Just quit my job at Five Guys after two months.
Ask me anything, faggots.
Just quit my job at Five Guys after two months.
Ask me anything, faggots.
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Where do you live
Got a better job in software testing. It's a desk-monkey job that literally pays the same, but in a nice clean office from 9-5 instead of a spurting grease trap from 5-midnight. No one stays in fast food for very long unless they are utterly trapped financially (young people who fucked up) or literally can't get any other job (barely-literate hispanics and ex-cons).
because he's 16
USA. I think the only other countries ith Five Guys are Canada and the UK. I figure it all tastes the same since they use supermarket-tier ingredients.
24, sadly. Would've been a more tolerable job at 16.
how sanitary is five guys?
At my store, very. If you so much as adjusted your hat you had to change gloves. Foods were never kept out of refrigeration for more than a few seconds. Closing-time was a hellish rush to take a store that had been spewing oil for 11 hours and make it spotless in 1.
How are their burgers? Like, compared to BK or McD.
real is to fake as five guys is to fast food
Well that's good to hear, at least.
>Inb4 "Good to hear a place is running like they SHOULD?"
Yes because it's not like fast food places, or indeed restaurants in general, would cut corners or disregard sanitation.
Five Guys uses 80/20, no-filler ground beef supplied by US Foods. Basically the exact thing you'd find at the supermarket, no preservatives or anything. On that basis alone, it makes it much higher quality than BK/McD, which have a flavor practically defined by their chemicals. The toppings are more varied and higher-quality as well.
It's basically in-between a typical fast food place, and a local mom&pop place.
But the thing is, this means Five Guys is VERY EASY to accurately recreate at home whereas BK's flavor is next to impossible due to the chemicals and a local place probably uses a lot of unique shit.
but mcdonalds doesnt use chemicals in their burger meat.
What's your go-to burger combination? And why doesn't Five Guys offer onion rings?
They stopped using what's known as "pink slime", but there's still other shit in there. More importantly, they use a much lower-grade meat than what you'd typically buy in a store or at a place like Five Guys.
>What's your go-to burger combination?
One-patty bacon cheeseburger with mayo, hot sauce (Five Guys uses pic related), lettuce, tomato, jalapeno. I never liked adding the heated vegetable toppings because I thought the burger patty itself was warm and moist enough on its own.
What really blew my mind was how many people order burgers from there with NOTHING on it, or just one topping (usually ketchup). A huge part of why Five Guys is somewhat pricey is that they want customers to be able to load up on as many toppings as they want for "free".
>And why doesn't Five Guys offer onion rings?
Their corporate philosophy believes that adding anything more to the menu will fuck up their quality and time-to-serve on everything else. It took years just to convince them to add shakes, which wouldn't interfere with the cooking process the way adding chicken or onion rings would.
closing at any restaurant sucks
How easy was it to get hired?
Piss-easy because I was willing to work the night shift, which includes 90-120 minutes spent closing. Turnover at our store was high because a lot of people couldn't deal with this one constantly-angry shift leader, but I'd just stay out of her way and try not to fuck up.
It's hard to generalize because individual locations can vary greatly in their hiring pool and level of busyness. But my particular store was always hurting for more employees.
how many hot dogs does Five Guys sell? or how many burgers were sold per hot dog?
i've been to Five Guys a 10 or 12 times and i don't think i've ever seen anyone buy one.
how come the fries are always as limp as my dick? I even tried asking for them "well done" once but they still came out the same.
Hot dogs were always bought almost exclusively by children and (for some reason) asians. I would guess about 1 hot dog sold for every 15 burgers. They were a massive ripoff; they're merely Hebrew National Beef Franks you can get at a supermarket 6 links for $4. Probably the most profitable item on the menu, because we'd charge like $5 for just one of them.
This was literally my biggest gripe with the restaurant. We were trained, encouraged, and REQUIRED to cook fries that are *NOT* crispy. The original "Five Guys" decided the way a fry "should" be is "firm on the outside, mashed potato on the inside".
We literally weren't allowed to say the word "crispy" out loud when in the kitchen. They're fucking cult-like about it.
We cut potatoes daily, rinse them, and then store them in buckets of water in the fridge. They are not dried before frying, so they steam their own outsides the moment they hit the oil, ensuring a non-crispy exterior.
what race is you're wife's son?
I like my fries firm but not crisp at times. The five guys fries are great, they really are like eating mashed potatoes.
I do wish they left the skins on and let them fry a bit more though.
