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Food and Cooking
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Food and Cooking #77
Food and Cooking
Studies show vegans have significantly higher rates of mental health issues
How to gain weight fast?
Would you consider this a real pizza?
Hey guys what do you like to do with these buggers?
Co/ck/tail general
I need your help, felllow Veeky Forumss...
Going to Taco Bell soon
Mormon no more. Don't talk about it. Basically, never had tea nor coffee
What's in your usual grocery run?
What is the Dark Souls of cooking?
Mushy rice
Kill all vegans
What are some sweets that you absolutely cant enjoy eating? Cotton Candy makes me feel sick
This new packaging has tripled my sour cream consumption
Taco Bell "Steak"
Hello cu/ck/s, I am a Culinary Student and I was hoping a generous user cold help me pick out an excellent knife set
So hey, Veeky Forums...
Mortadella sandwich
What does bear taste like?
Why do people have such a problem with chewing with your mouth open? It aerates the food
My dinner tonight
What's the weirdest thing you've ever ordered at an Asian restaurant?
Dutch Foods
Hello Veeky Forums
My girl gonna make some sloppy Joe's with cheese
Let's make Micheladas
If I offered Veeky Forums this, would you eat it?
What is most slices of pizza you've eaten in one sitting?
I've never tasted these bad boys before. what am i in for, Veeky Forums?
What would you get Veeky Forums?
What's his name again Veeky Forums?
Pregnant bitches
How was the food at your college dining hall, Veeky Forums?
Is this actually good or are the hipster clickbait links on facebook playing tricks on me...
Has anyone tried meat analogues before? Do they taste good at all?
What cheese are you enjoying this Sunday morning?
Who else prefers cheese bread with marinara sauce to pizza?
Anyone have any old cook books? I've another from a couple hundred years ago somewhere around here, too
What do you think of this pizza Veeky Forums ?
I want to become a sushi chef
Meme Butter
Why do Americans pretend to like Japanese food?
I just found a huge mexican cucumber plant in my yard. i had no idea such a thing existed...
My dad's dead. help me choose
How do i cook for one
Why are peanut butter cookies the best?
2.50 each way to travel on the subway
I'm trying to eat healthier but i hate the taste of veggies
Hey Veeky Forums inviting my chef brother to my house for a week and would really love to show off my pantry to him...
What is the secret to good buscuits?
What's the best hot dog brand?
Be honest Veeky Forums, how much are ya eating in a day? We all know you're breaking 2k...
I hate the term
Is there any type of cuisine that you just don't get?
Mfw there are never any nice goddamn lagers in any bar ever but there are literally twenty kinds of oatmeal coffee...
In which I try a take-n-bake pizza
A Real “Shitty” Restaurant
Whats the most pretentious culinary buzzword?
First dinner : Baked chicken fingers
Veeky Forums here, never been here before. How is this pizza compared to conventional pizza?
This fuckin shit's delicious, who else has tried this?
Who has the best tasting weiner? I usually eat Nathan's, but I'd like something new for a change
Are buying paper towels for cleaning my countertops worth it...
Cooking with Evilroot - Father's Day Mushrooms!
What went right? I drink about 2 of these a night and have been for the last 8 years
My co workers keep eating my snacks and i tell them please don't eat my snacks my wife will kill me and they laugh and...
My 2000 cal dinner. Delicious. What you think?
I saw on a fabric softener commercial that dryers get hot enough to cook ribs... and that got me to thinking
What does Veeky Forums think of her?
Hot Sauce
Is Veeky Forums vegan friendly?
Glass vs Aluminium
I am afraid of cooking fish, Veeky Forums. How do I get over my fears?
People that make sounds while eating
Anyone have some ideas/recipes for amazing mac n' cheese...
What's for lunch, Veeky Forums?
Does your mom cook good?
Just quit my job at Five Guys after two months
You're in the club when this guy comes up and says he only eats local sourced, non-gmo, crulity free, vegan...
Lmao if you don’t immediately hand one of these to your waiter when you go out to eat
Why don't you have a hot boyfriend who brings you home delicious sushi from work every day, Veeky Forums?
ITT: Words only fatties use
Is this the best vegetable?
Gif recipes/"tasty" thread v.2
M&M's might disappear from McFlurrys, Blizzards and sundaes
Fast Food Drive-Thrus
Are truffles overrated?
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
What's the point of cooking?
How did waiters and waitresses come to be so entitled?
Is organic food a scam?
Ok I know some people say that there really is no "authentic Chinese food" because actual authentic chinese food is...
Does ck have the most cucked janitors of any board?
