What kind of people shop at Whole Foods?

What kind of people shop at Whole Foods?

They once charged me nearly 2$ for a single Banana...


Pretty much young urban professionals or very affluent Lululemon wearing moms.

Thats the price people will pay to not have to shop at the same place as you, pleb.

people who would rather pay a little extra than deal with the bullshit at walmart.

Do blacks/asians/hispanics shop at Whole Foods?

Asian here. Not pretentious enough to buy their glutenfree, freerange, organic, grass fed, MSG free kombucha bullshit. Just go to your local farmers market.

blacks shop at wallmarrr and asians/hispanics go to local/ethnic markets where the prices are dirt cheap and they may have some weird ass spice or veggie they need

Is it safe to assume white people shop at Whole Foods to avoid these kind of people?

I shop sales at Whole Foods because they often make mistakes.
I know most states have anti-fraud laws that protect against bait-and-switch that can also be abused to take advantage of honest mistakes made by retailers. My state is one of them. Basically, if the price on the shelf, price on the circular and price at the till don't all match, you can piss and moan about bait-and-switch and they're forced to give you one of the items for free and any other you have in your cart at the lower price.
Last time I went, they had a sale on whole heads of cauliflower, advertised outside on a chalkboard at two for $5. The price inside was $5 each. So I went back outside, took a picture of the signboard, back inside and took a picture of the display and took two to the till. Of course, they rang up at $10 total but, because they wrote two for $5 outside, they were forced to give them to me free. Another time, I got a whole organic, grass fed tenderloin valued at $70something for free because the display read, very clearly, 'organic, grass fed tenderloin $8.99/lb' but the sticker on the PSMO itself read $16.99/lb. I brought it up front and made a bit of a stink when it rang up at $70something, saying that the sign said it would be cheaper and I assumed the price would come off at checkout. They were forced to give it free.
I do actually spend money at Whole Foods from time to time, but why should I when I can take advantage of the stupidity of its workers?

Also, everyone is better looking at WF. The pussy (and cock/man-ass if you're into that) is pretty choice.

Not black, Asian nor Hispanic but I am "ethnic." I shop at Whole Foods from time to time, but they don't carry a whole lot I actually eat. Usually, I do as says
>ethnic markets where the prices are dirt cheap and they may have some weird ass spice or veggie they need

I just go to self checkouts and ring up bananas instead of steak

psh, enjoy your 2$ steaks

No judgments since what I do can be comparable to theft, but I wouldn't do that, even if the WFs here had self check-out.
If you feel like you can live with it and you're confident enough to get away with ringing everything up as bananas, good on you, though.

Why do you think there's only 2 options for groceries? What kind of white bread pleb are you?

what? the hell do you live, alaska? bananas are about 60c a pound at the whole foods near to me. even if i went organic it'd be like a dollar a pound i think. And this is one of the highest-cost-of-living markets in the country.

tens of millions of white people shop at wal mart.

the asian and hispanic markets, white people usually avoid for two reasons:
1. they're in inconvenient locations cause they set up shop to specifically target mostly-minority neighborhoods.
2. fear of going someplace where they're not the majority for a few minutes, whether it's cause they find the thought of foreign language packaging and signs intimidating, or cause they fear getting "wtf you doing here" looks from the regulars.

I'm hispanic and I shop at Whole Foods all the time. It's the only place I can get organic vegan shit around here.


You've got to go back.

Fuck off Carlos, Donald Trump 2016

please keep you and your smelly little brown kids away from one of the last remaining bastions of White we have left. please just let me buy my rice cakes in peace you stinky lazy beaner

Man, fuck those other guys. You seem to have assimilated well.

only if he isn't buying vegan food on welfare

> Hispanic
> Race

You're all descended from immigrants, kek.

Brown """"People"""" Out


This board is fucked up.

Her feet are huge. I like to think shes buying ingredients for pie to throw in the face of small children while ballooning birthday parties

Descended from glorious white conquerors of the earth, yes. Get mad.

I shop at a Whole Foods because the other grocery store nearby is a discount grocer frequented by welfare queens and negros. I mostly buy the store brand stuff and basics, so my grocery bill isn't out of hand despite the markup.

I'm really just there to avoid gross poor people. The woo-woo health stuff has nothing to do with it.