Fellow fg employee. It's almost wierd how fucking Clean they keep the place.
It makes sense though, we get bonuses 4times a month for having a clean store (among other things
Lol at my store we just make em crispy. We even the the customer we can't then just leave em down for like 30 more seconds
We do leave the skins on.
We don't peel shit
I knew it senpai
That shit is good tho. Supermarket beef is alright
Did you had or still have any priviledges for working in the restauramt?
I assume it's mainly because the kitchen at 5guys is so visible to the customer.
Nice thread op.
First, worst thing about five guys? Second, what is your order?
I would assume because we can see everything you do. I really like the transparency of five guys
I like OP is fully educated in the Fives Guys philosophy after working there for a couple months.
do you feel like you ate poorly when you worked at 5g? do you feel like you gained weight or experienced other negative things due to your diet?
how frequently would you eat 5g and what would you typically get on a weekly basis?
Where did you work for the last two months?
Why do they give out so many fries?
Not Op but I have worked fast food. When i was 17 it really made me breakout and fat. I also was putting coconut oil on my face before work so I wouldn't dry out. However, it got so hot during the summer that shit would cook my face. God I was stupid. It also made me fatter. Fast food working isn't worth it man. Retail is so much better
because it's hella value for the customer and it's LIT
Nigga you done fucked up. I worked at five guys for over two years. I could have gotten better jobs. But free food every shift from America's best burger joint made me stick around. Well that and pretty much every girl that worked there was a slut that let me smash.
But mostly the food
Free meal per day. Got to choose two of the following: one patty burger with anything on it, small fries or cajun fries, shake.
>worst thing about five guys?
Food-wise? The fries. I hate them.
Work-wise, just the usual shit that goes with fast food: dumbass customers and dumbass coworkers.
>what is your order?
One-patty cheeseburger "all the way" (mayo, lettuce, pickle, tomato, grilled onions, grilled mushrooms, ketchup, mustard) plus grilled jalapenos. Shake with cocoa and malted milk.
We're forced to watch 5-6 hours of training videos, half of which consist of interviews with the founders fellating themselves over funfacts like that.
>do you feel like you ate poorly when you worked at 5g?
Definitely. 30-minute break meant not enough time to eat elsewhere, and getting off at midnight meant the only place open was mcdonalds. When you're tired as fuck, covered in soap scum and grease, knees and arms are shot to hell, got a couple burns here and there, and to top it off you're hungry as fuck? It's hard to keep a healthy diet that way. It's why I feel some pity for people caught in fast food jobs long-term. Shit sucks and makes the rest of life suck. I gained 6 pounds working there.
See above for my usual order. I'd work five days a week usually, so that's how often I'd get the complimentary meal.
Fries are cheap and they like to present an image of good value.
Every girl at our store was either underaged, or 45 and mexican, so no smashing on my end.
desu I like my fries that way
I can't stand it. Zero crispiness, all mashed potato-y.
do they deep fry their bacon? not a bacon-on-burger guy but their shit looks crisp as fuck
Why do I always feel slightly stoned and coated in wellbeing after I eat there? I can smell it on me for hours afterward, but it's a good smell, unlike most fast food. Is it the oil?
We'd grill the bacon at 350 degrees until the point where it's just about to burn. About 12-13 minutes, seriously.
It's the peanut oil. It has this weird, mildly sweet scent that smells nothing like peanuts at all.
>We'd grill the bacon at 350 degrees until the point where it's just about to burn. About 12-13 minutes, seriously.
I've found if you open the bag and let the steam off of the fries right away they have a slight crispiness to them. Otherwise they get soggy.
Why do your burgers taste the same as Dairy Queen's but cost more?
>Definitely. 30-minute break meant not enough time to eat elsewhere, and getting off at midnight meant the only place open was mcdonalds. When you're tired as fuck, covered in soap scum and grease, knees and arms are shot to hell, got a couple burns here and there, and to top it off you're hungry as fuck? It's hard to keep a healthy diet that way. It's why I feel some pity for people caught in fast food jobs long-term. Shit sucks and makes the rest of life suck. I gained 6 pounds working there.
That perfectly describes the year I spent working at the UK equivalent of Best Buy. Half hour breaks, nowhere to eat but McDonalds. I'm convinced the only reason I didn't get fat was because I was on my feet for five hours at a time and didn't eat anything else all day.
I feel for anybody in any kind of service job.
Pack a fucking lunch?
Yeah, you'd think, right?