So this is a meme liquor, right? I just don't get it
Why do fruit smoothies on an empty stomach seem to pass through in a matter of seconds and give me diarrhea? :(
Foods that you enjoy but won't let your senpai catch you eating
Help me not hate flan
Share your pancake recipes
Are you eating enough greens Veeky Forums?
Hey Veeky Forums what's your opinion on BBQ pitboy
Last night's prawn curry, anyone interested?
You're stuck on an island that only has a lifetime's supply of the world's hottest pepper (pic related) at your...
Ladies and gentlemen, your 2016 Most Disappointing Fruit Runner-Up is
What would you expect here?
Chicken or beef?
Wing night
What should I do with roughly 4kg of tuna?
What is the worst beer you've ever had?
Best way to eat this kreb?
Are anchovies the most patrician pizza topping?
Al/ck/ thread #6billion
What would you add to this? I'm thinking some chopped bacon, shredded cheddar cheese, black pepper...
Does Mexico have a High End cuisine or a proper complicated dish variation?
What's the best way to cook a steak, Veeky Forums?
Reviewing Pepsi Cola 1893 Edition
To anyone who's ever worked on the food industry/a restaurant, what's the worst kind of client you can think of?
Reminder that June 18th is international Sushi day
Why is it okay to eat pigs but not dogs?
Recipe requires just egg yolk or white
Some USA products appeared in my local supermarket, and so I bought some of the most famous ones...
Who's hungry?!
Burg Thread
Should vegans get some degree of government assistance since they are not helping destroy the planet as much and...
Dominos in Germany
Do you ever eat fast food for breakfast?
Salt and pepper, I think, is honestly man's greatest invention. Suttle...
How do you like them pizza
Does Veeky Forums like Nigella?
Why the fuck is it so hard to find mackerel anywhere. Tilapia and trout are all over, i can even find mahi-mahi...
Most frustrating cooking experiences
Pickle discussion
What do they cook here?
What is the best tasting exotic sea creature?
Pourable Pizza
Cucumber is so fucking good desu
What can I make with these that involves the least amount of ingredients? Don't really have much in the pantry
Best McDonald's products?
What can I do with this Veeky Forums?
How does /ck prepare hotdogs?
New Masao Vid
Name a better sub joint, you can't. Mike's makes the best subs with the freshest ingreds. Prove me wrong...
How can I make my chocolate milk more thirst-quenching? I usually drink about a half gallon a day...
Favorite drink
Flyover OC
Why do Americans use retarded measurements like cups and ounces for cooking?
Fried chicken
Vegetarian for 2 years
What's your favorite fast food burger?
Is there a better sandwich chain?
Who /dumpsterdiving/ here?
You guys ever steal from the grocery store?
Ahhh, nothing like a vendor buying some catered lunch for us
Are fruit juices actually healthy or are they a sugar meme? I've been buying OJ and drinking it like water lately
I got invited to go out with some friends. There will be the typical socializing, drinking and dancing
Why is dark rye bread so damned good?
The oat paradox: they are good for you, but miserable to eat without an overload of sweetener. What's the solution?
How to make this food taste right? I don't know if I'm fucking it up everytime I do this or if it just isn't for me
Give me recipes for frozen tilapia I have a ton that I got for cheap
Tuna question
Anyone else degrease their pizza
Be french
What is the single greatest ingredient in all of cooking history and why is it tomatoes?
Each State's Most Distinctive Cuisine
Flour shell "soft" tacos, or corn shell "hard" tacos—which are better, Veeky Forums?
Is there any better instant noodles than these?
Fucking what? When did those cockjockeys reduce the alc content in Teddies to 4.4%/1.2 standard drinks?
Today, Veeky Forums, I present to you
Gif recipes/"tasty" thread
Eat more Taco Bell, faggots
I could really go for a bucket of KFC original recipe right now
Redpill me on cookware...
What's Veeky Forums Cooking Right Now
Have acid reflux
Food Cringe Thread
Anyone have insights into getting into the pizza game?
I know that Chinese food is gross
Case fucking closed, shitters
Rachael Ray General
Say my name
Hello friends, time for another episode of me penetrating objects that are meant to be in your mouth; I Fuck Food...
How do I make tiki marsala?
Told my female friend that I can definitely outdrink her. In reality, I'm a pussy and alcohol makes me gag. Obviously...
Favorite Fast Food Chain?
New York Essentials
Make some curry last night because I wanted to try it
I made some kielbasa pizza tonight
Hello friends, time for another episode of me penetrating objects that are meant to be in your mouth; I Fuck Food
Been meaning to try scrapple. What can I expect?
