Is this the best vegetable?
Is this the best vegetable?
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no, that's not asparagus.
Bell peppers are the best
cauliflowers are better tbqh
Used to be, has been supplanted by green beans for me personally.
No, that's not a potato.
isn't it a root vegetable?
potatoes are toxic though, just like all nightshade vegetables.
Man I love broc but I'm never sure what to make it with.
What do you guys eat broccoli in?
Roast it with some chopped garlic and olive oil and eat it by itself.
Nothing. Broccoli is a side. You get it fresh, not frozen, steam it, and then eat it with whatever else you're having that day.
Fresh broccoli is so sweet it almost tastes like sugar.
Snap peas
no, onion very obviously is
Mac and Cheese with steamed/boiled broccoli is pretty good.
Roasted broccoli works great with pasta.
I peel the stem and give it to my dog, she loves broccoli. When I cut some up she drools and whines.
I usually just steam it or eat raw. I sometimes put it on pizza, in omelettes or quiche, that's about it.
i prefer brussel sprouts, but broccoli is a close second
>Prefering assburgers
>Bitter water
>Bland blandness
>Grasstaste galore
I'm okay with this but
>dem carbs
>Fart balls
>Veeky Forums
It's practically a stereotype to have it with chicken alfredo. It's good on a baked potato with butter and cheese, or in a stir-fry.
Sorry bucko, but that honor goes to our friend the tomato. Red or green, fried, raw, stewed, roasted, sauteed, grilled... salads, sides, sauces, soups, stews, the tomato is king vegetable. Fuck off fruitfags.
Autistic fuck
there has to be a word for the condition where autism and homosexualism are combined into one ism.
>whatever that is: the post.
>implying tomatos are vegetables
is salt also a vegetable in your little world?
I love broccoli but I think beans (e.g. chickpeas) are the best.
Stir fries. Have it with ramen/udon. Or just steamed.
all fruits are also vegetables, though the opposite is obviously not true
> Implying potatoes aren't veggies.
Carrots and celery are my go-to.
General rule of thumb:
If it's not supposed to contain seeds, then it's a vegetable.
The reproductive organ of the potato plant is not the part people eat.
>no kale
Naw bruh.
They make everything taste better.
if that's a vegetable then so are garlic and salt.
even if those are, we obviously aren't talking about that.
damn dude. asparagus is so trippy.
Are you retarded?
Salt is a mineral.
Both onion and garlic are very clearly vegetables.
Dat bait.
anything else is bait.
say you're on a desert island right?
three vegetables will be able to grow in abundance on the island. you will be there for a few years.
you also have a box of kitchen utensils and pots and pans that washed up a few days after you did.
not much other food is available, aside from the odd fish or crab you manage to catch. choose three veg, and choose wisely.
>Implying vegetables aren't the vegetative portions of the organism. >Implying fruits aren't defined by being a reproductive structure that develops from a flower.
Tomato, onion, spinach
All three are delicious. I picked spinach for its iron content, though I'm not sure it's the highest around. The other factor in my decision is that all three are versatile and can be eaten cooked or raw depending on one's mood.
hmm, good call with the spinach. tomato doesn't count though.
carrots, broc and lettuce
a little dull
You know for damn sure its the best. Its the potato of vegetables. You can do literally anything with it.
Eggplant, spinach, onion
Onion, mushrooms and spinach.
Spinach doesn't have a lot of iron at all. That's an extremely common misconception that comes from bad scientific measurements of the vegetable in the 19th century that had MASSIVELY wrong numbers, and have persisted through popular culture thanks to Popeye the Sailor Man.
You should really check it out and look into those alternatives that were measured using modern scientific standards.
i'd choose the same, simply for the flavor
mushrooms aren't veggies you retard
eggplant is a fruit
You are wrong. Popeye grew muscles when he ate spinach.
WHY did Popeye grow muscles when he ate spinach? Because they mistakenly believed it had like 8000% of your daily dose of iron.
I don't know. People weren't that stupid back then surely
>People weren't that stupid back then surely
Why is broccoli known as the icky gross food in so many cartoons? It's one of my favourite veggies.
Because culture. In Japan kids don't hate broccoli, so Disney altered this scene in the Japanese version of the movie to have the vegetable Japanese kids hate: green peppers.
most vegetables are good
because they exist to appeal to us. They have to taste yummy in order to reproduce
cheese. sauce.
chicken alfredo is the most delicious thing
I put the sauce on schnitzel and side it with broc
broc, carrot, onion
versatile as fug
Nah, cauliflower is better breaded and deep fried and tossed with garlic sauce. Pic related.
They are the best to have with a meal. I enjoy snacking on sugar snap peas the most.
