Got my 25k Enigma, real comfy here for a chance of being a MN in the first wave
Chant with me Veeky Forumsness bros
Damn bro, I have 72 and I bought at $5.36. please kill me.
only got 200 how much do I need to make it
Congrats in advance, bro. Just hodl with your iron hands.
Sitting at 1k ENG. It's my proudest stack
At least 10k, I think.
The number of Engima required to be a MN is dynamic, set by the devs themselves. The more transactions/sec on the network as we scale, the more MN's are required.
So don't be surprised in the future when only couple of hundred or even less is required, when we need like 100k MN or more to scale with the network to provide the secret contracts and multiple party computations.
what does ENG do?
Bought 875 at 2.40, feels good man I basically have all my crypto investment money in this and sometimes I regret not leaving it in eth but I know I just have to hodl but it's tough sometimes.