>chopping onions

I guess if you hate flavor that badly, sure, you could use the dried shit.

All the flavor, none of the fumes. Stay mad.

some people don't have time to go to flavortown for every meal.

>DA FUMES BURN :((((((((((

What a baby.

Oh gods, what's wrong with onion powder, onion juice, or cooking the onion until it disintegrates?
I acknowledge the importance of onion in cooking, I just don't like biting into the damn things.

Mincing an onion takes 30 seconds you lazy fuck.

You probably sleep more than 4-5 hours a night, too. Pathetic.


It takes 30 seconds to chop an onion fine as shit. Sweat it for a minute and all the chunks are gone.

An onion is going to rot eventually.

>pretending to like onions

Only if you buy too many.

But then I have to carry those fuckers into the house, and store them somewhere.

>Not liking onions
Are you 12?

So you're complaining about not having room to store excessive amounts of onions, because you like to buy too many just to watch them rot? Because that's what your post implies.

The volume of an onion = 1 onion


The same volume of dehydrated onion = 4 onions

someone needs to learn how to sharpen their knife

Still fumes when you sweat them, and gives you bad breath.

but then you have to clean the knife and the cutting board, which does not take 30 seconds you careerless, obligationless child.

But I'm washing those things anyway for the other parts of my meal. Are you suggesting eating the dried onions straight out of the jar as the only part of your meal?

How poor are you that you even need to worry about storage space for a couple of onions?

no i'm suggesting making a meal that doesn't require knives and a cutting board, r-tard.

white appalachia poor.

Why would you want to eat a shitty meal just to save yourself a couple minutes of washing time? Sounds lazy.

McDonald's uses dehydrated onions on their burgers, and hardly anyone would call that a shitty meal.

>hardly anyone would call that a shitty meal.

Goddamn it, you made my spew coffee all over my monitor.

At least I got a good chuckle.

If you don't get at least 7 hours of sleep a night, your body isn't getting all of the rest it needs. It may be the answer to your anxiety, food cravings, or why you didn't grow up big and strong.

it's not always a wise use of someone's time to make everything from scratch. you have to be lazy about some things when you have a job and other obligations. it's not about being lazy, it's about time management.

>it's about time management.

Yep. And if you have time to post on Veeky Forums and fuck around texting your BFF then you have time to clean a damn cutting board.

Yes it does.


ITT, no appreciation for various types of onions and their application.

after I spend all day working on my feet one of the last things I want to do is clean a cutting board. I get that you don't work a full time job, let alone a 70 hour work week, and can't understand why someone would want to come home, scrap a shitty quick meal together with little to no cleanup and sit on the couch, but this is the life many american adults live. we don't have labor laws here like they do in france, where your employer can't even send you an email after work hours. some of us have to drop what we're doing and go back into work.

dude just chop up an onion holy shit. i work a 50 hour week and i still cook for myself 3-4 nights a week. sounds like youre miserable at your job

dude quit being pretentious and understand that items like dehydrated chopped onions make life a lot easier for some people.

no, they make life 1% more convenient for bad cooks

lets just agree to disagree then.

>everything that isn't freeze-dried and microwavable within two minutes is pretentious

I want flyovers to leave.

I want New Yorkers to pull their heads out of their own asses, but that's never gonna happen.

the irony is that I am shitposting support for dehydrated onions from new york.

I literally guarantee that with a gun to their mother's heads nobody in this thread could identify the difference between a meal prepared with ""fresh"" onions vs prepped onions

>not eating an onion like an apple

that depends on the meal, but in many cases youre probably right.

Try to make soubise with dried onion flakes and see how far that gets you.

If you want to make, say, french onion soup then how do you propose you would carmelize them, since they're dry and all?

You have the palate of an 8 year old.

It has it's place. Great for some quick cheesy peas.

You rehydrate them, genius. And by 'genius', I mean it sarcastically. As in, you're a fucking idiot.

Retard, you have to give 'em some water to rehydrate them.

Dried minced onions are acceptable for cooking as long as the recipe was going to call for them to be cooked quite well.

If you need any 'freshness', aka raw onion flavor instead of sweetness out of the onion flavor though, you're out of luck.

I mean, you guys can be jerks all you want, but for general use, dried onions are a pretty decent timesaver, space-saver, and compromise.

Don't fall for the fresh meme. Not every ingredient is actually better fresh. Many times, you are only getting marginal gains. Besides, some people are just bad with a knife, or only use onions rarely, and most people DO NOT live within walking distance of a supermarket, so can't just run out and grab one when they realize they don't have any.

>You rehydrate them, genius

But why would I do that? It's faster to cut a fresh onion than it is to wait for dry ones to rehydrate. That's just extra work for a worse finished product.

Who the fuck cooks but doesn't have a pile of onions sitting in the kitchen just waiting to be used? They have so many applications it's silly not to have them. What next: you going to say you don't have flour on hand at all times? Or salt? This is basic shit man, not some oddball rare ingredient that you only use once every 6 months.

I can now bread my chicken in onion.

when i use onion im not only interested in their flavor

i eat cooked onion as a whole food source

onions in breading always burns..

lots of restaurants used dehydrated onions. depends on the use. you can also hydrate and blend to puree and add to dishes as well. there is a use for them.

I'll sous-vide the oil and the onion breaded chicken.

For those whose time is too precious to chop an onion amd wash a chopping board
>onion in processor/blender
>blend to desired degree
>use onion
>fill processor/blender with hot water and dish soap (10 seconds)
>pour out after dinner and rinse with water
Problem solved

you were just touching yer wanky huh?


The lack of reading comprehension is astonishing.


learn english before you shitpost on an english-language website, you moran.

>learn english
>you moran

kindly suck an asian goat penis you retarded ghetto negro.

He didn't say, "onion in breading." He said, "bread his chicken in onion." It's a joke.

And your reply to OP doesn't make sense. Either you think he's against dehydrated onion, or you don't know how replies work.

I think its your reading comprehension that needs some work, as well as youre spelling. You should also try to post things that are helpful to others instead of trying to berate people that dont give a fuck if you exist.

here ya go comprehend this.
go suck a ronald mcdonalds dick.

Not all of us have the luxury of being NEETs, and work, and don't want to bother throwing together something every day, you know.

I know people get butthurt over these, but they are GOAT when you reconstitute them and put on burgers.

>as well as youre spelling

O dogs are my favorite.

>serve a salad

>call it a hot dog

i gave your mother an O dog