You fuckin' hipsters have gone too far.
How do we get rid of the sriracha meme?
You fuckin' hipsters have gone too far.
How do we get rid of the sriracha meme?
Sriracha is delicious you fuckin sperg
Yeah brah I love some 'cha
>How do we get rid of the sriracha meme?
Force 'go 'za instead
>no 'cha in the 'go 'za
Come on now.
>tfw hot and spicy was superior and then they killed it
I gave you a direct order
>using 'cha in 'go 'za instead of 'oing the 'ingle 'ow 'zar with his 'ey 'oars
>mainstream massproduced product
What flyover do you live in that you still think sriracha is an up-and-coming or hip trend at all?
Not just that, but where people still eat Chex Mix in the first place? That's some real TV party shit.
chex mix bold or their muddie buddies is pretty fucking good/possibly the best snack food
sriracha is shit though
i've never had sirhchca. isn't it just hot sauce? why does it make someone mad that nigs eatin dis sht? who cares
Nobody thinks it's still "up and coming". But that doesn't change the fact that hipsters were responsible for the trend in the first place.
>implying hipsters would eat anything as shit tier as chex mix.
its fancy ketchup, mostly sugar, overwhelmingly sweet but marketed as "badass" and endorsed by nu-males to complement their PBR and cigarettes
babies first "hotsauce"
never underestimate a douche bag
grrr fuck im so mad at nothing
yeah that guy wearing thrift store clothes that hasn't showered in days, smoked a bunch of weed and is drinking dollar PBRs would never touch a bag of chexmix... he is clearly above it
Don't buy things you don't like.
Problem solved.
I don't think you know what a hipster is, user.
>classic image.jpg
Do we need to? If people like it, they can have it. I have a bottle in my fridge. It's alright.
Not mad i just understand that most people are shit and easily manipulated by trends/marketing.
Everyone wants to be different/unique/anti establishment but they are so afraid to be alone so they have to form degenerate counterculture groups.
There is a whole research study now about how millennials are all whiney faggots because of feminism and the "daycare generation". I think there is a lot of merit to it but I also think it has to do a lot with social media and people thinking that anyone gives a fuck about them/their opinion.
TLDR: Hipsters are scum and developmentally challenged. Developmentally challenged hipsters angry at their parents will eventually warp American politics/government into an intrusive nanny state catering to their screams for attention.
I didn't know people still ate that shit until I saw this thread. I'm of the opinion that any recipe involving breakfast cereal is shit. And anything associated with Betty Crocker is shit. So Chex Mix is a double whammy of shit.
Sriracha was pretty common in the 90's, long before the term "hipster" meant "guys who live in gentrifying neighborhoods and dress like the Strokes".
I was just looking at all four of them when you called. Oh, have you tried the new Chex Mix, yet?
I can't stop watching that gif. I hate her and her ridiculous facial expressions. That single gif has upset me more than 1,000,000 unnecessary sriracha flavored products ever could.
Wow I am SO glad to finally find someone who hates sriracha as much as I do. I was literally starting to run out of hope. This fiery-red fluid is the bane of my epicurean existence. No sooner have the acrid tendrils of its aroma passed my nostrils than I am transformed into Hyde, or Jekyll, or whichever one of them hated hot sauce more. For years, I’ve suffered in silence at soup dumpling stands & college cafeterias full of lunatics addicted to the savage sauce. But I can’t fake it anymore, so I admit it: Sriracha is flat-out foul.
How has this disgusting meme sauce negatively affected your lives, bros? Let's be there for each other.
she looks like such an annoying punchable cunt in that gif
>I also think it has to do a lot with social media and people thinking that anyone gives a fuck about them/their opinion.
This is probably very true. If you grow up getting likes/upvotes for pictures of our lunch, videos of your cat and your tweet in solidarity with the trans community being able to use whatever bathroom they want leads you to believe your opinions are important. Let this take place in a culture where being critical is seen as being negative, but being tolerant and accepting is virtuous and you see all kinds of off the wall shit suddenly passed off as normal. Seriously, a decade ago no one described themselves as "pansexual". Spell check still doesn't recognize it. But god forbid you say something to offend someone who identifies as such; that makes you a bigot.
That said degenerate countercultue groups have always existed, and will always exist. They can just find each other much more quickly today, and make a lot more noise about it. Jesus, fuck, we have an entire board dedicated to men watching a cartoon for little girls. The rise in popularity of a specific brand of hot sauce seems like nothing compared to that.
I chose my words carefully when I said "everyone wants to be different ... so they form counterculture groups"
Veeky Forums is a perfect example of this in the search for a hivemind against the "normies" and people are very much social creatures that seek groups. However the major difference is the anonymity here. No one here is really trying to change anything and shitposting is mostly just a time wasting experience for the laughs.
Hipsters/feminists/trans fags shitting up society has a far more tangible impact on the greater culture and values of the nation which is all pretty much boiling down to "look at me, look at me, my mommy let me grow up at daycare and never gave me any attention"
Its literally just "adults" throwing temper-tantrums.
your confusing thesis intrigues me and I would like to read more of your blog
Does 'racha work on 'go 'za?
