Vodka & Gin

What are your favourites? Why?


I don't know this brand, but the woman on the right seems nice

The Costco Kirkland brand gin is surprisingly good. Very floral.

good stuff

Brokers is nice

would drink skol and party with those sluts. hopefully i would remember to wear a condom (probably not)

no ragrets

Miller's is pretty good. Made some gin bucks with em the other week.

It's liquid death. A shit tier vodka.

It's actually better than a lot of stuff a step up from it. You'd have to pay at least twice as much before you notice a significant leap in quality.

Then again, some people like TJ's Vodka of the Gods, and I think it tastes like ass.

I drink Tito's vodka now but Hendrick's is good gin.

this stuff is good, I learned how to make gin fizzes and now I drink them all the time.

Who tf cares about vodka brands. It's fucking vodka. So just smirnoff.

For Gin, I only buy the regular / middle stuff. Prioritized:
Damrak (Dutch, Amsterdam) Gin

wtf skol is danish beer with red bull

I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.

You seem like a good person whose opinion I should trust

>falling for the hendricks meme

do you add cucumbers to your G&T too, user?

>Tanqueray 10
>Bombay Sapphire if you don't want to waste your good stuff on others.

Top tier reply. Underrated

Not all liverwurst sandwiches are created equal.

Why does every sprits thread have to turn confrontational?

There's absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying Hendricks.

There is nothing wrong with drinking what you enjoy.

There's difference between bottom shelf shit and something decent. Don't forget the more cheap the vodka is the more likely the producer cut costs on filtering - that means more impurities, namely methanol.

Bottom shelf shit is German Lidl / Aldi stuff like "Rachmaninoff".

Smirnoff (or Absolut or Esbjærg) is fine vodka, it's affordable but a safe bet. If i'm drinking vodka pure (who tf does that) or in case i have guests over, i have a bottle of Belvedere.

Royal Club vs Schweppes
*grabs popcorn*

>If i'm drinking vodka pure (who tf does that)

If you mean straight, then sure, every day.

I'm pretty sure government enforced food safety standards are in place for the exact reason to make sure you don't lose your eyesight from bottom shelf vodka.

Sobieski should be the undisputed standard vodka.
My favorite I've ever had actually is Wyborowa. Not common, about the same price range as Smirnoff and the like, but perfectly smooth with a delicious rye spiciness. If you can find it, get it.
Mostly what I drink is 8 dollar handles of Crystal Palace. Thank you based Indiana liquor tax, greetings from Chicago. I'm not an alcoholic, just thrifty and I can drink anything.

I've got a bottle of Black Cow. It's an interesting one, very smooth and with the faintest sweet creaminess. Pretty drinkable.

Smirnoff tastes like paint stripper, it cuts through even when mixed.

Vodka: Belvedere
Gin: Bombay Sapphire

There is definitely methanol in alcoholic drinks. Iirc it's regulated with a roof of 0
4%. Just like everything, toxic only above a certain amount.

Definitely agree.


>There is definitely methanol in alcoholic drinks
But never more than allowed by government standards, I know this much already.

>>There is definitely methanol in alcoholic drinks
>But never more than allowed by government standards, I know this much already.
Of course. Only a moron would get more in their drink. Brewing stuff like absinthe is a whole other story of course.

Is Damrak any good?

Netherlands here, I saw it at my local supermarket but figured it was probably cheap shit if they have to market it referencing Amsterdam.

I have to say, I know this is copypasta, but I think I could live fine on the diet described.

Every time I go to Russia I bring back like 5 bottles of my favourite vodka, you can't even buy it anywhere else. It's so damn cheap too, 500 roubles per bottle.

Yeah well. I have to say i mosly drank it with fentimans tonic and that helps the taste a lot.

It is of course nowhere near Star of Bombay but for it's price it's quite good imho. It's a drink by Bols, they're a distillery with a reputation for cheap but good product.

I bought this in a rush, I thought it was some kind of blue smirnoff

I was drunk

Anyway, its not bad that I remember, has someone else tasted it?

I only drink vodka and pic related is my brand.

Not that there's a huge difference in vodkas once you're out of the bottom shelf.

I personally think there can be quite a difference based on what it is made from. I've tried a potato based vodka and didn't enjoy it much at all, but willing to try another brand to see if it makes a difference. I don't seem to mind wheat based ones though.

Planning on getting Tito's next to see how I like a corn based vodka.

