I'm trying to eat healthier but i hate the taste of veggies

i'm trying to eat healthier but i hate the taste of veggies.

does anyone have any decent veggie recipes for people who hate vegetables?

i can eat corn on the cob but i usually turn spinach into creamed spinach and i have to have a bowl of thousand island to even touch romaine lettuce.

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Grow up and stop being a bitch. Theres no such thing as a gross food that most people eat, you just need to eat it enough and you get used to the taste

nice 'za

i hope you remember what you said when someone takes a shit on a plate and hands it to you.

I don't understand how people've developed such vitriolic reactions against vegetables

is it some learned trait they gained while being combative against their parents in their childhood?

Undergrad, nobody eats shit regularly as a normal meal.

Aww, veggies no please the palate? Try salt and pepper, and not being a child

Humans weren't meant to eat vegetables. We were originally nomads who hunted animals such as the mammoth.

Yeah man c'mon stop being such a child kiddo!
Why can't you just grow up and enjoy a huge bowl of Brussels sprouts and wash it down with an IPA? I do that everyday, and you should too because that's my culture and preference and everyone else should embrace it automatically.

Also the Patriots are the best team, because I'm telling you that they are.

yes, step one
stop being such a bitch
step two, eat some god damn veggies
step three, keep doing that until you start to like veggies
step four, enjoy the fact that you are un unstoppable flavor loving machine that can eat tons of varied and delicious foods instead of just "the burger :DDD"


Roasted vegetables

>step three, keep doing that until you start to like veggies
op this may be weird but sometimes it is a necessity to just keep eating until you enjoy it

same for whiskey, but I still have to start liking it ;-;

Stir fry.

Crush vitamins and sprinkle on your steak. Drink inulin for fibre. Wa lah.

>wa lah

Cut peeled veggies into bowl

Add butter and salt

Cover with plastic wrap

Put in microwave on high for 1-2 minutes

Cook them properly, fry them with butter and salt and pepper, roast them, bake them. Steam them in a microwave.
Mashed cauliflower. Fried brocolli. Season them. Soy sauce, spices,

Mix them into your meals. Put cooked spinach in your macaroni and cheese, on your sandwiches, whatever

Whatever you do don't just boil them unless the recipe calls for it, it makes mushy flavorless shit and being forced to eat that is why I didn't like e.g. brocolli growing up

If you have a salad, put the dressing on the side and dip your fork in it, you'll still get the flavor but it'll last longer and you'll eat less of it so you eat like less of a fatass

Also quit being a bitch

>does anyone have any decent veggie recipes for people who hate vegetables?
no. they don't exist. you're going to die early, fat and alone.

Yea,but then parts of humanity settled down and started growing their own food.Your bloodtype determines what kind of food is good for you

op's bloodtype is gravy

maybe start out with avocado first. i guess it's really a fruit but it seems to be a gateway into vegetables, though cooked ones can be way better than raw avocado. shit, even chinese takeout places put veggies in their food and they're the ethnic equivalent of fast food.

That's probably one of the main reasons, the same way you would tag nazi cross as a teenager as an anti establishment move.

Oven roasted.

Literally everything gets better when oven roasted. Little bit of olive oil and some seasoning and it gets delicious.

>curry doesn't exist


humans weren't meant to do anything. there isn't really a purpose for us - at least that's what science tells us. otherwise your argument is just cultural bullshit pretending to know what we are "supposed to do"

Roast or grill them. It makes any vegetable 10x better. Just throw some olive oil, salt, and pepper on that bitch.

hey user, i usually like everything with vinegar on it. any veggie is pretty good with vinegar. brussels sprouts with balsamic and ginger is probably my fave

just pickle the shit out of veggies and you'll start to get a taste for them. but that assumes you like vinegar i guess.

veggies are bitter for ppl who don't eat them often, so cutting that with sweet (which isnt healthy obvi) or sour usually helps. also throw them into soups to mask flavor until you get used to it a bit. stir fries help too

Grow your own. Eat them, develop a liking to veggies, then you'll be able to stomach the store quality ones.

