The other day my friend told me that it's bad to eat bananas that are very ripe...

The other day my friend told me that it's bad to eat bananas that are very ripe, because at that point they're mostly sugar, so much so that diabetics can't eat them when they're browning. I tend to avoid bananas that are solid yellow, or have any green, because they taste like grass to me. Pic related is the stage I prefer them at, when they have "leopard spots". Is this bad? What stage do you prefer them at?

When they are at their most firm

I hate mushy bananas.

I just buy them a dozen at a time and eat them throughout the week. I just pick the solid yellow ones so I don't have to wait, and they go spotted and soft by the end. I don't really have a preference, but I like the variety.

I eat them green, basically as green as I can get them. If they're really really fresh, I'll wait 12-24 hours since they taste like wood fresh off the tree.

Green bananas are most definitely much healthier, not only because of the absence of sugar but also because a lot of the starch is RS2 resistant starch, which is highly prebiotic and promotes the production of SFCAs in the colon more so than almost any other fiber you can find.

Yeah those people who tell me that and are diabetics avoid any and all fruit "because it has a lot of sugar" but have no problems eating a pack of sugar free cookies or diet soda "because it's sugar free".

Fruit, even if extremely sweet has something no other product offers you other than vegetables, fruit has fiber.

I prefer them with just a hint of that green twang taste.

actually the more brown it is, the more health benefits. look it up

>something no other product offers you other than vegetables

And pretty much every cereal/grain. And beans. And nuts.

>What are legumes

>What are legumes, beans, and nuts

Grains are also vegetables

>le diet soda is bad maymay

Everything is a vegetable if you're going to be like that.

Not meat, dairy, or eggs


I'm glad I'm not one of those miserable people who's worried about a banana being too sweet

>ripe bananas are bad for you!
>hi I'll have a grande frappuccino

Okay then.

The main problem is that ripe bananas taste like ass

As a competitive cyclist, over ripe bananas are actually preferred, throw them in a blender with some milk . . .yummy.

'leopard spots'are fine

coffee, tea, and alcohol are not meat, dairy, or eggs
does that mean they're fibre?

what the fuck? shut the fuck up

have you tried peeling the banana before eating it?
tastes much better that way

How do you have green bananas? Cooked or eaten like a normal banana?


Nobody implied so

Those are heavily processed liquids

What does that have to do with meat and eggs