This guy comes into your kitchen and asks you to make your best dish.
What do you do?
This guy comes into your kitchen and asks you to make your best dish.
What do you do?
>cut up thin slices of cucumber
>get cayenne pepper powder (or whatever Mexicans use) and sprinkle over cucumber slices
>juice lime over it
punch him in face
call police for tresspassing
I dictate everything I'm doing in a really weird, uptalky cadence.
I would give him my best rare hamburger, it's the only way to enjoy the fine taste of beef
The mexicans in the kitchen I work at made this one morning after prep. They were super dope and now I make em at home all the time
Aunt Myrna's Party Cheese Salad
Give him the ol tappa tappa
Freakout because I'm out of ceramic so I can't make a proper dish, then rummage through my utility drawer and proceed to create a dish out of paper towels and duct tape.
It's great - I worked for a non-profit in high school with a bunch of Mexicans and they made this for the kids all the time. It's so nice in the summer time.
Dead mom
Make my world famous three cheese pizza.
Make a plate of scabs
Turn 360 degrees and tell him to get the fuck out of my kitchen.
Fadwishus dat cam
Grab my 100qt stoctpot, put it over his head, pee all over his legs. Kick him in the balls.
Roast pig-filét in honey, make a sauce of red barrique wine and cream. Serve with Kartoffelpuffers.
give him a bit of ye olde shaka shaka
I'd give him a jar of cayenne and watch as he eats from it with his hands.
pizza sauce so he can remember where he came from
i make his ciabatta to a t and then take him to task when it does not rise enough
Put pork chops on a plate and rub salt on it and let it dry for about 4 hours. Then rub flour and crushed pork rinds on the chops. Fry in shallow oil. After put pepper and cayenne.
I'd tell him that he doesn't have to tell me what happened but he does have to eat this bowl of eggs
Make a big line of cayenne and snort it. Garnish with some FRESHLY squeezed lemon juice.
Just blood in a glass. Look at his eyes hes clearly clan gangrel
remember you control the the mast around chef johns tight ass
jesus christ his eyes make him look like a fucking witcher or something
burn onion and garlic in a frying pan, scrape bottom with freakishly average wooden spoon and pour in chicken stock
freshly ground black pepper, freshly squeezed lemon juice, cayenne, the ol tappa tappa and eeeenjooooooy
I can't cook, so offer to take him to McDonald's.
>Make puns
>Dump cayenne onsalad
>You're the Christian Bale of you seasoned kale
That pun has to be from one of his videos. Bravo.
Bacalao. I think he'd really like it.
well I gotta make some 'go 'za then
IDGAF who comes in my kitchen, anyone who wants me to make a meal for them is going to get something cold right now, because it's hot as fuck and I don't heat up the kitchen during weather like this. Might be willing to grill or smoke something, though, since it's outside.
I can't cook, so gets a ham sandwich
They Sprinkle Tajin on it, shits good on any fruit.
>ground meat
I dont get this... Hamburgers should be well done
You have to eat ALL the eggs!!
Fucking cat eyes
raw savages gonna eat raw
Seriously fuck cayenne
call the cops, sue him for unlawful entry
take all his youtube monies
wew lad
Thanks man, going to try to find it now.
tons of really small tattoos = she is totally broke and would fuck you if you bought her $20 worth of drinks
my kind of girl
Put cayenne is whatever I make.
>Baked halibut
>Pan roasted herb potatoes
>sauteed cherry tomatoes, asparagus
If he doesn't like it he can get the fuck out of my kitchen and get a hair transplant
>parents making hamburgers once
>start eating it halfway and notice it was a little bit pink inside
>just shrug it off
>4 hours later sharp stomach pains and pissing out of my asshole
The toilet looked like an indian beach when it was finally over.
Not all of us have the immune system of a little bitch.