People that make sounds while eating

>people that make sounds while eating

If you lack the self awareness to shut your mouth while you eat I'll take it as an indication that you're retarded in general.

Fuck off, racist. It's cultural. There is nothing wrong with expressing pleasure in food, but you uptight whities wouldn't understand pleasure, would you?

Keep it to yourself you godless savage. No one wants to hear your muffled groans

>being a disgusting fatass is cultural

Brown person here, please don't drag us into this. Some of us actually have manners, sorry about your shit parents.

I don't groan. I smack my lips and press my tongue against the roof of my mouth to produce wonderful aural expressions of my food's texture. I gulp heartily to demonstrate the joy I feel at having this food enter my stomach and the excitement I feel at the prospect of consuming my next mouthful. It's a sincere compliment to the chef to be eating with such vigor; talk is cheap, but action expresses truth. Only dainty little whities with their primal English drawing room fantasies are troubled by it.

I'll punch you in your mouth if I ever encounter you in person

>eat with mouth closed and with proper manners
>autismos still get angry because the way I chew makes noise

>People who make the "GUWARK" noise when swallowing

Jesus fucking christ, don't drink the entire glass in a single swallow.

My jaw constantly cracks when I chew. This has just recently started happening and it makes me self conscious because I'm not sure if other people can hear it. No one's ever said anything but it still upsets me.

you gots TMJ disorder, buddy

it's ridiculous, you save clapping for after the meal

>people that act like they're having an orgasm when they eat something delicious

>people who are emulating shokugeki no soma

Now I'm worried. Am I going to die?

you cant help it

unless its with someone that chews with their mouth open. even worse, i hate it when its every other chew they open their mouth because its like they are intentionally doing it.

Only girls do this.

I hate them all.

>Only girls do this.

and Jack Scalfani

He's not acting.

>everyone who disagrees with me is white
Is this where we've come to as a civilization?

>people who eat with their eyes open