Anyone else enjoy the humble potato, by itself? Some like french fries or potato chips...
Holy shit Veeky Forums I just bought some bone-in split chicken breast with skin instead of the regular boneless...
/alc/ general
Subway favorites thread
Cultured meat
Hi Veeky Forums, what do you think of my pizza?
ITT Offbrands that taste better than the thing they're ripping off
Am I experiencing a glitch in the matrix?
Mod implement autoban for all 'za and 'cha posters
Pizza delivery
So Veeky Forums, what are your most hated meme foods, dishes, buzzwords and ingredients included? Sriracha for me
Does Veeky Forums like the midwestern staple food, made rights?
Post your favourite cocktail
So I was just given a pork shoulder. I have no fucking clue what to do with it. Any suggestions or ideas?
Fuck pickles
We are having a dip competition at work tomorrow and I have not been able to find anything inspiring online so far
Poll: best cooking youtube channel
Enchilada sauce does not have tomatoes in it
Who's hungry?!
Heinz tomato beans with...?
Every bite of a taco must have sour cream
Wendy's appreciation thread
I'm the dude who took a job at a new restaurant partially based on advice from you fucks...
Mornin' hon, what can I get chya'll?
Wanna learn how to cook Japanese noodles. Ramen and Udon. Is it worth it?
"Taco bell isnt real mexican food"
What would you order?
Out of money until the next pay period
When you take it all onto consideration I doubt there is a better food on earth than reference bean
About to visit Vietnam and stay there for couple of months, any advice what food should i eat and try to made there?
Help me out here Veeky Forums
Would you agree that the banana is the best fruit?
Post the best kind of chips you eat
I'm not falling for it. nice try
Taco Soup
Why do black people always order Hi-C with no ice at McDonald's?
What are you drinking tonight?
What isn't worth making homemade
You know what would be a cool trend?
Thoughts on sapporo ichiban? At 99 cents a pop I think it's the best noodles you can get for the price
In Oregon for the weekend. This stuff is pretty good although I do think Cabot is better...
What is the cheapest and easiest way for me to mask the taste of this shit so that I can get drunk off of it?
Food cringe
Yeah they're all shit, but which one is the best?
15 lbs of Chicken Breast
Hello friends, time for another episode of me penetrating objects that are meant to be in your mouth; I Fuck Food
I have to eat fast food for the next few weeks (don't ask me why) and it's completely fucking disgusting
Ask a McDick's employee anything
How much does garlic cost in your country?
Do you pour your chips onto a plate or grab them?
Why does the U.S. hate food?
Daily reminder that burritos are a variation of tacos and as authentic as al pastor
When memes go to far
Vodka & Gin
What's the best tasting fish? I heard fish is really healthy and I want to start eating it...
Brain Food
Slavic cuisine
Tea Thread
Using Food as medicine
Why is it that a gastronomic abortion suddenly becomes an exalted cultural achievement when it's served by and consumed...
This burger contains beef, bacon, blue cheese, grilled onions, some green stuff, and barbecue sauce
Is having a private chef invasive? I feel like I wouldn't be able to relax in my own home because he would be there...
Is umami a meme?
Physical symptoms caused by stress of being a vegan activist
What is your perfect tuna fish sandwich? I always just have a very basic tuna, mayo...
Hey co/ck/s tonight we are making fish pie an getting drunk
Is there no depth to cooking or am I on Mount Stupid? Is there anything particularly challenging to prepare?
What's the best ice cream brand/flavor, Veeky Forums?
A properly cooked egg, no chance of salmonella, and tastes way better than that raw runny yolk...
Would you eat 70+ year old military rations, Veeky Forums?
People are actually voting for the gape soda, grape being the worst flavor ever invented, over the delicious Baja Blast
Poorfag food
Drink milk
Have you ever cooked for a gal (or a fella if you're gay or a [spoiler] whore [/spoiler]?
Post common foods that look so disgusting to you that you never tried them
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
Why is this stuff so effing good? it's like swiss, but different
What's your favorite cheese to have on bread? No toasting allowed
Feijoada meat
Here's what they've given me on my flight
Kawell in the Kitchen: Just some dinner edition
Coffee addiction
God Tier Cookbooks
What is wrong with Australians? I'm visiting Adelaide on business and the wine here is the worst kind of filth
ITT: Uni-taskers you shamelessly use
ITT: proof that America absolutely dominates the beer world
What a Fedora Imagines When He Orders Black Coffee
Hi friends, this is a series I'm going to be posting of me fucking food and rating them. Hope you enjoy
What kind of establishment would work best on a main street in a uni town with a court house center that has 2 hot dog...
