Post photos of local markets

general asian market


Looks depressing

different,this is a korean market

that's how you know it's authentic tbhfam

it is
although theres usually a lot more people weekends (i went on a weekday an hour before close time)
most canned goods there are expired
the whole outside is littered and it sits in the ghettos
when i drove back home i saw a scabbed cat with halfway missing ears and naked white kids playing in their junkyard of a lawn
but my mechanics right across the street from the market so i drop by



it usually is until this guy asks if he can help yo with anything

the thanksgiving sale reached into March. Although this market was nicer,it was a lot more expensive (go figure)

Last one of Korean market

Back to cockroach market

I still love it

This ramen struck me because of the packaging


I bought this flavour only I think
I just ate some 10 mins ago
The portion of ramen is on average smaller than Maruchans or Top Ramen,but this brand is normally eaten as a dry snack apparently. It comes pre-seasoned,as well with two seasoning packets;a powder and garlic oil.
Very spicy but very good

My favorite flavor.

Anyone else like nata de coco? Lychee flavour is awful. Too sweet
I have yet to try mango,as the yellow jars here represent

Last of rinky-dink market

Local Indian market. Sadly I do not have a lot of pics of this one


I thought this character was cute.Wasnt sure what she was advertising,but I think it was for the basil seed drinks I saw

Are these good? What flavour?