What happens to the top half of the second bun?

what happens to the top half of the second bun?

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the middle bun is a specially made bun that isn't the same as the bun heel that has no other half.

>mcdonalds is so bad that even their fake advertising bullshots looks like a patty made of dogfood

The buns are made special for the sandwich. Big Macs are the only sandwiches that use those buns, too.

I'm fairly certain they just cut part of one of the buns off
See: youtu.be/rcu4Bj3xEyI

>"Now for the aromatics"
>Garlic powder
>Onion powder

Yeah nah

It's just a tall bun

there's literally nothing wrong with that though

Is that legal?

>too good for dog food

Must be an American bun. Pretty sure you couldn't do that in the UK, it wouldn't be halal for a start

give me blood

How’s a sesame seed stick to a bun? That’s fuckin’ magical! There’s got to be some sesame seed glue out there! Either that or they’re adhesive on one side. “Take the sesame seed out, remove the backing, place it on the bun. Now your bun will look spectacular.

Errr.... the bun sticks to the seeds?

A bun is normally made from dough that has been enriched with sugar and butter and even sometimes egg. Without any of these the dough remains to be 'bread dough' rather than 'bun dough' and the resultant product will be called a roll, rather than a bun.

you remind me of old rambling guy

i wish he was still here

We will make it legal

Wouldn't they save a shit ton of money if they'd just use a regular bottom bun? Nobody would give a shit anyway.


why wouldn't it be

I hope he just got bored and didn't die or something.