Damn this got /pol/ real fast
It's not my thesis I just said I saw merit in it. There is a lot of research right now in aggression in children and acting out being linked to the daycare generation.
Like most things in life I simply think there are more variables involved (social media) that amplify the warped generation to come.
Millions of man children unironically majoring in native american basketweaving, womens studies, african american studies devoting their lives to destroying the "norm" established by their fathers and mothers that never nurtured them or controlled their ego.
I just pretended to read his post and then I told him it was "interesting" and he blushed.
It's just a garlic-hot sauce.
It's alright though, problem is it's bacon v.2 where people go memecrazy or go full autist about it being a meme.
fucking super nigger
>Hipsters/feminists/trans fags shitting up society
Shitting up what, exactly? I have a tough time thinking things were any "better" back when suck folks got beaten on general principle for showing who they were. In order to think these folks are shitting up society you have to think there was a time when things were better somewhere in the past. I see no evidence of that. If you look at the 20th Century practically everything interesting about it came from the so-called degenerate elements of culture. All the good music, art and literature, along with most of the good food and interesting pop culture came from them. The not so degenerate elements gave us what? Prohibition, the Great Depression, segregation, the Cold War, the Red Scare, Vietnam, and the War on Drugs. Yay. If I had to pick sides I'd back the degenerates without a moment's hesitation.
yeah man fuck the police whewwww lets do some drugs and make music. im so ashamed to be white, white people are responsible for all the evil in the world
did you hear about that one white guy at stanford that raped a girl? it pretty much proves all white guys are rich rapists and patriarchy and stuff. i only drink with black guys now.
Veeky Forums always fails to see the middleground where circlejerking on tumblr actually ends and real social issues have reasons to be fixed. most circles these days are very influenced by the ease of hugboxes and fail to develop their ideas. that doesnt make the theories they propose wrong, they just evolve slowly and saturate people with the little they know and celebrate. gender equality is a real issue that requires more thought, lgbtq acceptance is less of a problem in north america, but still oppressive in developing countries.
oh also, Veeky Forums is a hugbox. as proof ill be immidiately dismissed as SJW
Haha. I got nothing against being white. But as the dominant culture in the 20th Century most of the things I find good came from the degenerate elements of it, and most of the horrific, ugly stuff came from the establishment. Give me Frank Zappa or George Carlin over Pat Robertson or Pat Boone any day. Because I'd rather laugh at what's fucked up than try to preserve it.
hugbox thread is the alchy one bro. go over there if you want to talk about your feelings and how you have to drink 3 mixed drinks a day to cope with people not accepting you as a trap
kek and the other hugbox is the rest of the whole board that will evenly agree with eachother about the dooming dictatorship of normies/hipsters/trans
which is fine, and im a part of it, just good to acknowledge it from time to time because people dont seem to see it.
but when you just try to "fix the world" oftentimes you fuck everything up in the process
cool you wanna work? now we both work and labor value has declined so we bring home the same income that a single parent home used to. Oh and our kid is a genderqueer unicorn because he was raised by tumblr.
yeah lets export decent paying jobs to sweat shops, further nuke the value of labor and take a big steamy dump on the middle class.
>syrian immigrants/illegal workers
oh boy know what would make our economy even stronger? millions of uneducated people that can't speak english and don't pay taxes. we should give them free healthcare too while we are at it. fuck it just run up the national deficit some more and pay it with invisible magic money. if you don't wanna give free shit to everyone in the world you are a bigot.
globalization wasnt an attempt to fix the world.
accepting syrian refugees wasn't about the economy, it was about helping people who were dying.
the amount of stupidity in your post surpasses me right now, read a book or something
So what? Culture is a moving target, a work in progress. It's always changing. These values come in, those go out of fashion. It's OK to put these people down, now it isn't. These were our enemies, they're our friends now. These were the guiding economic principles, now those are. Culture just blunders along.
We all have our little pet issues and causes we're pulling for, and those we're against. Some will become mainstream, some won't. But the end of the world isn't going to come as a result of any of them. None of us get exactly the world we want.
>we can save everyone in the world
you have starving kids in your city you don't do shit to help but you expect the government to wave a magic wand a save kids in the middle east and africa
>i tweeted about it i practically saved lives today
armchair justice warriors are fucking disgusting
within 100 years the US will be another failed socialist experiment
Again, so what. 100 years ago alcohol was about to become illegal, we'd just participated in the first example of modern warfare, children were working in Philadelphia's notorious mills, laborers were lolcked into servitude as share croppers and camp workers unable to get out of debt to the company store, and the Supreme Court hadn't yet decided that Freedom of Speech was a protected right on an individual level. There were no electronics to speak of, aside from telegraphs. There was no radio yet, as we know it today. Pizza only existed in NYC and hamburgers weren't yet a popular food. And there were no antibiotics.
Expecting things 100 years from now to bear much resemblance to today would be absurd. Of course it will be radically different.
Let me add: 100 years from now if anyone even knows what Chex Mix is/was it'll be seen as mid-20th Century foodgore.
100 years from now you will go to the government store to get your daily ration of soylent green if you are a good comrade otherwise you will starve in the streets or the work camps
Only if Monsanto are the ones making soylent.