Webm thread.
Pls no jack videos
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Third time's the charm, eh bud?
no bully
I don't get it
Jesus Christ what a fucking fatass
The Mongolian eats funny.
Gotcha, that's all I needed
Doesn't melting the butter change the batter a lot?
They're not biscuits.
I can almost hear the sucking noise as he inhales it. Like one of those pneumatic tubes at the bank
Why dont chinese ever savour their food?
What the fuck happens to the food she eats?
>all this trouble
>for some fucking sugar bread
Fuck sugar, fuck sweet faggots.
If I ate all that disgusting bullshit I would break out for years
how on Earth is she able to disgest all that dirty
>Pls no jack videos
I think this is that one lady that has some sort of weird digestive issue that causes the vast majority of the nutrients she ingests to just like not be absorbed at all.
There are multiple japanese chicks who make vids like this.
Goddamn are you serious? Man what the fuck
I mean, there are chicks in the US who stuff, too, but they usually gain weight and it's more of a fetish thing. Japan just likes eating contests more than we do as actual entertainment.
i hate those videos that look "too perfect" and snappy, like that one. dunno why.
ya but these are also along the lines of ASMR videos.... mixed with fetish, which is redundant to say, but most people don't know ASMR is fetish...
no cooking time given, but you get it all from the STATE of the food, so they are sped up, which is really the beauty. They do probably practice, and color balance the shit out of it. but color is part of apetite.
most american thing i've seen all day
>eggshell and potato chip crepes
What the sweet holy mother of fuck is this bullshit?
crispy pancakes
But why is it something that exists? Why would you make it?
It's not user. Rewatch the video.
nigga u dumb
for you
I wonder how many times he's cut his hands doing this
It's a parody you dingus.
What the fuck am I looking at?
Couldn't he start with a smaller ice block to begin with?
well yeah but for the video he probably wanted to start with the biggest showing the whole process
I assume they keep the already cut ones in the freezer and shave em down before starting on another big one
Watch this. It's about how clear ice is made.
Jesus Christ. Sauce?
That was cool. I want to make some of those but it would be depressing as hell to make cocktails for 1
>places chips so carefully then just douses it with like 6 sauces
how do you make clear ice like that, my ice always comes out cloudy some what.
the thing that really turns me off here is so much lime juice. There's like 3 limes in there
>petting it with the tongs
is that a low carb 'go 'za
probably throws up during the scene cuts
He's pushing it in with the chopsticks. He wouldn't have to suck.
looks pretty good.
is it just skinned alive or is its head also chopped off? i cant tell
I have to try this.
Doritos,Ramen and tons of sauce. The dish of Mexican intellectuals.
I'm glad he cleared that up. That was very ice of him.
Just substitute the sugar for equal amounts of salt. Should suit you just fine.
>soy sauce
it's dead, but the heat of the grill is making it do a little jig.
partly why witch burning are good fun.
I get that it's dead and this is just the heat stimulating the muscles, but it legitimately looks like it's trying to get away.
Just generally unsettling.
probably none. He's not a retard like you. As you can see from the video, he actually knows what he's doing and doesn't get his fingers anywhere near the blade.
'muscles contract when they receive signals from motor neurons. These signals are produced and propagated by different ions, such as sodium. The sodium ions in the salt (i.e. sodium chloride) cause the nerves to fire and therefore make the muscles contract. This only works if the meat has been freshly killed, as it still requires some live cells.'
She is now an honorary American
No Jack videos you say?
>Fuck you, egg sandwich, Next.
>how to get your salt intake for the whole week in one meal
God the guy who made that video is the most incredible fucking douche. I hope he's rotting in an ally after suffering a slow death of AIDS.
I dont get it
took you long enough
I would actually die. Stupid gallbladder, only functioning at 30 percent.
what's going on in this one?
I don't either
any foodie should be offended by this
what if I don't want the bartender's hands all over my ice?
What's the video?
oh shit, i was recently diagnosed with gallbladder stones and now i canĀ“t eat anything with capsaicin. what are your symptoms? what will happen if i get my gallbladder removed? will i have to change my eating habbits?
if memory serves me, it some complete jagoff complaining that his hot wings weren't hot wings, but buffalo wings
i'll leave you to ponder what drives a man to that level of stupidity
The place I bake at has a very soup nazi feel to it. We have a line out the door and sell as much as we can make. We don't have to give a shit about customer service. It's great.
Here's your food, now fuck you. Next!
oh man, this is great. What movie?
Drink it warm?
That guy's hands are probably cleaner than the glass he's making the ice for.
Well I have had sludge in my gallbladder and it was fine for a while. I stopped eating meat and fat for a good few months and then I was okay for a year.
Looks like I over did meat/fat because the last week has been stabbing pain in my right side. So I went mostly vegetarian since the pain started and now it is just a dull pain, so I am getting better.
I am just kinda boned, my dad and my grandmother had their gallbladders taken out.
So the worst that will happen if you have stones and you don't do anything about it, is that a stone will stuck in your pancreas, it will cause acute pancreatitis which most people die from. My dad got lucky and lived. He was sedated for over a month in the hospital, his lungs almost stopped functioning.
If you are proactive about getting it removed, you will most likely have no problems. If you wait 2 decades and do nothing but suffer, you will have bad things happen and you could end up a diabetic like my dad or dead.
It's Lost, don't watch it it's shit
I just love the way Indians eat with their hands. It's very natural to me. I see it as an expression of self-love. Beautiful.