Cheap bottom shelf "Russian" vodka for the masses.

Tastes and smells like laquer thinner. But hell it's vodka, well mixed anyways.

>Best Tier (in order)
Williams Chase

>Last resort

>Meme tier
Old Raj
47 Monkeys

>Stomach Suicide Tier
Bombay Sapphire
St. George Terrior

>Best Tier (in order)
Russian Standard Gold
Chopin Potato
Russian Standard Plat
Russian Standard

>Last resort
Kettle One

>Meme tier
Grey Goose

>Stomach Suicide Tier
>Bombay Sapphire

>Best Tier (in order)

please stop

>defending the memeist meme gin in existence

So easy to spot the gin plebs.

please tell me how Bombay Sapphire is a 'meme gin'

Whenever i see someone drinking gin it's someone's mum. Seems like a women's drink?

It's not just a woman's drink these days. It's of course not manly like whiskey and such but it's aight.

Bulldog, Beefeater and such opened the gin market to men imho.

I drink mostly
Anchor Junipero
St. George (various)

Genius: tastes like tonic so what's the point
Broker's: alc is unbalanced
Tanqueray Rangpur: tastes like lemon windex
Beefeater: entry level, not great quality
Bluecoat: alc unbalanced
Hendricks: nice but I only drink it if there's nothing else at the bar

>Bombay Sapphire if you don't want to waste your good stuff on others.
Mi hermano


>Best Tier
>Chopin Potato
If you love the strong aftertaste of potato oil, you'll love it!

Also, swap Ketel One with Grey Goose. Ketel One is abysmal.

>caring about the quality of vodka
never understood this, just don't buy something that looks like it's made from sawdust and you're fine, it's just ethanol and water anyway

as for gin i usually go for whatever is third cheapest, satisfies the craving for juniper flavored booze and you don't have to pay for your elitism

maybe this works different in 'murrica, i don't know

Thanks for replying. I'll probably try it out sometime this summer.

Is Snoop D O double G a fucking woman, huh?

Uncle vals is my absolute favorite gin, i dont know how widely sold it is though.

Otherwise beefeater is always good. And you don't need any sort of vodka other than tito's

Dumping a bunch of bullshit into gin to "strengthen" the flavor is a great way to ruin just about any experience with it imaginable, then dumping a bunch of juniper over it for overkill on both the palate and digestive tract. It's the natty ice of gins, and for once the snobbish gin critics are right: it's shit, but it's most people's gateway gin, so it often gets a free pass it doesn't deserve.

No love for Gordon's in this thread?

>If you love the strong aftertaste of potato oil, you'll love it!

Confirmed never tried it.

>Also, swap Ketel One with Grey Goose. Ketel One is abysmal.

Fuck off chad.

>Damrak (Dutch, Amsterdam) Gin

Patrician taste, my friend.

Damrak is good, but they add a lot of orange oils during filtering, so it really doesn't work in mixers with fruit that isn't orange.

Oranje boven! Will try this gin soon.

I always liked vigor vodka. if you can get it in the states but when I lived in Bosnia and Herzegovina that was kind of the go to vodka and it tasted really good and got your drunk pretty fast

it's the most disgusting horrifying putrid pile of acidic bile that I have ever had the displeasure of tasting

Had Vigor too in Croatia last summer. Great vodka for it's price, especially the flavoured ones. Haven't seen it elsewhere, afaik it's non-export Bacardi Product.

Nothing is 'dumped' into it nor is it to 'strengthen' it - you seem to have what you're on about. Firstly, if they really wanted to strengthen it, then they could simply dilute it less, secondly the botanicals are vapour-infused and Bombay Sapphire balances this exceptionally well which is why it's such a popular option behind the bar.

You talk about the juniper notes, but if anything, the citrus and peppery notes are far more prominent. Best that you don't try Sipsmith VJOP.

Chilled Russian Standard is my go-to. I only enjoy vodka straight.

Their botanicals are the most off balance of any gin not purposefully attempting to. Spicy oily lemon with high floral notes could not be more offputting. The fact they're so pronounced is the only reason it's infamous to begin with. I'd settle for a vodka martini over a gin one if it meant resorting to sapphire.

