How do you make iced coffee at home?

How do you make iced coffee at home?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Make coffee
>Add ice

Do you live in a shithole where only restaurants have access to ice?

I freeze my leftover coffee in an ice cube tray
My favorite trick for making it quick is to make double strength coffee (2 tbsp per 6 oz water), mix it with sugar and creme, or condensed milk, or flavored creamer, whatever, then stir in the ice and immediately shove it in the fridge. It usually chills in 5 mins without melting all the way

I use hand-cut artisanal ice cubes.

Cold brew

>double strength coffee
>2 tbsp per 6 oz water
Nigga, that's regular strength

>How do you make iced coffee at home?

Try this:

white drake

I only drink with mineral fortified artisanal ice in my coffee.

Black coffee ice cubes, inside a large cup of light & sweet hot coffee.

>2 tbsp per 6 oz water

That's regular strength

frappes are a staple in my house but i prefer iced americanos
Usually make two espresso shots, let them reach room temp, add water and ice. Maybe a tsp of sugar if im feeling it

3 shots espresso
coconut oil 1tbsp
weed butter 1tbsp
1 cup soy milk
blend the shit out of it
combine with cup of ice

>Make coffee
>Add ice in a blender
Wasn't that hard, was it?

>Actually measuring your coffee
>Not building mountain ranges of grounds in your filter and drinking in the destruction of your nature to a caffeinated state of perpetual bliss and mental chaos.

and a shit load of sugar

>chill coffee
>add ice

Wa La!

the same way we do it at starbucks, a strong roast, 1 part coffee, 1 part ice per serving

>not using ice spheres to reduce the amount of water that gets added to the coffee.


>meme spheres from a mold
>cubes hand cut and cared for by an ice cube artisan

fill cafetiere with grounds and cold water, leave in fridge overnight, strain, add a lil milk and syrup if im feeling wild

>cubes that melt faster, thus watering down the drink

and you call yourself an artisanal barista.

Cold Brew with a Hario Mizudashi, or V60 poured directly into container with ice-cubes if I've not made a cold-brew batch the night before.

At starbucks we have preground roast, we use that, and fill a pitcher with a liter of coffee, then a liter of ice, then put it in the fridge to water down over the course of a few hours

Cold brew:
Add twice the normal proportion of coffee to water in a pitcher.
Put in fridge
Strain in the morning, drink cold brew coffee all week.

How long do you have to apprentice at the ice cube guild to become a bona fide ice cube artisan?

>he drinks coffee

OP, I make a french press in the morning, drink half, and put the other half in the fridge for the afternoon.

I add sugar to it while it's hot, before it goes in the fridge.

Occasionally I make a glass of iced coffee french. I just brew twice as strong into a mug, add sugar, then pour over ice. It obviously melts a bunchof the ice, but the porportions work pretty well for me.

If you want numbers: 1/3 cup of grounds to 1 cup of water

How do you get mold on ice?

I like pour over into carafe filled with ice

i've been a cuber (name for people with interest in ice cubes) for 10 years and i still haven't been accepted

This is what I do, doubling my typical amount of grounds.

I brew a pot and then pour it into shaker bottles and put them in the fridge.

Pull them out and add ice cubes/protein powder in the morning.

>teaspoon of blend 43
>teaspoon of sugar
>1/4 of mug with boiling water
>rest of mug with milk

I don't know whether you're trolling but I want to try that

Regular recipe:
>combine ice and strong coffee
>add milk

American recipe:
>combine coffee with equal parts of sugar and butter
>add pecan syrup
>finish it of with a cup of high fructose corn syrup and 4 strips of bacon
>add ice cubes and condensed sweetened milk


lol u should start a new thread

This, is how you fucking make coffee.

>drinking a butter like substance
I've baked with cannabutter.... I don't know about this...


If you include a milk product in the coffee, how long can you leave it uncovered in the fridge/freezer before it goes bad?

