>be me >Invite the office for dinner >Cook salmon and NY strip steaks >Secretary brings her kids over >didn't tell people to bring anybody, but whatever, I understand wanting to not leave them alone. >Secretary demands I feed her kids >Fuck it, there is enough food. >Kids start running around and doing fake gag motions when they see the salmon. >They turn down the steak because there is fat on it. >She cuts up the steak into little cubes and pours ketchup all over it. >The kids don't know how to use fork, they eat the ketchup and steak soup with a spoon. >Kids slobber all over the now-ruined steak, decide they don't like it >Mom doesn't want to finish her plate either. >they both go to mcdonalds and come back >I throw away two plates of home-cooked lean meals so her family can eat fast food >Mom criticizes me serving her meat with fat and blood in it. >AS SHE EATS FUCKING MCDONALDS >her steaks were lightly trimmed, 8 oz roughly, cooked 10 seconds before medium. Gray to the middle but still moist.
Cooper Perry
you shouldn't have let her in with her kids. it's just rude to bring kids to someone's house without at least asking first. they're a buzz kill.
Christian Sanchez
Why would you invite people you work with to your house?
Jayden Howard
The kind of cunt that couldn't get a babysitter for her kids also couldn't stomach a properly cooked steak. Go figure.
Ayden Ortiz
Marketing myself. Company culture is nepotistic as fuck so you never get treated well unless you get friendly with people. It doesn't matter who you are or how well you perform.
Isaac Allen
If this did happen, how much is exaggeration? Give us the true story, OP.
Nathaniel Evans
>not asking how people like their steaks cooked. Well you are a shitty person first and foremost. Nobody cares about your Veeky Forums memes that steaks have to be cooked a certain way. Cook them how people want them if you want to not complain.
You are not some amazing chef. Suck it up and accept that reality isn't Veeky Forums.
Christopher Roberts
10 seconds before medium sounds like an attempt to please everyone
James Brown
Asking seems like a better way. The secretary as described sounds like a gigantic cunt anyway, but with something like steak where making it to order means simply varying cook time there's no reason not to.
Brayden Perry
>>be me You're as bad as the children.
Blake Robinson
kys, babu
Samuel Smith
Op didnt make them to order though, he just made a bunch of steaks and put them on a platter for everyone to grab
William Fisher
Pity her, SHE has an awful life, not you.
Austin Cox
it's an awful life of her own making though, she deserves no pity
James Hill
it kind of sounds like she isn't very good at making decisions if she's a secretary and thinks it's ok to bring your kids to someone's house uninvited, let alone her personal eating habits.
Daniel Lee
whats wrong with being a secretary?
Ryder Harris
maybe but you don't get a free pass on bad decisions/behavior just because lol I don't know how to make good choices
Parker Green
agreed. I should have added that I agreed with
Nathaniel Gutierrez
it's the office bitch that isn't going anywhere beyond changing the name of the profession from "secretary" to "personal assistant" to imply there is some dignity to the profession.
Nathan Turner
I'd rather have mcdonalds than meme food like steaks too. Shits so fucking overrated
>hurr durr muh raw tasteless chewy slab of meat *tips fedora*
Brody Cruz
This shit literally blows my fucking mind.
>Serve people in a public/crowd type setting >Berates you openly
This isn't cooking/eating/dining only but manners.
These are the fuckers that leave trash in your car when you give them a ride.
These are the fuckers that throws your shit without regards because its no theirs.
Jeremiah White
You tried OP. Let the cunt be.
Remember to be nice to her at work though. Secretaries have the boss' ear.
Luis Sanders
So? It's an honest job
Landon Barnes
i guess. it's just not the route I personally went since I don't want to feel like I'm going to be doing the exact same thing 20 years from now if I don't go back to school.
Nathaniel Lee
Secretary detected. Do you give your boss oral pleasure?
Liam James
these are the fuckers that show up to an adult dinner party with their kids.
Adam Cox
I feel like it would be a waste of my bachelor's degree, but a lot of otherwise unemployable housewives become secretaries when their kids are in school
A lot of them aren't good at their job, but at least it's a contribution
Juan Diaz
learn to make grilled cheese . it's the only thing kids will eat.
Brandon Gutierrez
Jeremiah Reyes
You can still add more heat; well-done fags are more likely to whine about the meat than rare/medium fags so that was a good place to start but it doesn't need to be the end result. This was a no please situation so OP did the best he could in the end regardless.
Jack Hernandez
>Kids start running around and doing fake gag motions when they see the salmon.
Lol holy shit you reminded me of my childhood.
>be in middle school >visit friend's house to sleep over and play N64 >dinner time >his mom has cooked some sort of simple meal with salmon >he whines and complains until she puts some frozen fish sticks in the microwave for him >despite having never eaten salmon before in my life, I accept her offer to have that instead of fish sticks, and it was lovely
I think that was the day I realized my friend was a pleb.
Grayson Jones
>>be me No fucking shit?
Who the fuck else are you supposed to be, dipshit
Nicholas Martin
Irish stew guy is back?
Christopher Bennett
Tyler Durden
Michael Wright
it's hard to break away from the habits we learn on containment boards.
Kevin Johnson
>tfw you are a terrible eater >get taken to a chinese buffet with a group and just eat jello and some of those sugar donut things >always eat pizza with just cheese or pepperoni, burgers with just cheese and ketchup (sometimes bacon or friend egg) >if taken to an ethnic or otherwise "different" restaurant I just sit and look around and not eat anything >still won't eat my fucking veggies despite being old enough to post here
At least my picky eating keeps me away from soda.
Daniel Campbell
I was about to tell you to kill yourself until I read "friend egg"
Christian Rodriguez
Get a better fucking job. Who wants to work in an office to begin with let alone one where you have to invite shitty, plastic people (who don't actually like you) into your home? Sounds like some corporate ass-kissing wagecuck job. Every one of those people badmouthed you the moment they left your house.
Carson Foster
>usual consensus by everyone is eat what is served to you when a guest >user gets told to bend backwards because woman and children You white knights are amazing. I wish I worked with you. I am everything was amazing.
Liam Morgan
Autism: The Post
Ethan Nelson
Were she and her kids niggers? This is how niggers behave.
David Collins
This. Secretary used to be a legitimate trade skill. She basically ran the office and knew where everything was. Now it's mostly shitty, materialistic soccer moms who are too stupid to find there was out of a paper bag who just want a job where they can be rude and condescending to people they feel are below them.
Nolan Phillips
You're a flyover.
Jordan Martin
Office work is boss. You complete your work in the first two hours and then the rest of the day is literally the show The Office.
Carter Roberts
Okay, but what did they think about your Irish stew?
Caleb Perry
This isn't real. Do people like this exist?
Charles Cook
>to find there was out of a paper bag
The irony is rich. Out of 9 words, you fucked up 2.
Samuel Clark
The bit where they spoon the tomato sauce steak made me physically repulsed