Let's go vegan for a month
Grocery store thread
What are you fags eating?
Meat Spin, part Deux
What do you think of this Chinese-American food, Veeky Forums?
I live in asia, but fell in love with american hot sauces after being gifted some of them...
Veeky Forums potluck
Hey guys, I'm trying out a carb free/very low carb diet. anyone have any good recipes that are carb free?
ITT post meme food that you like
Wtf is wrong with america... this shit is real
Yfw taco bell is keeping the beefy crunch burrito on the menu
Why is watermelon the best thing to have in the summer?
What does Veeky Forums like to eat in the complimentary (not continental, retards) breakfast?
#WorldMeatFreeDay 2016
Ok, so I'm just asking if you guys think my plan is feasible
Fuck. I made lasagna but forgot it on the table for 4 hours, so I had to throw it away...
Holy shit is there any more worthless fruit than raisins...
Fast food. Which is your favorite, which is the worst, why?
Can we have a banquet thread?
Thoughts on Kombucha?
The burgers you make at home never taste as good as the pre-made frozen ones!
Which cheese pairs best with turkey?
Stand mixer
Do i put the egg in with the water or after?
Who here /jarlsberg/?
What does Veeky Forums spend the most money on, food-wise? Do you keep a budget?
Hey Veeky Forums, what are some weird yet tasty food combinations?
First time eating non-instant ramen
Outside of Mexico, what other countries have god tier breakfast options?
What're your thoughts on designer water? Pic very related
How did I fuck up?
Differences in cooking/baking across countries
Chinese Take Out
Thinking about trying Popeye's for the first time. What's the master race order?
What is your signature dish, Veeky Forums? What do you like to cook when you have to make food for other people...
Can anybody explain how she eats so fucking much?
Who the hell has the time to make stock?
I'll bite: how am I meant to season food?
What why
I seriously hope you don't do this
Let's talk about vegan and vegetarian cooking recipes
What's the hottest pepper you can enjoy raw?
Cold Pizza
What does Veeky Forums think of Sriracha Hot Sauce?
The hard shell taco is the superior form of the classic Mexican dish
Which country has top-tier traditional breakfast?
Who's hungry?!
Kebab thread
Missed chains
Five guys opened right next door to my house
Microwave Feasts
When I hang out with my black friends we eat at Wendy's, when I hang out with my white friends we eat at Taco Bell
Between meat lovers and veggie lovers pizza, which would you choose?
Knife Thread
This is supposedly the best 'za available in my city
Pancake thread
Hey cu/ck/s, where were you when you had the best beer you've ever tried? What was it?
Top sliced hot dog buns
Diet soda
What's the most awesome protein?
Beer general
Tell me everything you know about this man
Is the French Laundry still worth it?
Vegan food
It takes 10 years of samurai training to learn to put a slice of raw fish on a clump of rice
ITT: shit you see all the time that nobody actually likes: junk food edition. Starting out with Munchos...
Corn hate thread
Thoughts on this?
What toppings to you put on your Tacos?
Going to cook up some filet mignon on a pan on stove. Want to know how long I should cook for rare...
What does Veeky Forums think of Nigella? Serious replies only please
Al/ck/ thread #who cares?
This is absolutely the worst restaurant I've ever eaten in my life. You're lazy, you're stupid...
Hey guys I work out regulary, which means I eat a lot of turkey/chicken breast. Which are starting to become boring
Ok my mom said I need to lose weight or I get my steam subscription cut off
Healthy Eatting
What do you think of my appetizer plate, Veeky Forums?
Shitty Eaters
Opinions on Persian cuisine?
I have a shitloaf of potatoes and I want to use them. What can I make with them beside mashed taters and baked potatoes?
Wings are the perfect food. Yummy
Whenever i see a white person eating sushi, i just mash it all over his/hers plate
What are some American summer classics? I'm a big fan of ham hocks and beans, personally
What are you ordering?
Answer me this Veeky Forums
Chicago deep dish pizza thread. Post your experience with then, post pictures of them...
Have you ever seen someone try to disguise bought food as their own cooking?
Costco pizza
I've just discovered these
How to cook vegetables?
Spicy foods
Lads, I've got two rump steaks to eat. Anything creative/tasty I can do with them?
If you don't think frankenfood based on weird powders, campbell's soup mix, and hamburger helper is the best thing ever...
Simple but Tasty Foods
How many days do you eat meat in a row Veeky Forums?
Want to impress a girl i've been seeing for a few weeks, what should i do with these?
Who else on Veeky Forums is tired of the food truck meme?
