You should consider buying this

realize what site you're on. People look down on it because it's /our/ coin. Most social media sites are retarded echo chambers that just circle jerk each other. So of course they'll discover VEN, ICX etc AFTER they mooned because the loudest and dumbest will pronounce how right they were. Veeky Forums is a cesspool of autism where its just constant stream of consciousness with an average IQ of 4 but with a wide distribution. If you can think critically then you'll find some gems here.

Now that’s a meme I haven’t heard in a long time

I appreciate the response. In your opinion, do you consider Link one of those gems?

Link is a long term hold. Eventually someone will solve the oracle problem, I'm betting link will not be the first or best

Th-thanks user. I guess I'll sell now.

What exactly is the oracle problem? Forgive my newness. I dont mind long term holding something, but id like for it to be worthwhile.

I'm not gonna spoon feed you user. Read the white paper, do some further research on Sergey, consider the the potential impact a project can have and come to your own conclusions. Think critically

This isn't fucking reddit no one will forgive your newfagness. Literally google the oracle problem

I sometimes wonder if people from reddit come here to post and switch on their massive faggot mode and continue to post shitposts like yours.

An oracle in the crypto sense would be something/one who interfaces real world data with smart contracts or blockchains. Ideally we'd like this to be done trustless and decentralised and that's what chainlink aims to do.