Nope, full blood commanchee.

Looks poor as fuck judging by the back ground. Wires running down the walls, plastic drawers sitting on the floor, other than room is bare, poor lighting.

I'm Filipino and I go there but just for their deli bakery stuff. I don't care about overpriced health crackers.

Why do poor people always do the whole "here's all of the expensive things I own in a group, plus all of the money in my bank account" thing?

>relevant for anything in 2016 outside of memes

>everyone is better looking at WF
Where do you live? The one closest to me has white chicks with dreads and really high cut bangs and thick rimmed glasses.
I'm not really into it. Plus some of them have armpit hair and shit.

I think that kid's a student, so the apartment may be on campus or something.

Yes, he has terrible taste. The rich men I know never keep cash on themselves and few of them wear cologne at all, never mind buying an Hermes perfume lock that to my knowledge only comes with refills for feminine fragrances.

Where do YOU live? In the Peoples Republic of Cambridge I still mostly see straight-laced well off people in WF.

this. all these apes would still be living in huts without the white man inventing everything and spreading across the world. Mexicans literally are the result of blacks and Europeans race mixing hundreds of years ago so they're butt flustered that whites are still perfect.

?? But minorities make memes about white people while white people are out getting money?

I've lived in Manhattan and Philadelphia. Both have very attractive people shopping at WF. One WF in Philadelphia was quite literally directly across the street from a normal supermarket. Shopping at the one then crossing the street to the other is when I noticed that people shopping at WF are fucking beautiful while people at the normal supermarket are just normal-looking. However, the workers at WF are as you describe.

There too, then.

The WF in Manhattan I used to go to had people on welfare shop there all the time. It was always white kids in red jackets (always red jackets) using SNAP there. I think they were in some cult or other since they were all dressed pretty much alike. Damnedest thing.

The ones in Philadelphia has a couple people go in with SNAP, but not enough for me to really take notice of the sort of people who are doing it. Trader Joe's, however, is full of welfare queens, but the sorts who think they're better than the other welfare queens. It's really fucking odd.

Angry narcissists. Tragic trendies. People with more money than sense.

>'more money than sense'
>not 'more dollars than sense'

I go there because their produce is cheap and good.

Their portobellos are $4.99/lb, elsewhere they're $3.99 for 1/2 lb. A lot of their produce is reasonable.

>tfw once found a ton of bok choy infested with dead flies at whole foods

Whatevs, gotta inspect your produce

>Mexicans literally are the result of blacks and Europeans race mixing hundreds of years ago

No wonder you're racist, you're an idiot with no concept of history.

my uncle who thinks cell phones give people tumours
he was a computer repair man

How is that a failure if sense isn't measured in numbers?

That was a fair trade certified organic non-GMO banana that was grown in complete silence by blind monks who water the plants with holistic dolphin tear water, you pleb

her feet must be so huge

I guess I forgot to throw in a bit of native but the point stands.

the fuck do you live that you think wal mart does not target whites. rural whites are the largest and most important group to walmart.

Take your wannabe genocide back to Africa and Saudi Arabia where it belongs

>i don't understand puns
Has anyone given you the talk about you're 'special' and 'not like other kids' yet?

>a 'bit' of native
>blacks are a huge part of the mexican populous
Most Mexicans are at least 75% or more Euro/Amerindian mix.
Also, the first Africans in Mexico were Moroccans, Canarians and other North Africans, just as is the case with San Antonio Texas (founded by Spanish-speaking Africans). That continues to be a huge part of the ancestry, as well and, due to Mexico's shoddy racial notekeeping, I'm sure that chart categorises Moroccan and other North African ancestries simply under "African," not separating it from sub-Saharan/black African. I know this must be the case because Black Africans and people of Black African ancestry are something of a novelty in Mexico, making up only around 1% of the population. It's such a novelty, in fact, that a bolero singer from years and years ago was called "Toña the Negress."

According to that chart the "blackest" area of the country would be Jalisco, which is just wrong (never once met a black from Jalisco, but I'm sure there must be at least a few). The blackest area is actually Guerrero, where they form a minority at around a tenth of the population or so.

