My girl gonna make some sloppy Joe's with cheese

My girl gonna make some sloppy Joe's with cheese

I'll post progress
Also what you guys eating
Follow and like my bros music too

Aww man aww man not again! Lol


On deck

Add that shit

Water whip


>granite countertops
>shops exclusively in the food stamps aisle

dont look like granite to me buddy

obviously laminate

there's nothing wrong with the great value brand. it uses the exact same ingredients as brand name products.

i bet you're the kind of person who buys brand name medicine for $80 instead of spending $5 on generics.

Stop being a pretentious bitch
We are just renting a place until school starts back
Everyone wasn't born with daddy money
And no food stamps bro

Ten min rest and smoke break enjoy these strawberry lemonade cupcakes she made last year

Should I put cheese on my sloppy joes?

Enjoy these chorizo tacos and nachos

Holy shit, hang yourself with a sturdy rope.

It is possible to make delicious sloppy joes.

This is not the way to do it.

>hang yourself with a sturdy rope.

Dude chill it's never that deep over sloppy joes

whoa whoa whoa

your walmart sells beef/pork mix? where is the location of this magical establishment?

Nice of your girlfriend to be in the picture too

Hell yea
The pork fat helps the beef retain flavor

That's a wrap

so... is your gf your left or your right hand?

would eat/10

I love 'py 'oes.

>not having gf
My Lil BRO is 13 and has 1

How is that even a joke


Bad bait.

Hurt feelings*