What does Veeky Forums think of the new pepsi?
What does Veeky Forums think of the new pepsi?
The should slap some generic anime girl on the label for an instant 50% increase in sales.
Where do I buy this shit from?
Please respond
Will it match the pink of my bento box?
what is google.
That's the name of my Bankai
My dad was working in the US in the 80s and brought back cans of pink soda that were delicious.
If this tastes like that, I want it. I don't really even drink soda, but I'll make an exception for nostalgia's sake.
It was probably cherry 7 up, which is pretty gosu.
Is this just cherry pepsi?
naw it tastes like flowers
I'm okay with my water, thanks
>japan only
life is pain
Maybe, but I don't think so.
The whole can was pink. The soda inside was pink. Was cherry 7-up sold in a pink can?
>japan only
>life is pain
I think you mean
>dodged a bullet there.
Yeah, no. Definitely wasn't any of those. Don't think it was 7-up. What other pink sodas were there in the 80s?
I fucking like it. Just finished a Sakura Pepsi, actually. I mean, it's still overly sweet like any soda, but I love Sakura flavor, I bought some Sakura mochi last month and they tasted great (actually, a lot like the pepsi, oddly enough ).
cherry ginger ale.
Nah. Guess it's forever lost to the mists of time. Pity.
>tfw Japan forever ruined cherry blossoms for you
the sad thing is that isn't even japan that ruined it, its weeb perceptions of cherry blossoms in japan which then fuels the emotions of actual japanese hypernationalists
>tfw my grandpa had a giant cherry tree in his backyard until he cut down that beaut
Looks pretty. Does it taste anything like Hello Kitty soda? That stuff's delicious.
Nobody cares, senpai