Hello, I'm really hungry

hello, I'm really hungry.
What's the cheapest way to turn flour into something more edible?

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What else do you have for ingredients?

make biscuits

this. you can add almost anything with it.

Flour, a little oil, a little warm water, mix, then stretch thin, then pan fry it.

Salt, sugar, some oil I have about a dollar for ingredients, but It needs to last. I have lots of flour.
I don't have anything to add, I need something cheap, not something versatile

>Flour, a little oil, a little warm water, mix, then stretch thin, then pan fry it.
this sounds disgusting. is it disgusting?

Can someone give me like a legitimate recipe? My stomach really hurts.

I guess it depends.... if you REALLY like sweet stuff, like Banana's and Apples, then YES. Terrible. If you like stuff like... friends bread, then it's fine.

>friends bread
I'm sorry what now

What the hell is that senpai

salt and sugar with oil and flour is fine. check out a bunch of recipes for biscuits online. I just mention goes with anything that, if you have ANYTHING else, you can add it with it, some sauce, or cheese or veggies that's lying around, anything, would go with it, obviously. i am down to a can of sardines so is the only reason i mention it.


FRIED BREAD, sorry I can't edit my post reddit.

this, and anything other than baking powder is subject to change.

what is it?

Not at all, it's just fried dough, you could deep fry it instead and it'd be even better

thanks, that looks like it's the cheapest thing in the thread.



Make some hardtack
Flour and water, bake in the oven and let it cool.

I don't have soda. I think you're underestimating my poorness
thanks, I'll look into it.

you can get baking soda for a dollar. or something to stick inside the dough.

i do recommend multivitamin and potassium pills if you plan on not eating for a long time. also drink 2 liters of water a day.

This is now a Friends bread.

A chinese chef once taught me to do "false duck" from wheat flour. It's basically the gluten. You make a dough from flour and hot water, knead it completely dead and rubbery enough ta make a baker have a heart attack, and then put the dough in a bowl of water and "massage" it to wash the starch out. Replace the water once in a while to see what's going on.
If done right and pre-kneaded enough you'll end up with a grey, rubbery substance that you can score/shape too look like duck, cook in some sauce and season.

That's a good joke user, nice.

you might as well eat rubber though

Mix 500ml water in a bowl with the flour until you get a batter. Add a bit of salt and some bicarbonate of soda. If have some sugar add some sugar as well and/or some fruit like bananas into the batter. Heat frying pan and put two spoons of oil into the pan. When the pan is hot enough add a ladle full of the batter into the pan. Wait until bubbles start forming, then flip over. Congratulations! You just made cheap vegan ghetto ass pancakes.

Make bread, especially a long/semi-long ferment variety. As it is, unless something can break down the flour, even if you can eat to feel full you'll be completely nutritionally empty.

Go to intructables and look up 'my ultimate bread', that one has turned out pretty good for me.

because pancakes normally call for bacon.

They call for milk

Milks not vegan?

so you're just making biscuit pancakes

Water is cheaper than milk of course you can use milk instead of water but since OP sounded like such a poorfag i suggested the cheapest option which just happens to be vegan.

Of course mom.

Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.


Drink water, the bigger concern you should have is your intestines collapsing. cups of a day is more important when you don't eat, because most people get the moisture from teh food. you can go a week without food but only 2 days without water.

if you can buy/steal some yeast it's cheap as shit and will help you stretch the flour out better, and grab a box of baking soda. they're both cheap and with what you have can make legitimate food.

how much do you have of each ingrediant, give us the FULL measurements then we cna give you the FULL recipe of how far you can strech it and LITERALLY anything else you have that isn't wood.

You need to take inventory, post it to us and we can help you RED MAGE this shit. and any money you have for food, and we can give you good tips.
