What's the difference between flapjacks, pancakes, hoecakes, and griddlecakes?

What's the difference between flapjacks, pancakes, hoecakes, and griddlecakes?


they all make shitty birthday cakes.


They're all for cucks. Everyone knows a hung-dick man eats Belgian waffles made with poundcake batter.

>Playing favoritism
Pancakes and waffles do not need to fight each other.

I don't know what the last two are but you have to be a retard not to know the difference between pancakes and flapjacks just by looking at them.

The only one that is actually different are hoecakes. Hoecakes are made from a cornmeal batter. Everything else is a pancake by a different name.

The dialect.

why do we have 4 different names for one item of breakfast food and yet only love describes love?

Because breakfast is more common than love.

Flapjacks are made with oats, golden syrup, sugar and butter.

They're not remotely similar to the others you mentioned.

what about a Dutch Baby or German Pancake?

That's just a yorkshire pudding.

hoecakes are made of cornmeal, the rest are the same thing made with flour and a chemical leavening agent

flapjacks and pancakes are the same

griddlecakes are some faggotry so named by vermonters who only know how to suck dick

and hoecakes, well, hoes got to eat too

They're all open faced syrup or butter breakfast sandwiches. The difference is unimportant.

Flap jacks are often made with oats in addition to standard pancake batter.

hoecakces and griddlecakes are literally just pancakes by a different name.

They're called that because pioneers in the old days would just have cakes of fried on whatever the fuck they had handy, whether it was a pan, griddle, or even a flat sheet of metal over a fire.

Maybe originally, but since we're all taking about fried dough made over a flat cooking surface then the specific recipe involved in making them is more of a matter of specific vernacular or history.

Out here in West Virginia we have buckwheat pancakes.

hoecakes is what ur mom makes

flapjacks are what lumberjacks eat

pancakes are what moms serve their kids on weekends

hotcakes are what they serve at McDonald's

griddlecakes I've never heard of but it sounds pretentious so it's probably just made by and for hipsters

is that a new pokemon

It's name is Pansnake.

I can't stop thinking about those johnny cakes


Hoecakes, not hotcakes.

no hoecakes are cornbread. you got the etymology right though. also called johnny cakes because soldiers rations

I;m thinking about thos Johnnycakes

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