Hey co/ck/suckers

hey co/ck/suckers

I have a date next week, and I'm planning on cooking an extravagant meal but she has very simple tastes and her favorite thing is grilled cheeses with old cheddar and she pretty much exclusively drinks vodka with cranberry juice.
How do I make a grilled cheese and a side that gets the pussy wet?

Other urls found in this thread:


You don't have to make her favourite meal for dinner.

That looks fried not grilled?

I'm not asking for dating advice here just trust me that in this particular case, it is a good idea.

>grilled cheese
1) figure out what bread she likes
2) slather it up with mayo on one side
3) spray down a pan and lay mayo side down on low-med heat
4) place cheeses on the up side
5) check sides for desired crispiness
6) combine slices to make sandwich, move to plate, and cover so the steam melts the cheese more

i'd say make a soup but that seems too old school so i think if you made a really fresh lush salad that would be a great starter.
1) butter lettuce
2) radicchio
3) arugula
4) halved cherry tomatoes, crumbled feta, dried cranberries, walnuts
5) toss it all together but save some of the ingredients from 4. to dabbled on top
6) either make a balsamic or buy one, she won't give a shit

>grey goose and cranberry (splurge on the vodka)
1) ocean spray cranberry juice
2) grey goose
3) lime juice
4) shake and pour over crushed ice in a small tumbler so she can sip

you might want to consider making something else (non alcoholic) to drink as well though. lemonade could be nice with all that kid food.

go get some tomato basil bread from panera, or bake it yourself (extra points)

spread jalapeno cream cheese on the inside of the bread

add grated sharp cheddar (not pre-grated)

fry in the pain


Thank you foodbro I hope you get lots of good karma and shit for this.

PS. I swear to god she's 20

>spray down a pan and lay mayo side down on low-med heat
That's frying not grilling.
Why are you here?


That's just autism

no problem. check out this too if you want some ideas for the future.


>there is no difference between frying and grilling.
This is a board concerning food and cooking, user. Did you get lost?

this is a thread about me getting laid

>OP you despicable subhuman this is a fried cheese sandwich, this date is over

If her favourite food is grilled cheese id just literally microwave her a hot pocket

no you wouldn't


>Not autism

Can you guess who the neckbeard is?

I don't trust you. It sounds like a stupid idea. My ex used to really like canned mandarins. Does that mean I need to buy a bunch of canned mandarins to impress her? No. Be yourself.

What the fuck is wrong with this board, when did it turn so pedantically autistic.

It doesn't matter what you think, or what your ex wanted. He came for advice on making a good grilled cheese, not to hear about your ex's shitty idiosyncrasies.

'Sup babe. I know you like a simple grilled cheese sandwich and a vodka cranberry so I 'improved' upon it as a way of both pandering and condescending to you simultaneously. Enjoy your mozzarella in carrozza with mulled cranberry fluid gel and vodka foam and I'll present my micropenis once you've finished and washed up.'

man I've known her longer than you.
where the fuck is all this anger coming from? i didn't mean it when i said you guys were co/ck/suckers

Women care that you're thinking about them when they're not there, that you care about making them happy.

You'd know this if you'd ever had a proper relationship.

They're jealous mate.

Grilled Cheese, French Onion Soup, Caesar Salad, Creme Brulee

See Julia Child for the French stuff.

Grilled Cheese

>non-stick pan large enough to handle two slices of bread
>put in about 1t olive oil; heat to shimmering
>add 1t butter and let sizzle to almost brown
>add two slices of bread that have been liberally slathered with brown mustard
>put non-mustard side down in butter/oil mixture
>add grated cheese of choice (cheddar, guyere and parmesan all real stuff please don't even bother with that fake crap)
>medium-sliced tomato on top of one slice
>garlic powder on other
>wait until cheese melts
>carefully put one piece on top of the other and move to plate
>let cool for a bit you don't want to cut molten cheese
>cut as desired and serve

French Onion Soup

Day Before
>caramelized onions
>stock (again don't even bother with the store bought crap might as well not make it at all)
>crutons (slice bread, let dry in oven, rub with garlic clove)
>more grated cheese of choice

Day Of Assembly

>heat stock and add onions
>put in bowl preferably for onion soup purpose but either way oven proof
>float crutons on top and put cheese on top
>bake until bubbly, hit with torch if necessary

Creme Brulee

Three Days Before
>make sweet egg custard

Day Of

>take custard out of fridge bring to room temp
>sprinkle sugar on top of custard and torch until golden brown (you will need to practice this if you never have done it before)

Serve with a nice red wine.

Garlic breath? You really want to impress someone who doesn't like garlic? Move along.

threads in which people get a hair-brained idea that they'll somehow make the platonic ideal version of their gfs favourite food to win them over are really depressing because the people making them are obviously doomed to an unimpressive life. I'm just conveying that sentiment. No autism here fella.

flicking through subscription tv at a mate's once I saw an episode of Jamie Oliver's Comfort Food, his cheese toastie looked pretty bloody good, maybe give that a crack?