What's your favorite fruit? Mine's date palms
Hey Veeky Forums bros
Why is this even allowed?
The Real Reason Your Food Takes So Long
I had a ton of conflict with my roommates over all things cooking - like cleaning, shared food...
Veeky Forums, I'm looking for the ultimate snacking food. Just something to eat while reading, playing video games...
Can I post yet?
What are some good poor people foods?
Get 20 chickens for my backyard because I love eggs
So I just fucked up I think...
I bought a bottle of Absolut as my first liquor to try for my 21st birthday and I still haven't cracked it open and...
I'm going to myrtle Beach for a week and I've only got $200 for food, what do?
Is black garlic a meme food?
Is salt the heroin of foods?
What eat now
Is there a more refined and adult version of lunchables...
Does anyone here enjoy eating pig faces?
Wendy's is better than Five Guys
"I don't actually cook" tier
What is the most useful tool in a professional kitchen in your opinion
Go for my $5 ham and swiss sandwich from Subway
How come sometimes when I'm eating a sausage there will be hard bits?
Order water cup
Why can't vegans eat oysters? They're healthy, sustainable, good for the environment...
How do I activate my almonds properly? I've tried but they dont do anything
Which is the better drink?
What's a good recipe for tacos with chicken?
White people =/= beans??????
Rate my food
Why does everyone on Veeky Forums try so hard to seem healthy/skinny and have to disclaimer every post in a junk...
Memes aside, best nut right here
How to cook pasta
Staying at a friend's for a few days. Snuck down in the morning and took some pictures of his fridge and kitchen
Looking for the most sea-like scotch
Time to bragg
Are burgers and sandwiches the same meal but the ingredients are prepared differently?
Awful, just awful
What do YOU know about good fruit punch?
Should I be embarrassed if I order something from the kid's menu?
eating salami out of the pack
General Opinion on Boar's Head Products
I love hamburger helper but I hate meat. Yuck, disgusting, blech. Who could stand that stuff?
Le creuset
Meet gf
Pick one
Into the oven you go!
Post something you cooked recently
One little bread roll has hundreds of carbohydrates
Is Krispy kreme still in business? I heard they were on the way out
I'm currently in Chicago for the food. What should I eat first? Open to any suggestions
Low amperage cooking
ITT: Unpopular food opinions
Kawell in the Kitchen: Pesto Tagliatelle with Red Cabbage Soup
Do Dennys chefs have a harder job then gourmet chefs?
Beer Can Chicken
What are some good cooking/restaurant related shows? like pic related or kitchen nightmares
Does Veeky Forums approve of stouffers mac and cheese?
What's your guys general opinion on American cheese?
Webm thread
Never trust a woman with cookin meat
I was wondering if its possible to bring my own sauce to mcdonalds
Is it true that fat is bad for you...
Just inherited $250k.... what kind of restaurant should I start...
ITT: Discontinued food/drink you want back
ITT: post your favorite snack
I'm staying in Austria and the pizza I just ate had stones in the olives...
Help Veeky Forums my anus can't stop burning whenever I eat spicy food
So last Sunday, my church was having communion...
Why are 'biscuits' so popular in America? Aren't they just scones?
What do you think of this pizza, Veeky Forums?
Best Ketchup Brand?
Why do you think some extremists are so obsessed with telling others what to eat and drink?
Anyone else tried putting mayo in their guac?
Tfw you're up at 6am to make your spouse a delicious full english breakfast before they even wake up
What made France so much more influential back a few hundred years ago when it came to "high cuisine" as opposed to...
You fuckin' hipsters have gone too far
I've been sick with an infection for the past month and have consumed little food...
What food does this picture remind you of Veeky Forums?
Has anyone ever tried losing weight with worms...
I just ordered a 10 piece nugget, boots only. They obliged
Don't ask why but I can't get to most of my food, all I have is a faucet, a bowl...
The Great Debate
Puts oil in pasta water
Savory flavors
Has anyone here actually tried the Gordon Ramsay meme method of scrambled eggs?
Veeky Forums, when I was a young lad I lived in Indiana...
Does Veeky Forums like sugar in their grits?
Who do you trust more when buying pizza delivery...
Veeky Forums what's wrong with deviled eggs?
Are you ready for the "microbrew canned coffee" trend?
What's your favorite thing you own in your kitchen?
If pork is from pigs and beef is from cows, and turkey is from turkeys (obviously), then what animal is pepperoni from?
How do you make a good, old-fashioned, greasy, dive-bar burger?
Are you a slow eater or a fast eater? I like to pace myself and slowly finish a meal...
What's for supper, Veeky Forums?
Was your mommy a good cook?
