The best way to eat pizza is day old and cold

The best way to eat pizza is day old and cold

>keeping your apples in the fridge

keeping fruit outside of the fridge is such a massive meme

He's puttting uncovered food in a fridge that is stocked with shit beer and kraft singles, and your nitpick is going to be the apples?

I totally agree, OP:

Favorite one is capriciossa.

>not eating cold granny smith apples
Bitch, it's the greatest way you can eat an apple.

A zesty 'go 'za should always be eaten at exactly 30.24 celsius. I would never let my wife and her son near that monstrosity

Chill out dude, it's just a random image I found on google.
Do you honestly think I'd bother posting OC in such a banal thread?

Hey you're not OP I am you creamlet!

When I was a kid, I read a book where one of the characters opened a day old cold pizza restaurant. It was insanely popular, and they refused to serve fresh pizza. I wish I could remember the name of it, I'd love to read it again.

*Second best.

The best way is hot and fresh from the oven. Reheated is 4th best behind blending the pizza into a liquid and consuming it via enema.


It to be reheated in a toaster oven on the highest sitting until the grease begins to sizzle

I just reheated 5 slices in the oven, tasted delicious. Fuck cold pizza.

Take out fridge
Put in mouth

Agreed, OP.

Pic related is a slice of cold pizza I ate for breakfast this morning.

OP confirmed for poet and scholar


'go style 'za has to be hot, sorry bro

OP was talking about Pizza, though

No way, leftover pizza crisped up in the oven at 400 C is the only way to eat pizza.

I think people who like cold leftover pizza have only compared it to microwaved leftover pizza. There is a better option and that is the oven.

Reheating cold pizza in the oven is just as bad as reheating it in the microwave. The only proper way to reheat it is in a dry pan on the stove, crisping the crust and heating the toppings from the bottom.

That said, cold out of the fridge is still superior.

I can never save a pizza until the next day no matter how big it is. Ate a 12 slice pizza by myself yesterday, not even fat.

Nah I eat my 'za all at once as soon as the 'vry guy 'ings it to the 'ouse

>not even fat.

you're a big guy

>Getting the cuck mean in there

7/10 breddy gud

honestly...cold pizza is great sometimes. If not microwave.

What kind of 'al eats his 'go 'za 'ld?

Unfortunately, 'go'za gets a skin on it when allowed to cool.

Only if it's papa john's pepperoni pizza. I will actually put it away and wait until the next day to eat it. Most other pizzas I'd just eat it hot.

wrap it in tinfoil before you nuke it for an extra crispy crust

for a tasty lightning show. lol

Cold pizza is gross, if it's not piping hot I throw it in the trash.

holy ---- is that chicago style?

nice slices itt

Cheap pizza is better cold, like chain or frozen pizza.

Good quality pizza that's from a decent restaurant or homemade is better reheated.

not from dominos

>Not eating your 'za 'ping hot and over 'oaded with 'cha.

I like to cool my anchovies before I put them on pizza its GOAT. You get that little extra bite from the anchovies on the pizza.

this is an insult to chicago, the home of the GOAT