I forgot sugar
it's kind of caramel like. . if you put to much of the weed butter it is not so good. in fact it kind of tastes better without it but i like to get high.

I brew coffee, then put it in a metal cup in a water bath, cools it down to room temperature in about 15 minutes. Then I put it over ice. Fuck putting it over ice while it's still hot, just leaves watery bullshit.

we're talking about coffee not salvia

By using organic Greenlandic glacier melt water without any trace of pesticides.

I have the bad feeling you are actually speaking the truth.

Don't do that. Put the brewer directly over the ice and adjust your brewing ratio to account for the weight of the ice.

A normal brewing ratio might be 16g coffee to 240g water, but if you use say 46g of ice, take the water down to 180g.

Might want to agitate the slurry a bit too to boost extraction, since with the reduced water it's going to extract less than your normal brew. But being a little more acidic that you dial it in for hot probably isn't terrible for a cold drink.

how do i change my coffee maker to make cold water instead of hot water

>Acquire glass
>200ml water
>1tsp instant coffee
>200ml milk
>Add sugar
>Top up with ice

You still use hot water.

Japanese style is best,
double strength pourover, directly on a lot of ice, once its through your coffee is icecold and has none of that ugly taste of leftover coffee

Strongly disagreed.

Cold brew without ice is best.

>make strong ass coffee in moka pot
>pour into glass with almond milk
>add ice


>put water in tray
>put tray in freezer

it takes a trip to walmart

i make vietnamese iced coffee. delicious

>This guy understands coffee
How much coffee should I add? As much as you can take and then some more.

>instant coffee


I make Greek Frappe
1) Make very concentrated sugar/coffee base with a small amount of hot water
2) Mix with 50/50 water/milk solution
3) Add ice
This is literally the sole reason anybody should ever buy instant coffee

are moka pots all the rage or are they just hipster fluff?

I just want to sometimes make lattes without spending $1500 on an espresso machine

One of two ways:
>make nice and strong moka pot
>let it cool
>put in shaker with fat free half and half, and some coconut syrup
>shake well and pour over ice
>make strong cold brew coffee overnight
>repeat remaining steps above

If I want a cold blended coffee drink, I make strong coffee and freeze in ice cube trays, so the drink won't be diluted by the ice when blended.

You laugh, by my son only makes his coffee with Fiji fucking water.
It drives me insane, but he's paying for it with his own money, and apparently wants to waste it on that. It's not like we don't have a fucking water filter in our kitchen.

Moca pots depend on steam pressure to work. Unfortunately, that's too hot for really good Espresso.
A machine will usually pump hot water electrically, and the temperature can be lower. Mocas come from the 30s, most people didn't have the money for electric espresso machines.

classless and tasteless. don't embarrass yourself, ignorant proletarian.

When it is hot I brew a pot of coffee, put it in a glass pitcher, and let it cool at room temperature. I usually stir in some honey while it is still hot.

Then I put the pitcher in the fridge and use accordingly.

It isn't that difficult.

Make pot of Coffee

put it in the fridge for an hour or two

add ice

You call that white?

people like you annoy me
>HURR DURR I am such a bad ass I put way too much grounds in my brew because I want to be high on caffeine

nigger I drink at least 5 cups of coffee per day. I dont want it to stop working, I dont want it to taste like asshole, and I definitely don't want to have to spend that much money on goddamn coffee beans.

believe it or not there is such a thing as a good cup of coffee, and its not made by just pouring a shitload of grounds into your coffee maker like a wasteful child

California, not even once

To be fair, you are just as bad for being the type of person who drinks five cups of coffee a day and who talks about it. That's annoying water-cooler chat tier. Next thing you know you're gonna have an "I hate Mondays" poster in your cubicle.

>he doesn't have a whole slew of "I hate Mondays" merchandise in his office

kek, plebs can't into post-irony

blend some ice cream in that shit nigga

t. fatass

You mean like this?