Why does pork fat make me sick as shit everytime i eat it?

why does pork fat make me sick as shit everytime i eat it?

just wondering if its because im cooking or wrong or something but in every dish they always tell you to drain the fat off the top of the soup but i never do, so when i make chicken soup or whatever I always just drink the broth full of fat and im fine.

but almost without fail everytime i eat pork fat i get sick as fuck. last night i roasted a giant pork roast and i ate the delicious roasted crispy gelatinous fat part and without fail 4 hours later i felt like total shit.

is there something about pork fat that we just shouldnt eat it or is this just me who has this problem?

it's haram

>greasy food makes your tummy hurt, more news at 11


I'm relatively fit and eat pretty well, but have some southern roots and can grub on some grease.

I bet there's plenty of grease in fries, or chips, or donuts. MAyo? Hollandaise? Coconut curries? I guess I can consume large quantities of oil.

OP- I think pork fat makes me sick, too, and I didn't realize it until now. I think I'm in your camp.

Oh, and nice try on the quints.

You're probably gluten intolerant. Make sure that all the pork products you buy or eat are certified gluten-free.

You might have high blood cholesterol. Go get a blood test.

I know you're just memeing, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to reach through the internet and strangle your chubby throat with my bare hands until you orgasm and then expire.

Is there something about gluten that we just shouldn't eat or is this just me who has this problem?

>is there something about pork fat that we just shouldnt eat it or is this just me who has this problem?

It's not just you

Animal products of any kind are not meant for human consumption



Animal fats and proteins are not efficiently broke down the body, they are too acidic and create carcinogens and actually leech vitamins and minerals from our body as well as raise our cholesterol

pork rots in your intestine and causes inflammation because it's not easily broken down. People eat it anyways.. no idea why. Pig is not a meat you want to eat on a daily basis

Do you get the shits too? Have you got IBS?
It could be that you are over sensitive to fat. Or that you body is just feeling like it took a beating because a lot of fat will do that to you.

Buddy "I feel like shit" isn't very descriptive. Is it indigestion?

Pigs are full of the souls of hell.

>pork rots in your intestine and causes inflammation because it's not easily broken down.
nigga, get yourself checked out by a doctor. Pork is a lot easier on the stomache than any other meat.

If you can't handle fresh pork, there is something wrong with you, not the meat.

when u go along time without eating meat ur body gets allergic to it

only way to fix it is to detox your body

I feel like shit after I eat an entire pizza by myself, but hey, it's delicious so keep doing it

It's not pork fat. It is **SALO**. Better tastes with cold vodka, I guarantee it.

Salo means pork fat in Russian, saying it in another language doesn't make it different,better or more exotic. I bet you're American because you fucks do this shit with every foreign food.

noticed this reply went a reply with a >You so here is a >You please take care of it thank you god bless

>It's not pork fat. It is **SALO**

No it's not, it's caлo. If you're going to be a pretentious hipster about it, try to at least an authenticate pretentious hipster.

Out of all of these, IBS is most likely

Your gallbladder processes pork fat, maybe your gallbladder sucks