I'm going to eat the shit out of this cake now

i'm going to eat the shit out of this cake now

that cake is gayer than i am and i suck dicks for a living


Is there any in it? There really shouldn't be shit in a cake.

>ketchup on cake

>classic i2398.jpg

>layers of jelly with cream
it's a candy confection at best.

jesus just can't escape 'go 'zas around here.

are you literally retarded? it's a millecrepe cake, one of the hardest and most delicious cakes to make.

not really hard, more tedious I would say.

well to be fair, being a pain in the ass to make does make it hard to make, innit

No, it doesn't. Do you not know what the word "hard" means in the context you've used it?

anyone remembers that guy from kazakhstan ordering whole milecrepe cake from canada, spending his whole months salary on it and pigging out on it in front of whole Veeky Forums?

In his country there is problem?

I do. The guy really liked the cake
The whole thread was trying to convince him to make his own
Was kek

the fact that it's work means you probably dont like it

>it's a millecrepe cake,
there's no way any of those layers qualify as a crêpe.

i think he never even tried it before, he was just fascinated with layers. too bad i didn't save pictures of him eating it, shit was hilarious.

Yes? My wife's son?

Well my only real criticism I can have just by looking at it. is having the sauce on top
The sauce should have been put to the side

That's jam not sauce

My point stands regardless

I'm about to show you "hard" in an entirely new context you little twink bitch if you don't shut your fucking mouth

period blood on my gay cake.

What is this cake called?
I remeber having it for the first time having it in Thailand, at a coffeshop next to the place I was staying and it was legit the best cake I ever had.
I had it every day at least once for two weeks.

My sides.

How the fuck do they bake theayers? Do they make sheets of it, cook it for a few seconds, then cut out the shape for each color?

they're really thin crepes. you bake like 20 at a time. and then stack them with some kind of frosting/jam/etc. in between.

tongue it like your french fries, jack

is that 'go 'za?


>literally just autistic pancake and cream