People don't want to admit that it is laziness. Even if you can't pack a lunch for some unknown reason, and you're forced to eat at Mcdonalds, you don't have to eat like a fat slob. They have salads and healthier options.
I never denied it. I still don't. I could have packed food, I could have not been lazy, but jobs like that make you more inclined to eat like shit and that's what I chose. You got me bang to rights but that's how it was, mang.
Now I have a comfy desk job and I go out of my way to eat way better. Go figure.
>they have salads and healthier options
Yeah, but fuck it, you're at McDonalds. Might as well be hanged for a sheep than for a lamb.
What the fuck? That's fucking bullshit
I understand it man. When I was working at a shitty retail job, I'd pack a lunch. But some days I was so miserable that I said fuck it and went and got something greasy and fatty.
What state? I live near the original 5G (Northern Virginia) and none of them offer shakes?
>Once I ordered a five patty burger, everything but tomatoes, and ate it in under 10 minutes.
Best. Day. Ever.
So why did they fire you?
you should stop using all those expressions, I don't think you know what they mean.
>But some days I was so miserable that I said fuck it and went and got something greasy and fatty.
Yeah, man. For me it was that on top of the fact that by the end of the day I was so fucking exhausted from being yelled at by customers that any willpower I could muster was spent on dragging my sorry ass into work day after day.
It was total laziness, but I feel like there was a decent excuse.
pretty excited, their first location in my state is gonna open up in my city next week
i look forward to feeling like a lard ass
What's in the cajun seasoning?
They're expensive because it's generally a higher-grade of meat than most other national chains. I don't think Five Guys is anything special but I also don't think it tastes like Dairy Queen.
I left it for a better job. Our store was hurting for help so bad that I never saw anyone get fired, even for showing up late repeatedly or being caught on their phone. We were always desperate to have enough warm bodies to be able to close in a sane amount of time.
They started offering shakes about a year or two ago at most (by now, I would assume all) locations.
It is literally just this
Same exact brand and everything.
If for some terrible reason you wanna make fries the way Five Guys does:
-Get russet potatoes, rinse the outsides, put them through a fry cutter.
-Put the cut fries in a big bowl of cold water and move them around to get all the starch off of them. Rinse and refill the water at least once.
-Deep-fry them in peanut oil (btw check the fucking label twice, if there's any ingredient other than "Peanut Oil" don't buy it) for about two and a half minutes. Pull them out and let them rest for about five minutes. They should be mashed potato-y when you pinch them, once they've cooled down.
-Deep-fry them a second time until reddish-brown.
For regular, just salt the fuck out of them with sea salt.
For cajun, salt them a little less and then toss them in that cajun seasoning.
they always make the fries way too frickin salty imho
>We even the the customer we can't then
what did he mean by this
How are the shakes? I'd heard they tried serving shakes a few years back but I'd always assumed they failed since none of the 5G around here serve them.
They also just rebuilt the original 5G not too long ago, haven't been but I've noticed there seems to be a difference between the newer/older ones with the older ones tasting slightly better.
make your owb burger without the top bun, ditch the mayo and fries, or atleast half of them. should also ditch the bacon and cheese tbqh
>Software testers literally make the same amount as burger flippers
>Falling for the STEM meme.
Fucking this. The last few times I went I couldn't even eat the fries they were so bad
>software testing
lol beta-testers are not STEM people
>A technology job doesn't fall under the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics banner!
The stem meme is in reference to a bachelors in the field. Is everyone stem because they use a computer for work?
practically all your trash tier fast food joints mix flavorants with their meat to make it taste better
ATTN mobile users: get fucked
Technically QA can, but anyone writing test code is getting paid nearly as much or as much as a normal developer
QA that doesn't involve code is for interns that are rightfully being paid what theyre worth. Once they graduate they'll be normal developers
Did you ever fuck with the food when a customer is being a faggot?
I mean, the job that OP is talking about is more related to the technology field than average Joe with a POS. I do agree, though, it doesn't feel like it's STEM.
Same pay for a better job is always excellent.
Walmart was awesome. Big tits on the young girls on the registers. I think I went through 10 there, some were down for some 3 way stuff too. Then I got one preggers and it was awkward but then I met my gf of 3+ years and now I work at IBM. Not that those are related, mind you. Just don't wanna sound like a Walmart nigger still ha
Who cares?
So fucking good. Even as a customer, you can tell the ingredients are fresh and haven't been processed
What? There are always skins on the fries when I eat there