

Fuck that looks good. Whenever I go to Spain I always bring morcilla back with me to the UK

What's the difference between that and our Black Pudding?

It doesn't taste like blood.


Morcilla is spanish. Best ones are filled with onion and rice too, pic related.

Different seasoning, different balance of onion, grains etc and morcilla can be sort of semi-cured. Basically it IS black pudding, but just like you can travel around the UK and eats lots of varied black pud, you can get lots of different morcilla.

There's no meat in it.

Here is your (you).