Like mushrooms
Tasting menu at PAKTA in Barcelona
Hard cider
Holy shit this is 3 threads in a row. Help me Veeky Forums...
ITT: meme foods
Post your favourite non-alcoholic carbonated beverage
Regional foods thread
Is ordering a burger at a place that is obviously not a burger joint degenerate...
Obese Muslim here. I am from the UAE...
Veeky Forums humor thread
First time dropping by
At like 1:40... does she really say chicken dick?
Spicy Food
Not having it blue
Hey Veeky Forums
We haven't had a cooking cringe thread in a while
Orange juice thread
I just ate a whole box of donut holes for breakfast...
What's your favourite iced desert Veeky Forums?
BBQ Thread
My best mate is a chef and he's entering a serious competition in a few months
Veeky Forums, you must chose. Crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
Why hasn't turkey overtaken chicken as the dominant poultry? Just look at all that delicious plumage
Pretty much my life
This guy comes into your kitchen and asks you to make your best dish
Japanese curry thread
Show us your kitchen, Veeky Forums
Hey Veeky Forums, remember Lunchables? Did you like them?
Rice Cooker
Silver Fish
What's your best recipe for a simple tomato sauce?
Your favorite healthy vegan recipes?
What effect will Trump's wall have on the restaurant industry?
Everything is coated in some kind of super-ballistic aramid fiber that clumps up in your throat...
As we can see here, there is really no reason to use cast iron
Collegefag cooking, sharing some recipes?
What would you add to a plain cheese sandwich?
Retarded burger concepts
With all this bomb ass food why are crazy starving themselves?
Restaurant has open soda fountain
Any german here? Do you like fermented vegetables...
Share desserts you like
I have 4 mangoes that are at the cusp of being too ripe...
Pizzaburger Hotdog
What are your favorite foods when you're sad?
Hey Veeky Forums. I'm making fries with some shitty breaded fish for my brothers. Come watch me
Let me get a McPick 2!!!
When you're peeling vegetables do you move the peeler towards or against you? Is there a superior way?
Post photos of local markets
At Sonic
How do I learn how to cook? I plan to move out in a year or two, and I want to learn life skills
Why isn't this board cancer-filled with patrician/cancer culture like all the other boards are...
How do you like your tomatoes?
What are some cheap tasty meal hacks you've created?
How many of you like Shakshuka?
Ok im trying to lose weight. Every night I drink a 40oz of steel reserve which is 8.1% alcohol...
What's Buffalo Wild Wings best wings?
Hello everyone, and welcome to Cooking with Papyrus, in today's episode we'll be preparing, well, Spaghetti of course!
At what age will you start to not give a fuck about your weight and just eat whatever you want and do all the drugs you...
Which restaurant makes better chicken? KFC vs Popeyes
I just looooove bagels
How do you brew your loose-leaf tea?
Is it even fucking possible to make good fish and chips at home?
I know how you guys feel about hipster ketchup but have you tried green hipster ketchup?
British food
Slimcados are delicious
I'm going to eat the shit out of this cake now
Drinking black coffee
Who else loves po' boys?
Dish washing
Who the fuck actually drinks this shit? Have any of you tried it?
So what's the deal with air fryers?
Whatever happened to Boston Market? I never see them anymore, it used to be the greatest place to eat...
Russian man with a passion for hotdogs
/ecg/ - Espresso/Coffee General
How do I cook one of these? I know they don't have much fat so I need to find a way to keep them moist...
What's the best low carb things to eat, I'm doing Atkins and wanna die
I have some boneless chicken breasts and don't know what to make with them. Help a brother out
What color kitchenaid should I get?
Youtube cooking channel run by a man
Mah Burger
Soda General
What does Veeky Forums think about this chain? Shit? Decent? Good? I just think they have to lay off the salt a bit
Sup Ja/ck/s, just got 2 cans of this sardines, are they any good?, with crackets, salt and pepper only...
What is THAT?! Good God. I wouldn't feed this slop to my dog. I've completely lost my apetite. I'm going to vomit...
What would you buy from this store?
Why are there so many Houstonfags on Veeky Forums?
Sacher Torte
What's the best thing to do after accidently consuming raw meat?
Cooking with Dog
I just got a new job in a kitchen at a fancy place and I think its about time I got my own good knife...
Do you like Matty? I like Matty
Give me 5 GOOD reasons why anyone should go vegan?
What's with the obsession over "meal prep" lately? shit seems autistic to me. pic related
Starting to make kiwi smoothies
Is cooking an art or a trade?
Does dieting actually work?
Why Is My Cooking So Slow?
