Team canada representing
Post the best kind of chips you eat
Ruffles are best
Those are shit tier all dressed.
Ketchup is legit too.
>not Prime Minister's choice
I'll stick with Ruffles
Pic related, also Hot Cheetos (especially the puffs) and shrimp chips.
It's weird, I normally dislike ketchup but ketchup chips are tasty. Too bad you can't find them anywhere around here.
sav a lot store brand J Higgs Honey Heat BBQ
I prefer zesty mordant
what the hell is all dressed? sorry I'm american. I can't even imagine what they taste like because "all dressed" means nothing to me
it's like a ketchup chip that evolved to the next level
They released it last year for a few months in the states. I guess it's kind of like a cross between barbecue and sea salt n' vinegar chips. Pretty good.
tomato, salt, vinegar, onion, sour cream, barbecue
Canuck children never learn the flavor. We are indoctrinated to love them without question. All Dressed is the Dear Leader of chips.
PC has some pretty good chips.
I can eat these all day for the rest of my life.
RIP ;_:7
It's a hotpot of flavours inside of a delicious bag of crispy goodness, topped with sprinkles of fairy dust and your respective god's blessing.
I finally got to try All-Dressed this month. They're so good, Canada. Thank you for the delicious chips.
Still not as good as these babies, though.
Just gonna leave best chip here.
Herrs is all so terrible. Sweet Corn is the only bag of chips that I thought seriously to contact the manufacturer for a refund, it was that bad.
Pro tip: open a bag of salt and vinegar chips and sprinkle paprika in there for added colour and sweetness.
Ketchup chips are literally just sweetened vinegar flavour.
Is this thread only about chips?
Seriously, we just do junk food better. US has more variety of pop though.
I think you guys do better on the sweets like what you posted. You guys have nothing on the potato junk food game.
if the US was any better at junk food we would all be dead
you have shit taste
Salty as fuck.
Hawkins Cheezies beat the living fuck out of Cheetos
This motherfucker knows what's up.
My man. You know the pain
>Is this thread only about chips?
I want clueless britbongs to leave.
Britbongs on Veeky Forums are the like Australians on /pol/.
I feel sorry for the people that can't experience an Utz brand chip.
There is not a single bad bag of those delicious chips.
These are my new favorite, kettle cooked + lattice cut just gives such a nice texture.
best spicy cheetos flavor coming through
>ass mayonnaise
Where do they sell this atrocity
Theyre good but whats with the ayylmao packaging
GOAT Cheetos right here.
came here to post this; was not disappointed. LOADS OF tasty fuckin chips is what that is
I can't buy these because I'll eat the whole bag
Great taste
why the fuck do they not sell these in the states
Brooklyn here eatin up all those crabby Utzs!
I ODed on those when I was young. Which may explain why I'm a fatass now.
A bag of flamin hot 'tos and some chocolate milk is the best snack.
These are painful they're so over salted. Maybe they use potassium chloride along with salt to make them seem extra salty or something.
better when they used to be Humpty Dumpty..
Also, Hostess were the best.
i want these and cheeseburger 'ritos back
These are fucking boss. There's an offshoot of Herr's called the "Flavor Factory" which makes these too. Their Barbecue Ribs flavored are great too. And their spicy ranch.
All Elder-God Tier chips
Flavor Mill, my bad
the best chips are the PC tandoori. Then come the PC buffalo wing and blue cheese. Dip either one of those in sour cream, and I bet you can't eat just one
>poo in the loo chips
nothing better, i'll eat the whole bag
Our Prime Minister only enjoys lays curry flavored.
fantastic crunch, like you are eating the bones of your enemies.
imagine pouring pureed canadian on your chips. its worse than that, even if you dont give them an enema first.
step aside, plebs
their General Tao's Chicken chips, however
best chips
not pictured, voodoo chip, best chip
Not chips, but a damn good alternative.
I bought Voodoo chips because I thought they were going to be great. They just tasted like funked up sea salt and vinegar chips.
Ate so many of these when I went to Portugal.
You guys are all faggots, a true chip connoisseur would know the best, and this is definitely THE best.
these taste really good.Not like ketchup exactly but more like marinara.
What's a "Canadian burger"?
How can they do that if they can't move?
This is my favourite
I love these
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