What do you think of my appetizer plate, Veeky Forums?
What do you think of my appetizer plate, Veeky Forums?
Looks decent. Could use a few more sweet gherkins.
It's pretty creative. The colors coordinate pretty well and the selection of meats and cheeses is pretty acute.
Very good. Are you throwing a fancy party?
inb4 ukrainian wedding
A solid 7/10
-3 Points for no crackers, only one roll, and no delicious cold beverage in sight
Looks good; presentation is nice and like the plate choice.
>serving anything on grandmas dinner plates
Looks like shit.
Good thing CK is the scatology central of the internet.
Why is there that one isolated slice of different-looking sausage?
learn how to use a knife
Good selection of things, probably is delicious.
Did you slice everything with a butterknife? Looks jagged.
Probably would have looked better on a smaller plate or with something to fill up the middle.
this is obviously bait. you can't all be this stupid
We're all taking it very seriously.
seriously is this some sort of new sincerity bullshit? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
user, if you have some serious criticism of OP's appetizer plate, I'm sure he'd like to hear it so that he can improve his skills for future dinner parties or gatherings.
As for OP, I think that it's probably delicious but that the sausage could be sliced more thinly, and there could be more bread. Maybe you could use the middle of the plate for it, and you would solve the "empty middle" problem the other helpful user mentioned.
I hope your dinner party went well!
Looks like a panty dropper to me.
Holy shit you guys suck at this shit
First time on Veeky Forums and it's all nasty, dumb shit
Add an assortment of cheeses - Gouda, old Amsterdam, roquefort, reblochon, morbier, tomme etc. You get the idea. Next, add a larger variety of meat, at least go for quality - dried meat, chorizo, morta della, some shit like that. And replace those "olives" with some better quality cause that shit looks like cancer. Aesthetics are also important in food, especially when serving it to more people. Even if this shit is just for you, have some self respect and put effort into it. I HATE all of you.
>self respect
>mad at strangers on the Internet
Why the one-of's? Seems pointless.
The plate is sorely missing fruit. Any fruit. Trust me, it does elevate the whole meal. Even some jam would be fine.
buy a better knife / 10
Would eat, though. Is that velveetá?
I won't hate on effort, but you need more variety in the charcuterie/cheese area. I make this at least once a week. salami, pate, prosciutto ; mozzarella or swiss (soft), Parmesan (hard), Stilton (bleu); thin cut baguette. olives and gherkins optional.
if you don't get poontang on this you need to take a shower
How much sodium is that?
8/10 would nibble on.
I'm having a plate similar for dinner, myself.
>tome de savoie
>artichoke tapenade
>duck pate
are you turkish?
looks good, i would add more olives, maybe some anchovies too. Or even better, make an olive/anchovy tapenade. Also, maybe some more bread, or crackers at least.
8/10 would pair with a nice mug vodka.
>torn roll
>one piece of cubed (Swiss?) sitting in another item
>HORRENDOUS cuts all around
>salami out of place
>nothing in the center to bring your food together like a sauce cup or a dip
1/10 job. All your food looks to be from the same continent, but that's about the only good point.
That looks like some really low-grade sausage.
even le reddit produces better shit than Veeky Forums, holy fuck you guys are bad
I think
Appetizer? That's a meal, fatass.
What kind of sausages are those
Looks good except for the olives. olives are eww.
eastern European as fuck cuz