Who here knows that NY'ZA is the best 'za inda world? POST YOUR NY"ZA HERE!
Who here knows that NY'ZA is the best 'za inda world? POST YOUR NY"ZA HERE!
butthurt 'go'er detected
That ain't 'go 'za.
Fuck off.
Hello, newcunt.
'Go 'Za or die mother fucker
it's a classic new york pizza pie!
chicago pizza > ny pizza
God damn I love me some New Yo' 'za!
Delicious chicago za is amazing
That's not NY 'za. Stop shilling for 'go 'za.
The water on the platter is really disturbing. I live in Chicago; it shouldn't be there.
Real glad this shit's not catching on with other boards.
Give it 'ime. We're spreading the new 'em of 'za.
Yeah, "we," like it's not just one jobless loser (You) with literally nothing better to do.
Fuck 'chago za. NY za is where it's at.
'go 'za
It's all I've got. I'm a NEET wizard on permanent SSD for late-stage, terminal diabetes and crippling 'tism.
Can I have your stuff when you die? I'll skype with you for an hour
>implying it's only one person, not an army of 3 of us
Don't 'lk to me or my 'go 'za ever 'ain.
Sure, you can have my microwave and GT Xpress 101. I make the finest fucking cuisine in both, so I know they're going to a good home.
Nah, I'll just get a cheesecake if I want that monstrosity.
damn nvm
chicago za 4 lyfe