Why are these things so expensive?
Stand mixer
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because everyone wants the kitchenaid ones.
Flyovers out.
The models with proper metal gears instead of plastic cost upwards of $600
They're pretty worth it, I love mine
Aren't they assembled in the US? That would be why.
Are you an old man with arthritis?
Use a whisk you lazy fuck. I bet you want an electric can opener too.
Knead dough for 30 minutes by hand, or throw in a stand mixer with dough whip/hook for 6 to 8 minutes... Right...
Quality electric motors are expensive. Not $400-600 expensive like kitchenaids and vitamixes, but they have a long ass warranty.
Cheap electric motors are always shitty investment
Not a Kitchenaid, though. Just look at the hook in OP's image. Pathetic.
I once made a cocktail that consisted of almost an entire bottle of vodka, several cups of ice, and some random cans of discontinued energy drink I got from the dollar store, and an assload of ice, and I drank it out of a stand mixer bowl like a giant mug.
I drank the whole thing and shitposted on Veeky Forums until 4am. That was a bad time in my life
What the fuck kind of dough are you making at home that requires 30 minutes of kneading?
>still kneading dough
shiggy diggy
Friend of mine picked up a Pro 5 plus for under $300, best value for any kitchen item I have except maybe my ceramic pan set for under $100. You can make anything with them and they make attachments. If you buy in to the brand and get all the stuff it comes out cheaper and saves space in the end. It can be: a food processor, noodle maker, mixer (obviously), cheese grater, etc. They are worth the money if you use them.
30 minutes? sounds like youre way overkneading your dough. 10 minutes by hand is usually enough for me, sometimes too much.
jesus dude...
>so expensive?
They are?
they need to be sturdy because kneading dough requires force. cheap ones will have many plastic components and break in no time. a good, expensive one will have all metal components so it lasts for more than a few weeks
and kitchenaid ones have plastic components.
A proper mixer, like a Hobart, costs thousands.
If anything the Kitchenaid is the "cheapie".
oh, and by the way
>check em
Precision engineering to work in dirty environments without getting flour dust in the lubricants and with pretty much zero maintenance, AND without getting lubricants into the food. And they're expected to work for decades, be heaved around and dropped onto surfaces, and be moved around and carried by whatever part can be grabbed easily.
That, and they're heavy. There's a lot of gearing in them, the base is probably cast iron, and they're meant to be heavy to stay still when moving lots of dough around.
That means they're a bitch to transport.
Kenwood mixers are heirloom tier appliances. There are fistfights in some families over who gets to keep Grandma's mixer with all the attachments and the glass blender that goes on top.
i didn´t think OP meant the actual brand in his pic so, yeah
>Friend of mine picked up a Pro 5 plus for under $300, best value for any kitchen item I have except maybe my ceramic pan set for under $100. You can make anything with them and they make attachments. If you buy in to the brand and get all the stuff it comes out cheaper and saves space in the end. It can be: a food processor, noodle maker, mixer (obviously), cheese grater, etc. They are worth the money if you use them.
Sounds like a good fit for my situation since I'm moving to a smaller apartment soon. How big is the quality gap between Artisinal and Pro?
new kitchen aids maybe, old ones have metal gears while the new ones are nylon based.
Don't knead. Makes shit dough. There are better techniques. Personally, I like working the dough by hand way more than a stand mixer.
>I drank the whole thing and shitposted on Veeky Forums until 4am.
my hero
>there are better techniques
do tell.
>The models with proper metal gears instead of plastic cost upwards of $600
You do realize that they have plastic gears because housewives have been proven to be too retarded to oil their main screw gear right?
So why would you want metal gears in contact with the screw gear knowing that a majority of your customer base is too retarded to preform basic care on their property? Even more so when you offer a warranty to those same idiots.
Right... thats why people have been kneading dough for over 4000 years...
let me guess you're part of the "gluten develops on it's own so long as you just give it time and participation trophies" crowd.
get rekt. i don't have 3 days to wait for dough to form.. i do have 8 minutes in a stand mixer.
I'm not that guy, and I knead many of my breads. But a longer fermentation with stretch and folds (usually 6-8) ends up giving my a better crumb with many of my rustic breads. You could consider stretch and folds a form of kneading though.
I wouldn't make something like brioche without a stand mixer. But I wouldn't make ciabatta any other way than by hand.
