>using salt
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
>ingredients: 90% salt, 10% chemical reagents
Sure we aren't
This sad sack hasn't committed suicide yet?
I looked for a torrent on his new cooking show. But couldn't find it anywhere. There must be zero interest.
He shall not be igknorred!
baby boomer pls go
You may ask, why do I season my water with Knorr® Chicken Stock Pot™... and not salt? And the reason why is because Kno®® Chicken™ St®ck™ P®t™, makes your pasta taste better, than salt. You should try it.
I do like watching his videos, but line killed me. The rest of the video is easy and simple to follow.
I kicked that dude right in the face - with my fist.
>cooking without salt
His son is on Big Brother at moment. If you saw him, you'd know why Marco has lost his will to live. Failure of a father
it's so sad to see a person degrade like that...
The worst thing about Marco isn't that he's thrown his dignity away to be a slave to some shitty low-level company. It's the haircut. That disgusting mess is the greatest sign that this man does not give a fuck about himself or anything else in the world
PS: can he stop squinting all the time like a weirdo
I think he actually likes Knorr
he likes nothing, he likes the money he gets and the consultancy he does for them because its something to do.
the man probably regrets unleashing gordon ramsay on the world by being a cheap fuck instead of making gordon his business partner.
gordon stole his angry chef bit and made millions.
I use this stuff in place of salt, tabarnak
>Marco isn't that he's thrown his dignity away to be a slave to some shitty low-level company
Because the angle there is that isn't anywhere near true right? That would be the completely unrealistic fabrication of an autistic memester's mind.
such a cringe
Just laughed my ass off, damn I missed Veeky Forums
Fuck off quebecker
a fucking legend, someone should kill him fast
He just got old and calmed down. People do that. The median age here is around twenty and we've all still got fires up our asses about something but it won't be that way forever. Just let the man be. He's already put in his work