Alright cu/ck/s, I'd be really glad if you guys would help me out with something
Try to quit
Mmmm I just looove espresso
Anyone got any good buffet or Golden Corral stories?
Where did this "coffee + butter is sooo good" meme came from? did you try it?
Why is the orange such a shit fruit? It is complicated to eat, unlike the banana...
Dorritos are just flavored tortilla chips
Bought some prunes today at the market mostly on a whim/joke
Has anyone tried Lionfish? They started selling it at alot of wholefoods in my area, and im not a huge fish guy...
How do you make a philly cheesesteak? Also, beginner recipes?
Candy questions for Swedish people
Rice and beans on a Budget
Monsanto and chemical food
What's the purpose of a decanter? it seems redundant
Post weird fruit
How do I eat avocado, Veeky Forums?
Do we all agree that dark chocolate is a meme and that milk chocolate is superior because it actually tastes good?
Weird Homemade Foods
Lets have a food abomination thread
I'm making sushi
Going to make beef stew tomorrow
I got a bottle of America last night and the dopey bartender handed me this
We are all in agreement that Potbelly's is the best sandwich chain, correct?
This might sound really stupid but, is there any simple dish that can be made by a blind person...
We produce far more food than we need...
Non-Alcoholic Options at Bars
Who here knows that NY'ZA is the best 'za inda world? POST YOUR NY"ZA HERE!
Help Me Make a BLT
Have you ever had to do the walk of shame?
What's your favorite frozen pizza? Pic related
Cute Asians Eating Too Much Food
Kawell in the Kitchen: Pork Stuffed Buns Edition
One gotta go
When at the grocery store...
That Guy who thinks hes the grill master at a local bbq, and keeps pushing down and squishing the patties
Anyone bought one of those monbento bento boxes?
Alright Veeky Forums, a wealthy entrepreneur approaches you about opening a restaurant
Best quick noodle soup?
Everybody says that 'go 'za isn't real 'za. Then what is?
How do you make iced coffee at home?
What ingredients do you like to add to bolognese sauce?
Am I the only one that destroys my body with shitty vodka like this?
ITT food you're not sure how to eat or maneuver into your mouth
'go 'za
Fuck ups thread
What does the inside of your microwave look like Veeky Forums?
So I went to Schwartz's today, and it was frankly pretty disappointing, rather dry and not like I remember
I was planning on cooking a chicken dish with my mom and she suggested to marinade the chicken...
Everybody says that Panda Express sn't real chinese food. Then what is?
Ok Veeky Forums, i'm going to tell you some things. I do hope you'll take it to heart
I love cooking when hungover. What will it be?
Cheap food that's actually good
What fruit feels most like a vagina? I just had a lychee for the first time and it felt really vagina-ey...
ITT: Unforgivable food sins. I'll start
Are insects a meme or do they actually taste good?
Find out it's pronounced "pro-zhoot"
I'm going to bake some homemade taquitos, how do I keep the corn tortilla from unwrapping itself?
Why aren't you grilling out doors right now? What is your excuse?
This man critiques your dish and gives it a 2.2/10
Terrible Restaurants in your town that quickly closed
Everybody says that Taco Bell isn't real mexican food. Then what is?
Webm thread?
I saw this shit in a Whole Foods in NYC, and what the fuck. This is 11 dollars for a bottle the side of my palm
What actually is the problem with "chicago style"?
Aww shit, what hotdog should I get?
Ballast point > Rogue > Stone
Dining alone? do you?
I fucking love brie but I only ever eat it plain on crostinis. What else can I do with it?
British Cuisine
What's the big deal with pizza...
Do Europeans get excited when they see American candy?
How the fuck do I make mayonnaise? Is there any bulletproof recipe for this? When I tried making it for the first time...
Matcha green tea
Chef here
What do you think of this chicken parm, Veeky Forums?
Today, we will be making a grilled cheese
What does Veeky Forums eat when they're sick
ITT: standalone fruits
Remember when wings were considered garbage and you could buy huge trays of them for a couple of bucks...
Is the HSP a purely Australian phenomenon, or can you get them overseas as well?
Jesus christ I always thought chopping onions and crying was some kind of meme, but this is awful...
What does ck think of this man?
Is a Hot Dog a sandwich?
Why do Americans love casserole dishes with tons of potato, canned vegetables and processed chees...
Any current or former hospitality fags on Veeky Forums?
They say it was amazing that humans learned to drink cows' and goats' milk: "I think I'll pull on that animal's dangly...
The best way to eat pizza is day old and cold
Has anybody got ideas for big batch meals? I'm looking to make a big ass batch of something...