I hated cauliflower growing up, absolutely loathed it.
But this year I tried making cauliflower roasted in the oven rather then steamed/boiled/raw and it's really good. It's one of my new favourite vegetable dishes.
Just toss them in olive/coconut oil and salt and pepper and bake on lower heat checking on it, and turning every once in a while and your good to go.

Another thing is, if you don't like the texture of vegetables, you could make different varieties of pureed vegetable soups. You could spend a day making a bunch and freezing them into different portions and just reheat and drink it out of a mug to get your vegetable portion for the day.

Bake veggies.
Try a little olive oil, salt, pep, garlic powder, bake at 420 (hee hurr 420 braise it) for a bit (depends on the veggie).

I use salt and curry powder on carrot sticks, roast carrots naturally sweeten a lot and they get a nice texture.

Also Sugar Snap Peas and hummus is a baller snack.

>buy quality items
Don't fuck them up. Less is more.

>quit fried food, grill instead

>quit shugar and bread

>quit soda
Make tea or lemonade instead. No shugar

>quit egg yolks

>Eat fish
Tuna counts too

>Raw is better

>pack lunchbox
Be persuasive and consistant

Rember it will pay off AND you won't even miss the junk later... Trust me

why does every sichuan restaurant insist on using copious amounts that disgusting sichuan peppercorn?

Quality posts.

Also, OP, thinly slice an equal amount of squash, zucchini, and onion. Toss in a little olive oil, spread into one layer on a foil-lines baking tray, and then sprinkle pepper, garlic powder, parmesan, and a little salt on them.

Bake at 450*F until the edges of the squash are golden. So about 30 minutes. It's pretty ace. The leftovers are good spread on a sandwich with ham.

>suggesting boring ass scantily seasoned roast veggies to someone who hates veggies

Nigga, that just makes them taste MORE vegetable-y

That's a load of horse shit. Humans were opportunistic hunters, but finding edible flora is always easier than spending days on a hunt.

I don't like most green vegetables because they taste like sulfur

I'm a meat loving, snacking fat ass and if someone made a deal with me where, for a year, I had to give up on snack foods and significantly cut down the amount of meat I have but, in exchange I could have all the Tabbouleh I can eat that year.. I'd absolutely take them up on the offer.

Tabbouleh is my favorite vegetarian food. It's this wonderful very chopped minty Middle Eastern salad with parsley, bulgur, onions, and tomato.

no one's going to make that deal with you chunky. stay fat and disgusting.

This made me eject a hearty chuckle.

ok u hate vegetables. There must be some vegetables you hate less than others. Buy those then and work your way up.
I also hate vegetables and now i eat moust of it. Still can't eat raw tomatoes they make me puke my heart out.

Try going to markets and avoid shops. Get fresh and quality produce, it matters.
Grow your own if you can.

Bell pepper scrambled eggs.
One bell pepper diced, put in oiled pan, splash of water, saute. Add two- three eggwhites one yolk. Feed the dog with other yolk. Serve with fresh cucumber or tomato if you can eat those. No bread. 1L of non sweet lemonade.

One apple with some nuts of your choice
Cup of coffee (no milk no shugar) or cup of tea (no shugar, can be iced)

Grilled zucchini, grilled mushrooms, fresh salad with no or little vinegar. Make portion size large so you feel full

Banana or other piece of fruit

Rice with carrot and peas maybe some grilled chicken or so.

Cup of tea before bed (camomile or some other bed time tea)

If you want to feel less bloated exclude bread and dairy from your diet.

So no bread, no milk, no cheese etc

It made me feel much better, and more time passes less i miss dairy.

I'm still big on cheese but i have no carvings what so ever.

Deep fried green beans or pickles, You fat fuck you know you would love the grease you disgusting piece of filth disguised as a human. Everything about you is what is wrong with the world. Everything about you fucking disgusts me to my core. Subhuman degenerate scum.

yes thats a very nice 'go 'za


Start eating some through stew then slowly diversify from a basic irish stew onto more complex rich veggie stews

People are just different

We're born preferring sweet foods over sour and bitter but beyond that comes development, genetics etc. The idea that any adult can come to like anything is not scientific

home made pinto beans (in pressure cooker) with msg and other spices is quite meat like.

