Discuss the Philadelphia cheesesteak.
Discuss the Philadelphia cheesesteak
What if you say jiz wit?
'co 'za?
That's a 'go style 'eak
Would eat but not with those shit-tier American ingredients
Looks okay, but would be a lot better with real cheese and a better cut of meat.
The good ones are made with thinly sliced ribeye steak. The most common cheese used is melted provolone, the cheese sauce is just a tasty meme variation. I like mine w provolone, grilled onion, mushrooms, and green pepper. But sometimes I'll have it w cheese sauce and no additional topping
philly cheesesteak. taco style.. behold the philly taco.
I feels like they should be dripping...
the two types of oil counteract eachother creating a tetrahydrolipid that sticks to food as often as it sticks to your arteries
>most common is provolone
Not in Philly it isn't. Most common is American followed by wiz then provolone. Minorities don't get provolone on their cheesesteaks and are about evenly split between wiz and American while whites are about evenly split between each of the three.
Considering over half of Philly is non-white, that means that only about 20% or so prefer provolone while American and wiz are evenly split at around 40% each.
Oh, you fancy, huh?
Eye of round or top round, not ribeye, is the most common, with top round outnumbering eye of round about 3:2 or so. Ribeye is too expensive to be really common.
It's a slice of Lorenzo's around a cheesesteak. Lorenzo's is well known for their huge-as-fuck slices.
No one other than the guy taking cheesesteak orders says "wiz wit" and he only says it to the guy cooking them.
this is referred to as "boardwalk style" if im not mistaken?
The pizza slices? I've heard that to describe huge slices, yeah.
Anybody who talks like that when ordering a cheesesteak is a faggot and/or tourist.
why do they say to say it on their sign? does it really matter how someone orders a fucking meat, onions and orange sauce sandwich?
'Go here
Had one in Philly last year
Jus made me crave an autentic 'Go-style Italian Beef sandwich, known locally as a 'Tal Beef
Found this Filipino place out in the desert East of L.A. that happens to do a mean Philly Cheesesteak. I get it with grilled onions and provolone...
i live in east LA.. whats the place's name?
Much further East, in Indio. It's called Alkobar.
>taking geno's seriously
Literally nobody eats there but tourists and people who aren't really from Philly but say they're from Philly, like those living in the 'burbs and the N'east. As said: faggots and tourists.
Just got a wagecuck job at a cheesesteak chain joint in the greater Philly area.
Beef + Provolone + Mushrooms + Fried Onions is the only way to go. Sweet peppers too if you're into it.