By contrast, the US is, last I checked, 13% negroid, which is over 10× more than Mexico.

it's data from 23andme it's not wrong

I don't know what that is, but while I can't say anything its accuracy or not, I can definitely tell you that it's misleading since it doesn't separate out sub-Saharan and North Africans from each other.

>Is it safe to assume white people shop at Whole Foods to avoid these kind of people?

pretty much, yes. i call it the riffraff filter. i'll gladly pay twice as much for food just to not be put in the vicinity of thugs and murderers.

Walmart employs the highest number of people out of any industry in my state.

much edgy

New Seasons is objectively better. Pretty much the same clientele, but beyond the food they cook fresh I go there for the fresh baked bread.

Why would someone think that $20k in cash and some gay ass looking slippers is impressive? The cash isn't even a down-payment on a decent house.

>the workers at WF are as you describe
Ah! That's what I was talking about. As far as other shoppers go, I don't pay too much attention to then but I mostly see mom's with the shitty kate+8 haircut and guys who are definitely single but very well off (theres no woman to take their money) and they dress in normcore cause they're probably hipsters.

>Has anyone given you the talk about you're 'special' and 'not like other kids' yet?
Hahaha holy shit I've missed you Veeky Forums.
I gotta use this some day.

The opposite of people who shop at Wal-Mart. The opposite of flyovers.

There's a passport in that picture and I don't know about you but when I have cash on hand, I usually have more in the bank. 20k will let you travel to some nice places.

People with class.

>go to walmart
>deal with long lines and white trash on ebt
>go to whole foods
>deal with long lines and yuppie soccer moms eyeballing every item that scans and arguing with the cashier that the price is wrong

It's two sides of the same retarded coin

Which are immigrants in the U.S.

He is poor as fuck. There's like $300 there, tops. Likely the rent money or his welfare check he just cashed. And rich people don't pose with their cologne collection, kek.

White chicks with dreads is kind of my fetish tho desu desu senpai

Mexican is not a race. And if you honestly believe whites are "perfect" go to the fucking Midwest or south.

Breddy gud bro, breddy gud

>ringing everything up as bananas
>avocados? Bananas
>pistachios? Bananas
>filet mignon? Bananas


>gluten-free non-GMO pies

Thanks, racist doc

What is Whole Foods?

For the record Whole Foods made to order food is dank and not that expensive. A burger, fries and a drink is 6 bucks and blows fast food the fuck out.

>long lines at Whole Foods
Haven't been to Walmart in ages, but I seem to remember them never having more than like two registers open even with hundreds of people in the store. My Whole Foods mans every register all day long and the people there aren't coupon clippers or cheapskates so no they don't argue about the prices with any frequency.

asians shop at the giant asian markets that somehow pass health inspections but sell cheap and delicious products

hispanics shop at the giant hispanic groceries with cheap and delicious products ( but are clean unlike the asian markets )

there are no black people here

The kind of people who fall for memes.

WF is ok for some things but they dont have a good selection of produce so I do 90% of my shopping at HEB and I also hit up the Mexican mercado for some good deals.

Tasteless poor people baka. Why would you show off $20 bills? No one with real money would flaunt it like that.

I was being ironic goddammit

>The kind of people who fall for memes.
>fall for memes
I'm not convinced you know enough to warrant having an opinion, in all honesty.

Her feet look normal, in normal sized shoes. I don't get it

People who are rich enough to not give a shit about their grocery spending and people who are shitty with their money.

I buy all of my spices from a fancy-pants grocery store. Porcinis 30/lb? Put on a lable for nuts. Basil is 6 a bunch? Put it in the bag with parsley. Oh, and the watermelons out front are gifts for when you leave.

though I think it's probably mostly the language barrier that keeps most whites out. weite hipsters go into the Mexican supermarket all the time, even though they end up getting shit they could find anywhere.

I'm black and do (sometimes). Would rather go to the trader joes next door though

Korean here
My mom likes to go there sometimes when she buys food specifically for healthy eating
Otherwise she goes to either the asian grocer or Meijer

I never go to Whole Foods for groceries, but sometimes go for their meals, if I'm looking to eat something light

poorfags below the people who have their groceries delivered

Black here, I grew up with Whole Foods.

That's pretty cool, I should try this.

>corrupted elves

>Oh, and the watermelons out front are gifts for when you leave.
Oh god, my sides.