I literally chew on stumps with group pepper then toss the carcass
because children are little shits with shit taste
I came a little.
I really wanted to base my answer only on knowledge that I already had, whether it was correct or not. Meaning just that I didn't want to look up the "best" answer. Though spinach is at least decent on iron, right?
Also I felt that spinach would have a naturally invigorating effect. Even if it's only a placebo thanks to Popeye, spinach would help me grow strong. If I could only manage to procure some seeds and perhaps an Internet connection, I might choose to remain on the island, at least for several years, but that is only due to my having the strength of a sailor man.
Interestingly, this is probably why I rarely eat broccoli today. My palette has expanded greatly since my childhood, but I still harbor an aversion to broccoli.
It's worth nothing however that the same species of plant produces broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, kholrabI, and brussel sprouts.
I make a cheddar and broccoli soup. I can share the recipe if you like. It's LOADED with cheese, contains nice bits of carrot and onion as well, and the crumbled broccoli is delightful with the gooey consistency of the whole thing. Highly recommend using a homemade stock as well, since the recipe really should be made with a high quality cheddar. It's rather unhealthy desu unless your diet calls for a lot of fat, so might as well make sure it's excellent.
Additionally, as I'm a medical420fag, I usually melt cannabis butter into it, for a cannabis, cheddar, and broccoli soup, which is just amazing with the extra bitter and earthy elements to add depth and character.
Fucking sold. Mail me it.
It sounds life changing.
broccoli, carrot, and whatever the most nutritious chard is, I think Swedish.
tomato, onion, potato
carrot, potato, corn if I have fire to cook.
Carrot, spinach, tomato if I gotta eat things raw.
what the actual fuck. are you high, you stupid fucking nigger? broccoli is bitter as fuck raw
I hope you fucking kill yourself, you autistic piece of shit
potato, cabbage, carrot
any list without potatoes was formed by a literal retard
That's not spinach.
Adding cream cheese to spinach with some salt and pepper is fucking amazing.
Nigger I just told you to steam it.
I'm going to quote (you) so (you) can clearly understand the point of contention here, since you're too fucking stupid to realize it
>Fresh broccoli is so sweet it almost tastes like sugar
If you think that, you're a fucking moron
he is right though
fresh brocolli thats been steamed is the best tasting vegetable
I'm not debating that fact. I'm calling him a fucking retard for thinking fresh broccoli is sweet
it is though
i think he was saying that fresh broccoli is steamed broccoli
not fresh as in fresh
Here it is! I hope you like my blog, user!
these two are equally great :3
thats a fruit
Holy shit you autists it's fresh as in fresh from the farmer's market or grocery store as opposed to frozen.
Frozen simply does not taste as good as fresh.
>fresh means raw
Never ever not ever have I ever heard anybody describe raw food as "fresh" or fresh food as "raw".
Vegetable Tier List:
God Tier:
Mushrooms (Who cares if its a fungus)
Top Tier:
Mid Tier:
Green Beans
Brussel Sprouts
Bell Peppers
Eggplant (you wouldn't put it in a fruit salad)
Bok Choy
Collard Greens
Low Tier:
The majority of legumes, especially chickpeas. Fuck chickpeas unless theyre hummus
Sweet potatoes. If you like sweet potato fries you can fuck off
Shit Tier:
> implying beets are shit
beets are kinda shit tbhfamallama
they only have use as a garnish on salads
Slav food a shit. Only good food to come from slavs is cabbage and sausage, and the germans do those things better anyways
> tfw I'm not even slavic
I'll eat raw beets like an apple or roast them for that delicious smoky sweetness, either way beets are the bomb.
Cabbage is good too, especially in krout bierocks.
Carrots are one of the cheapest vegetables and seriously underrated, especially as a base for soup.
Radishes are also delicious, whether sliced up or eaten whole.
Legumes make up ~70% of my diet
Anyone that puts Corn and Tomato and white button mushrooms (there's so much variety in mushrooms that I have no idea how you generalize like that) above Bell Peppers, Eggplant, and Brussel Sprouts is insane
Nigga. I can't help but eat a few right out of the can every time I open one.
I've got some in my dehydrator right now.
One of the few green veggies I'll eat, so yeah.
stupid housewives boil it mercilessly until it turns to mustard gas.
not sure why, steaming and roasting are easy and fast.
I heard Japanese green pepper (piman) is more bitter than a bell pepper. probably deserves to be hated.
Raw celery is unironically my favorite.
Parsnips are god tier, especially roasted
Do you eat anything else with them when you roast them? Like potatoes or anything? I can't imagine just having parsnips as a side.
WOW led
ok now i know you are joking