I've seen the Alinea balloon posted a lot, accompanied by disdain and derision. My question is why...
Why does Veeky Forums hate ketchup? It's easily the best condiment
How much ketchup should I put on this?
Why is the Veeky Forums administration so bad?
Claims to like pickles
I'm considering starting my days with 'bagel & bacon'
What's worse?
Dutch Cuisine
How does one cook sausage in a pan?
Fight me
Domino's GOAT
Anti-Big Mac Posters btfo
Have Americans gone too far?
/bg/ - beer general
Are dollar steaks worth it?
Would you eat this?
What exactly is Black cuisine?
Webm thread?
Polish food thread?
I just got 5 ears of corn for $1. What the hell do I do with this?
ITT: shit that you just cannot stop eating
My wife and I are opening a bakery we're calling Sugarcube Corner. Aside from standard things like cookies, cupcakes...
What are some other "mini foods" I can eat?
Orders food to go
Going to Subway later tonight, what should I order. I was thinking the Chicken Bacon Ranch with extra bacon
Discuss the Philadelphia cheesesteak
What a Fedora Imagines When He Orders Black Coffee
OK here's the deal, I'm out of oil and butter and I need to fry up some hot dogs...
Why do Americans act like eating healthy is such a commitment
Welcome to our next stop anons! Glad most of us made it out alive...
What can you say about a person who makes something like this ?
I came to conclusion that everybody can make a good spaghetti sauce...
Going to be hitting the bottle pretty hard tonight, what should I buy? Beer and liquor are tonights plans...
Best Hot Sauces
I don't like the texture
Not having National Donut Day
What are you eating?
Live in Europe
How did Chicago deep dish become the ultimate, dank Veeky Forums meme???
I quitting soda, what are some alternatives to drink instead
Anyone else despise food being served like this?
What do you guys think of Chick fil A?
Is fennel a meme vegetable? Tastes like sugar
Place your order, Veeky Forums
My friend gifted me a bunch of home grown jalapeno's and I need a way to either preserve them or use them in a dish
You're on death row about to be executed: What will you request for your last meal?
Supper, Veeky Forums; you?
I really want to make coffee gelatin, and I know it's going to taste disappointing but I want to try it anyway
Dinner thread general
What's your favorite kind of sandwich, Veeky Forums?
Haven't been here for a while but made some awesome cottage pie and thought I would share some OC dinner time pics...
Ask a registered dietitian/clinical nutritionist anything
This was the menu of a food truck as one of those EDM festivals I went to early this year
How long does mayo stay fresh? I've been using the same jar since last August
Is anyone here a fan of Peruvian food? It seems to be getting a lot of fame recently...
I only taste chocolate ice cream
Absolute disgust thread
New viet' place opened up near me w/ bubble tea and pho. based on pics does it look dank?
Sandwich General
How do I make my plates look pretty Veeky Forums
What does Veeky Forums think of the new pepsi?
Normal question: Why are you still eating animal product?
Chocolate bread
Best Burgie condiment
First 3 ingredients in heinz ketchup: tomato concentrate , distilled vinegar, high fructose corn syrup
Who has the best cheese in the US?
Veeky Forums Horror Stories
Childproofing cookie dough
You're stuck in a hotel room for 2 weeks with only 40 bucks for food and a microwave. What do you buy?
Do you cut the root off of your garlic clove or do you not give a shit?
Favorite frozen pizzas and why
Hi Veeky Forums!
How do you feel about "mirror cakes?"
Pizza Toppings
Veeky Forums is the worst board
When the person at chipotle doesn't know how to properly wrap a burrito
Recipe thread
I grew up poor. I made this sandwich a lot as a kid
Is Jollibee any good? There's one opening up in city in Canada
Why are my co-workers making fun of me
Be honest guys, how fat are you?
Outrunning a Hangover
Why does everyone eat this bread?
British Cuisine
Ever have dinner food for breakfast?
The new taco bel quesalpa was discontinued :(. That was the most delicious fast food I ever had. My life was complete
Is this rich people soda? I could not tell the difference
How to properly detox from liquor. I have 1.75 litres, what increments and timing should I shoot?
Which cheese is closest to the cheese they use at McDonald's...
Today I am going to make grilled pulled chicken with coleslaw and corn on the cob
Would canned beer still be good after a year in the fridge?
Salting a meat 12-24 hours before cooking it will dry out the meat
Bad tacos
Knife essentials
How long is oil good for after you use it to fry stuff...
How do you make the ultimate quesadilla?
Mods, delete this board please
Redpill me on MSG pretty please
Subway orders
Food That Makes You Shit
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games