Roast carrots, onions, celery, potato and garlic (crushed or whole) in a pan or aluminum foil pouch.
Season everything with a small amount of salt, some pepper and a little paprika before popping it into the oven. Takes about 1 1/2 - 2 hours at 350 degrees.

Also, stir fry. You can modify it to your tastes and even throw in a small amount of protein if you want.

>Theres no such thing as a gross food that most people eat
>People eat poop on a regular basis
>It's well documented by ethnologist that poop is a important part of diet across all culture
>Queen Victoria used to eat poop for Christmas
I don't get your logic.

Dice up squash and cucumber and sautee with a little bit of salt, pepper, garlic, onion, and olive oil until they start to soften. Add Parmesan and mozzarella cheese, stir, add a little more pepper, and some Cayenne, keep sauteing until hot. My mom makes this all the time and it is Freddy good.

You can also stew okra with some salt, pepper, garlic, cayenne and it'll be good.

The idea that viable reproducing adults cannot eat nutritious and common foods is not scientific either

Try traditional Indian vegetable dishes.

Bag of frozen broccoli
fry them up in 5 mins

Or frozen peas
olive oil
add frozen peas

It literally takes two fucking seconds to cook good vegetables. If you get anything fresh just blanch it.

>steamed vegetables

you are the reason everyone hates them.

This is an Indian Lentil Soup I had once at a restaurant and now make during winter. I used to despise lentils but this is pretty good.

Google "Masoor Dal recipe"

It's self-evident

But I don't buy that he can't eat an entire category. Perhaps certain fruits and vegetables

>It literally takes two fucking seconds
I think you mean figuratively.

>**Tips fedora**

What is eating healthier anyway?

Just eat whatever you want, but get used to eating less of it.

>having an education is fedora-tier.
Kill yourself my friend, or at the very least castrate yourself so you cannot ever reproduce.

>I have an education because I know the difference between figuratively and literally
>It's also a running joke across many boards on Veeky Forums to use the wrong one

Whatever you have to tell yourself m8.

Hope you die soon.


>being combative against their parents in their childhood?
You'd be combative too if your parents were forcing you to watch porn as early as 5.

I was a vegetarian for two years because of health reasons. After two years, I was able to transition back without the problems recurring.

In those two years, I tried many vegetable items, both cooking and at restaurants.

At restaurants, my favorites were various Indian dishes made with vegetables.

For my own cooking, my all time favorite was to make a Japanese tempura with whatever vegetables I had available. I used brocolli, grean beans, mushrooms, onions, ... . I didn't stick to Japanese dipping sauces. One of my favorites was a plum sauce that I bought at the grocery store.

As far as normal vegetables to eat with a regular meal, one of my favorites is field peas. Just simmer for about 45 minutes to an hour (less at lower altitudes) with some black pepper and salt added. To make it even better warm up and slice some cooked sausage and add with about 15 minutes left to go. Even better is with potatoes and gravy.

Yes. Or stir-fry them.

Brussel sprouts cut in half and sauteed can be very good.

Okra patties -- one of my favorite vegatable dishes.

Cut okra into about 1/8 inch slices crossways. Make batter with flour, water, baking soda, and salt. Stire in okra slices.

Heat griddle on oven with plenty of oil. Pour the okra batter onto the griddle in 1/4 cup sizes. Cook until golden brown, turn over, and cook until golden brown. Drain and eat while still warm (not so good if you let them get cold).

More okra patties

Also fondant potatoes.

There are plenty of recipes on the Internet as well as videos on youtube. Look them up.

I didn't realise shit was a food that most people eat. I really need to get out more.

Make stuff like stews where you use a relatively small amount of meat to a large amount of veggies. Use a lot of spices and flavorful meats. Thighs instead of breasts, smoked sausage, etc.

All vegetables taste better oven roasted!

Buy Romaine, parmesan cheese (finely grated), and balsamic
Take romaine hearts brush with olive oil, sear that side until slightly crisp before wilting. Dunk cooked side in cheese then press down slightly. Drizzle with balsamic.

yeah, sure.

>Kale quinoa salad with feta cheese
>caprise salad with FRESH basil

simple green peas with butter is the easiest, though...