You have to much pent up anger and futility towards women, when was the last time you were with a woman?

Yes and clearly the best way of showing you care is taking the individual preferences and behaviours that make tj unique and turning them into a celebration of how great a boyfriend you are.

Make her a grilled cheese sandwich if she wants one. It's not a big deal. Trying to improve upon it as the centrepiece of a date is a misguided gesture.

I don't think I've expressed any anger towards women at all, I'm scornful of the op. The fact that you've retorted by suggesting I'm a jealous misogynist is quite telling really. I didn't express resentment about op's possession of a go anywhere and I certainly didn't detect it at her

You've taken an abstract argument from a individually personal situation that you have no experience with.

Your advice, your negativity is all meaningless in that context.

I'm going to go outside and get some sunshine, perhaps if you did the same you might not be so upset over the little things.

Utter hypocrisy to accuse me of extrapolation and judgmentalism and then tell me to go outside. I literally am outside as we speak.


yo seriously do this and maybe add some veggies. its fun and engaging. you win.

chocolate strawberries and champagne for dessert

lol this
you literally do not know a single thing about OP or his date, not a single line of dialogue, except that for whatever reason, he claims it's a good idea to make a fancy grilled cheese dinner.

That's not a question.

It might be a good idea, but it probably isn't. If op provided a context that convinced me it was a good idea, I'd relent, but at the end of the day when you're talking about making a 'special' grilled cheese for whatever reason, it's probably a dumb idea.

The fact that it has a question mark says otherwise.

you are a cocksucker actually

And you've just shown that you're out of arguments.

i just assumed he wanted to know how to make a grilled cheese. not one that needs to be good enough to serve in a michelin star establishment

If he meant to convey a degree of irony when he said an extravagant grilled cheese that 'makes the pussy wet' I suppose that would make sense. But come on. In that case a non-narcissist would have just started a thread saying 'how do I make a great grilled

>Fried """cheese""" general

perhaps him relaying that its for a date was unnecessary but adding flare to impress someone can certainly influence a meal. for example i always tell people to never eat pasta or messy sandwiches for a first date because it just comes off so sloppy when trying to eat it. desu i think this post might be the best suggestion in terms of actual date food. its personal, you sit close, make eye contact, laugh and whatever. i can see how it comes off as throwing "my gf" in user's faces but dates can affect what goes into a dinner.

Lobster, Monterey Jack, Avocado and Tomatoes on sourdough. Serve with caramelized onion mayo.

this desu senpai

I asked for advice on how to turn grilled cheese into a date food I don't want no flame wars T_T

It's not a flame war. I just think it's a dumb idea. making grilled
Cheeses for your gf who likes grilled cheeses is perfectly nice but it's the kind of thing you do spontaneously as a mood restorative or whatever, or the kind of thing she might teach you to make. Fancying it up for a date is a bit like if she found out you liked sonic the hedgehog and showed up in cosplay.


grilled cheese is good and all, but i wouldn't consider it dinner you dumb faggot

you think about the relationship dynamic too much. which makes me believe you've never actually been in one.

You're not as perceptive as you think you are. And I'm not scrutinising the relationship or
Making any claims that his relationship is or isn't anything in particular. I'm talking about the message you send and the atmosphere you create when you do something like that. It lacks ambition, imagination and individuality. It relies upon the 'that's so sweet' factor, and while that might be important at a certain stage in a relationship, it's pretty poor form early on.

Unless of course she just doesn't enjoy food that isn't a grilled cheese.

Now you're just contradicting yourself.

>you're not as perceptive as you think you are

If you could point out where I'm contradicting myself you might Be more

>slather it up with mayo
This meme needs to die. Tried it once. Butter is superior in every way. Shit like this is why I can't take you fuckers seriously anymore.

>tried it once
>fucked it up
>trust me i did it once.

not my fault you suck

The Mayo guys never actually have a reason/argument for why it would be better. I'm guessing it's just because they either burn the butter or don't know how to season bread themselves.

Saturated fats are obviously better for crispness.

i think it tastes better. thats my argument

Pretty weak argument.

pretty weak rebuttal

Would Veeky Forums eat a dinosaur? If yes what would be the tastiest?

i imagine since they are birds ancestors they would have meat akin to ostrich. yeeasaurus would probably be tastiests because it has the most supple memeatropes

>French onion instead of cream of tomato

Nigga please.

I think it's a dumb idea. Dinosaurs have been eating each other for millions of years. It lacks imagination. Also there's barely any meat on the bones. You won't r impressing anyone and if Jurassic park was their favourite movie growing up it might come off as clingy.

this is one of the most pathetic threads I have ever seen. Veeky Forums mentions a female and all hell breaks loose. Way to show mouth breathing and destroy a thread.

I just think it's funny to see more relationship advice than actual cooking in a Veeky Forums thread.

This is what happens when half the posters are drunk and they completely forgot what the thread topic is. Business as usual on Veeky Forums.

>drinks vodka with cranberry juice exclusively
>dating an alcoholic woman

i can already tell that she has hit the wall