How long does mayo stay fresh? I've been using the same jar since last August
How long does mayo stay fresh? I've been using the same jar since last August
It's a jar of emulsified oil with additional stabilizers and preservatives being kept in an air tight jar in the refrigerator.
If you don't finish it before it goes bad then you obviously don't like mayo, and should just throw it out now, because it will take years before it starts to go a little off.
>How long does mayo stay fresh? I've been using the same jar since last August
2 months is probably all you should do for any opened item that isn't a highly acidic environment.
If you are concerned about freshness but not price, buy it in smaller portions or the squeeze bottle if rarely used, as it reduces air space in the leftovers. Also, make sure you don't double dip or put anything into it that isn't meticulously clean. I'll spoon it out, then spread it.
Best by dates tend to be 6+ months from when I buy them. With that said, my grandmother never threw food out and we discovered some Hellmans mayo that was more than 4 years old in her fridge after she used it to prepare food we all ate. No one got sick FWIW.
thats all i needed to know. I do like mayo just not every day or every meal. I only use it for tuna or meat sandwiches
>it will take years before it starts to go a little off.
I appreciate you trying to make the Human Appendix useful again m8, but no... just no
I've been eating out of date aioli for about 6 months, I never seem to get sick though.
>take immunosuppressant medications and levodopa
>been using a jar of mayonnaise that reached expiry june 2015
>still not sick
I think it's a load of hooey. If expired mayonnaise would make anyone sick, it'd be some with drug-induced AIDS. As I'm perfectly fine and on a REALLY high dose of immunosuppressants (3g daily... not mg... g), I'd guess you'll be fine, too.
If it smells ok and it looks ok it's fine you fag
And nobody knows what the human appendix was for. It certainly wasn't some kind of dressing purifier
>nobody knows what the human appendix was for
False. It was and still is a storage device for healthy gut bacteria. So if you get overwhelmed with bacteria that you cant cope with the appendix can release bacteria that works with your body to repopulate the digestive tract and kill the invasive bacteria.
Why do you buy that jar cumskin when you could just as easily jizz on your food for that fresh mayo taste?
Toss it when it hits printed expiring date
Do you really need that $2?
>jew detected
Expiration dates are closer to 1/3 the time things really take to go bad. The are artificially shortened as a CYA and to keep the brands "perception of freshness" Use your nose and mouth and you will know when to throw it out.
>teology 101
nice bro
>organs shouldnt be classified by the purpose they serve
cook yourself
>someone says to throw something out instead of trying to get their money's worth
>calls them a jew
>I dont sell mayo
go away shill
>anyone who even remotely suggests buying any food whatsoever is a shill
>throw away good food
>buy more food that it identical
>Im not a shill, you dont need that money
>think about the children
Got it. 8/10 you should've slow played it.
>hear reasonable response
>cant counter it
>call it trolling
>And nobody knows what the human appendix was for. It certainly wasn't some kind of dressing purifier
Nigger, it was to help you digest very spoiled food w/o dying
That's exactly what you're doing, except you yell shill rather than trolling. It's impossible somebody is giving good advice on accident, no, it's somebody who is making cents for an hours worth of increasing zero mayo sales
i thought it was to hold your natural gut flora to release in small amounts when the body got depleted due to diarrhea, etc
hence why it gets infected often
it's just olive oil
it's true, but we get the bacteria from interactions with other people, so it's useless, unless you're separated from the group, for a while.