>getting this mad about bread
are you that guy who got in a huge argument with his grandson who was shitposting about bread on Veeky Forums and now you're estranged from your daughter?
I think that was my favorite thread in the history of Veeky Forums
Oh wow, got any screencaps or links?
It is also much faster than kneading
no, that was before I started autistically cataloging goings-on and images and including them in by backups
back then, I actually thought I was going to pull myself together and become a normal person again
Why even mention that epic story then? That is reason enough to autistically save everything you come into contact with online.
What year is this? We don't oil our kitchen appliances like some kind of grease monkey. We use them until they break then throw them in the trash and buy a new one.
I actually thought I was going to pull myself together and become a normal person again
There's still hope, r-right?
>I have been baking bread on and off since I was a teenager, but it was only in the last six months that two things happened that revolutionised my bread making. The first was buying a plastic scraper
I should of fucking stopped reading.. why did i keep reading?
This is the same thing as the standard, retarded "use a wet dough, let the gluten form on its own" method... with the intruduction of slapping the dough - which IS a meme.
yes letting a dough rest does things to the dough. starting with poolish or biga or sponge or starter is going to change things. time changes things. cold ferments change things.
if you want glutenous well risen bread in an hour and a half on a saturday at 4:30 PM for pizza to feed senpai - its a waste of knowledge to know anything about any of that because it ain;t gonna get you gluten in 2 hours.
even if you are going to start with biga, poolish, sponges.. its still ok to run that through a kitchenaid as your mixing kneading mechanism. you aren't going to overwork a dough that you are then going to let rest in the fridge for 3 days or a week before it's next feeding. trust me i bake all kinds of methods.. a kitchen aide is nice to have when you bake bread more than once a month... or just on " weekends that don’t seem complete unless some new challenge is underway."
but what do I know, i'm just pointing out the mechanical kneading methods used for longer than you can even comprehend.
>but user, i want artisinal rustic bread
Then fucking knead your bread like your grandmother did and shut the fuck up with your hipster ass cold ferment don't touch the dough too much, its icky, bullshit.
That fucking crap is for people that don't have lives and sit at home NEETing the fuck out.
>That fucking crap is for people that don't have lives and sit at home NEETing the fuck out.
you think people sit in front of their fridge all that time waiting for it to ferment?
what are you on?
the people who don't have lives are the ones who have time to sit there kneading for a half hour and then staring at the pan while it rises in a slightly warm (but not too warm!) place
sorry but not everyone wants to adjust the temperature of their habitat to be perfect for the bread that they stare at for 2.5 hours a day while it rises after kneading
not the guy you're arguing with, just someone who actually works outside of the home, unlike you mr. house hubby
The book is better than the article, but I can't link the book.
I've used a kitchenaid lots, I find this method somewhat faster than that and much faster than kneading. At least in small volumes, of course if you're doing enough bread for a small Hobart it's way faster with the mixer. That's the big advantage, better bread is the side effect honestly.
The stand mixer is useful for things outside the dough hook, but other tools can do a good enough job there it's tough to justify one.
>AND without getting lubricants into the food
lol, these shitty appliances from KitchenAid are notorious for leaking brown oil DIRECTLY into the mixing bowl during use.
>lol, these shitty appliances from KitchenAid are notorious for leaking brown oil DIRECTLY into the mixing bowl during use.
After the nylon gear has degraded. Still it is an easy fix, replace one gear and one rubber o ring. If you had a metal gear by the time oil is leaking into your food your main screw gear is destroyed and the only fix for that is a new mixer.
>mechanical engineering, what is it and how does it work?
>You can literally craft a better mixer with a good drill
There are at least half a dozen reasons why that can't compare to a good quality stand mixer (and yes, the stand is one of them).
Enjoy your bald spot.
It's ok, you just need to use your lathe too.
Not too expensive if you're a smart shopper. Came out to $202 shipped with a promo code. Decided on nylon utensils because they're dishwasher-safe.
I wouldn't buy refurbs personally but if you shop around and maybe wait a bit you'll find a deal. I paid like half the regular "sale" price for my artisian, didn't get my choice of color but I can live with that.
meh, it depends on where you get your refubs from, if it's a reputable place and includes a warranty then I'm more likely to consider it
what the fuck is "artisian"
forgive my poor spelling there, artisan. The model above the classic (350W vs 250W and a bigger bowl)
had mine 25 years. never broke down once.
>Don't knead. Makes shit dough.
sounds like my average friday night