What's up with cake donuts? Why not just eat a plain cupcake? I'd much rather have a light and airy yeast donut. You don't feel like shit like you do after eating dense cake donuts.
Yes you do, because they put diabetic frosty garbage on them. They taste like nothing otherwise.
>Putting sugar on the outside of yeast donuts
>Putting sugar in the batter of cake donuts
What's the difference? I'd still rather have a lightly glazed yeast donut, or even unglazed.
Fuck you OP. old fashioned donuts are the best kind. I'd dip those fuckewrsd in hot chocolaqte if I could. yeeahh. MAYBE I WILL!
I like sour cream donuts
>but user arent those sour?! Youre so weird!
op does your asshole whistle when the wind blows past you
Can't hate sour cream/crullers
I like a rounder hole. Those ones look too much like my fat girlfriend's balloon knot.
I agree with OP, cake donuts are useless
Fried dough is the only true donut
Cake donuts hold together and are only crumbly in the part where you bit it off which makes them nice for dunking in coffee
A plain cake donut and a cup of black coffee is one of the most beautiful simple pleasures of the food world. Anyone who can't fathom that is of no use to me.
>Black coffee
Ugh... you Americans and your Folgers gutrot black coffee, give me a caffe Cuban con leche over that shit any day
cake donuts are fucking amazing you goddamn savages
You've exposed your own idiocy by implying that a cake donut tastes anything like a cupcake.
When did Veeky Forums become the shittiest board I go to? Almost every thread is memes or baiting.
>caffe Cuban con leche
Milk and coffee! Who would've thought? Milk and coffee! Oh my God. What a drink! It's milk and coffee, mixed together!
But... with a Cuban twist!
>caffe Cuban con leche
My sides
I like cake donuts sometimes, they're just something that I think of when I think donut, even though I more often than not eat yeast donuts.
Probably cause cake donuts were all that was around when I was a kid. Not that they were bad or anything either.
durrrr za on ur chicago sriracha ahahaa lmfao
yeah, I agree. I might just fucking leave for a couple months and see what happens.
At least there are no more joeyfags
Sure buddy, because liking black coffee automatically means the person is drinking something like Folgers. Get real, fuckface.
I really, honestly wish replying sincerely to a troll post was a permabannable offense
I really, honestly wish whining about other people's posts just to bitch and shitpost was a permabannable offense.
What? I've always thought cake donuts were the real donuts and those puffy airy Donuts are just a cheap knockoff that dissolve in your mouth like shitty cotton candy.
it's sugar glazed, then dipped in chocolate
did you hear me, glazed.... then chocofied...
and it's a yeasty donut. fuck i'm moist.
God, those things are disgusting.
Screw you OP, you damn faggot. Cake donuts are the best simply because they are the original donut, they taste phenomenal, they perfectly soak up coffe/milk when you dip them or eat alongside them, and are the easiest to make. Look at it! You don't NEED to add anything to it. There's no glaze, no chocolate, no sprinkles, no fruity pebbles, no candies, nothing, it's just the essence of donut to it's bare core. I feel great pity and sadness for those that do not understand this.
>they perfectly soak up coffe/milk when you dip them
>You don't NEED to add anything to it.
>it's the original doughnut
>you don't need to add anything to it