What eat now

what eat now Veeky Forums?

fry food now

tonkatsu/schnitzel/cutlet, garlic bread, frozen french fries, and cabbage

chiken katsu

that dollar has seen way better days, maybe you should just leave it as a tip for no honor.

>Putting money near your food

What kind of a trashy scumfuck does this? Fuck, grow up, asshole.

eat the dollar

lucky Veeky Forums dollar bring luck taste

Enjoy your e. coli

>even correct strain

e coli? is that like broccoli for the internet?

bread with barbeque sauce. for desert I will have buttered bread with a little brown sugar and cinnamon then microwaved.

damn how new are you

start jalapeppers now

green heat crunch

angry habaenro chiken now

hot! no crunch

no tip because university culture no tip

Your meagre dollar wouldn't even buy a cup of coffee, anyway.

You can tell the chicken is bone dry. The bread looks rock hard, and the fries look unseasoned.

I imagine the "restaurant" is in a low-income area.

you're very cool, dollarbro
don't stop doing what you're doing

Best thread on Veeky Forums easily.

Pretty sure you are a nigger.


>summerposters complaining about Veeky Forums's very own eunuch

>newfag complains about summerfags complaining for street cred

>detected nigger lover

the circlejerk is strong in this threda