And I say this as someone enjoying old raj 55.

also, Bombay Sapphire

I tried Rear Admiral Joseph's Original London Dry Gin. I like how ornate the title is, for a 10-dollar store-brand bottle from Trader Joe's.
It was actually delicious. It was just... Gin. Fairly smooth. Tasted like a good gin. Not overbearing, but didn't get lost in the mix with some bitter lemon. Would recommend.

In no particular order.

Russian Standard (Gold if I can find it)
Absolut Citron for cocktails

Anchor Junipero
Martin Miller London Dry

Let me guess you're also a believer in 'Hendricks is a meme'

Gold is so much better than plat and imp. My local store keeps it in small inventory. I just hope noone else catches on.

Beefeater has a nice juniper taste and Tanqueray was good as well for mid-range Gins.

seagrams lime twisted gin in the gallon bottle


I have bought it though and drank the whole thing (not in one night, by the way, not an alcoholic). I bought a bottle because I was excited to try my first potato based vodka, only to be treated with an oily after-taste. Quite unpleasant. Hopefully other potato-based vodkas aren't similar in this aspect.

Now that I've tried Tito's Vodka, I can say that it is suitable for mixed drinks, but I'll probably avoid drinking it straight. Tastes good until it hits the back of my mouth. Didn't notice it in my mixed drink.

I'm not sure why you would drink vodka straight period unless you're just an alcoholic trying to get drunk, it has no good qualities taste wise.

It sounds as though you've never had a good vodka if that's your first and only assertion. Bottom-shelf paint thinner is not representative of all vodkas.

Gin is a sailor's drink.
Vodka is for college girls and Slavs.

It's midshelf here and it's one of my go-to's. Compared to what you can get in the way of rot-gut bathtub brewed shit you can use to clean your bathtub here it tastes like water - which is what I look for in a vodka.

I've just started distilling and my first main goal is getting to pure-neutral flavour. So far I've gotten as good as eristoff, and I'm happy.

It's on par with Vodka-O and nicer than Smirnoff for me. More likely to turn up on sale too.

My nigga. Best thing I've used with mixing flavored sparkling waters since I stay away from any sweet drinks at all.

Holy shit i never thought of mixing with seltzer. Which flavoured seltzer, Spa?

I use Dasani/LaCroix/Deer Park black cherry/Lime/Orange and whatever other flavors Costo bulk throws in. (Black Cherry is fucking fantastic). Perfect drink doin keto or low carb in general.

Oh well, i'm a real seltzer-snob. You guys probably don't sell it in costco but usually I get Spa (Belgium), Sourcy (Netherlands), Perrier (France), San Pellegrino (Italy) or Vichy (Spain).

Only two i know have flavoured sparkling are Spa & Sourcy.

I like New Amsterdam. The is the best gin I have found for having around the house to have either straight or mixed. Maximum utility. Seagrams is nice in a martini but too dry for me to have straight. Meanwhile Tanq is good on it's own or in a tonic but it just doesn't seem right when I make a cocktail with it.

By the way, has anyone had Greenall? I have been seeing it on shelves lately but never tried it.

I hate to be snobby about it, but Greenall is pretty mediocre. Here in the UK it's priced quite keenly and I think the quality is reflected in that. It's a bit hard to describe the flavours - it's somewhat anonymous imo. There are plenty of options that are only slightly more expensive but are much more enjoyable.

Well sadly a lot of those have sugar in them, and I can't have it. The Blood Orange San Pellegrino sounded so good, but just can't do it. If Spa or Perrier don't I'll keep my eyes open for those.

Drink whiskey like a real man fagot


for everyday drinking Bols vodka is GOAT
I don't like gin, but Tanqueray and Bombay Sapphire are drinkable

stolichnaya and tanqueray with welches cranberry and tropicana oj

Pic related, probably my biggest go-to's and favorites, also a list of ones I enjoy the hell out of.

>Spoiler: I love Gin

>Williams Chase
>Crater Lake
>Martin Millers
>The Botanist
>Bombay sapphire, east, and london dry
>Tanqueray Ten
>St George
>Uncle Vals

I'm personally pretty fond of Zubrowka. Mixed with some fresh lemonade and ice on a hot summer day, it's fucking perfect.

>>Bombay Sapphire if you don't want to waste your good stuff on others.

>bottle of bombay sapphire is a lv 1. distraction gin for normie guests
>hendricks is a lv 2. distraction gin for guests who think they know gin

This shit is really good. It really deserved to win as the world's best gin.

That stuff is great. I like it with a dry cider and lime.