What kind of food should I Veeky Forums at night to get Veeky Forums?

what kind of food should I Veeky Forums at night to get Veeky Forums?
avoid carbs?

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You shouldn't eat right before going to bed, actually.

A salad of kale, chicken breast, grape tomatoes, cucumber, vinaigrette, and homoeroticism.

Popsicles are practically all water so they are fine
Although I try to avoid carbokygrates I still eat pizza because I'm not a nazi.

I like to eat my biggest meal of the day just before bed so my body can consentrate on digestion.


>Veeky Forums

Do those faggots eat anything besides boiled chicken and oatmeal pancakes for MUH PROTONS

Veeky Forumsizen here. Carbs before bed doesn't make a difference. 100% BS. Just avoid sugar because it will make it hard to fall asleep.

count calories kind

Yes. I eat sweet potatoes, kale, small amount of fruit, olive oil, fish, eggs, sardines, occassional chipotle bowl, steak, coffee, etc. When I'm bulking I eat a lot of pasta, and more white rice. I find my diet very satisfying. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.

Brofist, fellow Veeky Forumsizen *places outstrected hand against screen*

Depends, are you cutting or bulking?

Paper towels with a side of napkins when I'm bulking


not really, just curious and willing to switch to a healthier diet

I mean if you want to get Veeky Forums it's either losing fat or gaining muscle which means you need to count calories. If you want to be healthy then eat a salad or something.

I did a cut on low-carb (not keto) last year and it went very well.

What if you do shift work?

Low carb doesn't really mean anything. At all. What matters is calories. If the amount of carbs relative to calories is low, this will have an effect on the body, but the amount of calories is ultimately what decides how much weight you gain or lose

Memeposter is uninformed. Eating before bed is fine. Just avoid sugar because it will be hard to fall asleep.

You still have control over both when you eat and when you go to bed.

Source: I do shift work.

This so much. Being fit isn't a list of rules, it's a lifestyle. Its about recognizing that just because something is inconvenient doesn't make it impossible. If it matters enough to you, then you will succeed. There's a reason we don't all look like bodybuilders. Shit isn't easy.

Not really related, but you know why I fucking love that dragon? Looks JUST like my cat. (Minus wings, obviously ). Same fucking facial expressions and personality and coloring, though.

Good cause I like to have my biggest meal before bed
Our bodies aren't designed to eat a big meal and collapse on the couch or the bed afterwards. Sitting upright helps us digest — it lets gravity do the work of keeping the contents of our stomach down. In people with heartburn, laying down can cause the acid in the stomach to leak out into the esophagus, or "foodpipe," causing reflux.

Since the stomach takes about three hours to empty itself, waiting at least this amount of time before laying down or sleeping is a good idea.

kill you are self m8

Just eat whole foods with good macro and micronutrient distribution, Dont fall for the no carb jew but dont go all carb all fat no protein either. Try to end your day with a 50/30/20 carb protein fat ration and some good vitamins and minerals and youre good to go. Lay off the processed bullshit doe.

>whole foods

Unprocessed foods you fucking burger.

at night I eat lean protein and veggies when cutting.
If I'm still hungry I mix protein powder and cottage cheese then almost freeze it.