Try to quit

>try to quit
>night sweats and depression mixed with anxiety
>even after withdrawal is gone, emptiness persists and I once again start drinking

I'd rather die drunk and young than live a full live sober

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Do a flip

I think you'll have a different perspective when you body begins shutting down at 30

this. also when you get so bad you develop wet brain, permanent nerve damage, die a miserable death from your liver shutting down.

I've never met anybody that advanced who was anything but committed to continued alcoholism. They have nothing to live for and don't see that ever changing. Even one guy who had children was like this, although the fact he couldn't see them anymore probably had something to do with it.

I think you just need to find a balance. You can still love and enjoy alcohol without allowing it to kill you. Don't feel too bad though. My vices are pot and cigarettes and I struggle with the same issues.
>quit weed
>depression, misery, suicidal tendencies
>gradually get better as dependency wears off
>"yo user, wanna hit this bowl"
And I'm still smoking to this day. Out at the moment though :(((

How about you just drink less, fucker. Nobody cares if you "Quit" just don't drink so much that it will make you die.

>babby thinks things are this simple
Wow! What are the chances that out of countless alcoholics throughout human history, not a single one has thought of this? Genius!

Just how much of a pussy are you?
There certainly are withdrawal symptoms but they're nowhere near as bad as what you described. Weed and alcohol are nothing alike, the later being immensely worse.

Seriously, I was a heavy as fuck smoker, then just decided to quit one when I graduated college. Worst was a couple nights of insomnia and mood swings, then never a craving again.

Yeah I smoked a shitton too and suddenly quit one day. I had trouble falling asleep for some weeks, felt a little dull and overall uninterested in things but come on, suicidal tendencies? There's no way this comes from weed.

When I stopped drinking I was put on benzos, ate that shit like candy, went through terrible withdrawls, drank more anyways, for months on end, had the shakes, grinded my teeth, pissed/shit blood

know what I could go for right now, at 6:36 am, before I go to work? A bunch of vodka.

That's why I don't just ''drink a little''

Quit opie, if I could do it so could you

You turn yellow and bloat when your liver goes, and then you die slowly

>I'd rather die drunk and young than live a full live sober

until you kill somebody with your car
then you'll be in a whole new program

Switch to beer and wine, no liquor

for full on alcoholism all this is gonna do is cost you more money

Anyone else have trouble sleeping when they drink?

if i want to stay awake i can drink a small amount of alcohol to do it indefinitely

Your problems are deeper than weed.


i quit about 8 months ago after going through really horrible withdrawals and anxiety attacks, nightsweats and all that. but no DTs thank god. I thought I was going to have a heart attack and I ended up in the ER.
I developed a stomach ulcer and had digestive problems for a couple months from pouring so much booze in my gut.

My heartbeat became strange and shallow for a while and that was scary as fuck. Anxiety attacks lingered for a few months after quitting.

But now that I'm past all that, I feel way better. there's no downside to quitting. I miss it sometimes, but i'd much rather have my health and not feel like im about to die.

any tips

only thing i can say is that it's a decision you have to make for yourself that you want to quit. no one can make you do it but yourself. i knew for a long time that i should cut back, but it wasn't until i was smacked in the face with the physical consequences that i decided i needed to turn it around.

i didnt go to AA or any kind of group, I just stopped and kept on with my life. the anxiety attacks were the hardest part to deal with because they would just happen at random, sometimes at work or on the road driving or whatever. you just have to find somewhere to be alone for a minute, breathe deep and get through it.

it was actually really easy to not drink because the options were to catch a buzz and keep feeding the beast or to stay away and not feel horrible. easy choice, you just have to want to make it.

This. Plus you'll gain more weight with beer. I'm trying to quit drinking all together for weight reasons.

you need to stay off that shit for like 90 days and get on an antidepressant, that's the only way the emptiness will start to really go away

also fix your life

sounds gay but it's true

find some real stuff to be happy about

I need to quit. I took a week off for the first time in years last month and had all the nightsweats, wierd blood pressure and heartbeat problems. Insomnia is the worst though. Does anyone have any tips for getting to sleep better? Melatonin and Benadryl make me sleepy but I still can't sleep at all for the first few nights. I wanna stop tonite but I'm freaking terrified of having a heart attack from lack of sleep/blood pressure wonkiness.

you dug yourself into the hole, now you have to get out

you're going to sleep bad for a couple weeks and you're going to have fucked up blood pressure and heartbeat

don't be a pussy, get through it

or go to detox if you're that concerned

sucks to be you. if i was that mentally fragile i'd probably kill myself

Like a lot of you guys I'm also attempting to quit. Alcohol has fucked up my life pretty bad. Just got my first dui about a month ago and lost my job as a delivery driver because of it. It's going to be so humbling and shitty to be going from making 20-30 dollars an hour doing pizza delivery to going to be a cashier making minimum wage or some shit. (Dropped out of university due to alcohol). I've also had horrible withdrawal, yet I'm back to drinking a pint of vodka every day even though I am squandering the last of my money. My question to you guys is.. Have you noticed any delays or loss of progress in your intellectual thought due to alcohol. I've been drinking heavily since about 17. I'm 22 now. I can honestly say, although I am more experienced, I can't say I have made any true intellectual progress. I might be a bit more educated and have seen more things. But I honestly though I would become naturally smarter since my brain was probably still in development. Have a fucked myself by drinking heavily in my late teens and early 20's? I notice that even when I am sober, sometimes I still stumble over my words or can't articulate a thought. It pisses me off. Also, sorry about the whole spill about my life. After reading some of these alcohol threads it seems that a small few of you cu/cks/ expect people to prove their "credibility" haha

I still have a beer or 2 every couple nights, but finally stopped my heavy heavy drinking every night. I forgot how good it feels to wake up and go to work not hungover or going through withdrawal. I miss getting drunk all the time obviously, but it's pretty nice not hating the world whenever I'm sober

What's the most embarrassing/shameful thing you guys have done while drunk?

It fucks with your memory capacity. My memory drops in and out more than it used to for sure. Eventually you'll start losing some fine muscle control and get twitch's and stuff when your not drunk. It's brain damage of a sort.

For those who need motivation not to drink tonight, watch this if you haven't already

I second this guy My short term memory was noticeably worse when I was drinking heavy. Even if I wasn't drunk at the particular time, I could hardly remember where I had gone or what I'd done earlier in the day. It was kinda scary. Also, I've noticed nerve issues. Whenever I go through withdrawals after a long bender my hands get tingly or sometimes nearly completely numb. That was a major sign I was fucking myself up already, and I'm only 23. It's easy to think that the health effects will only catch up to you after being an alcoholic most of your life, but it can fuck you up a lot faster than you think

Thank you both for the input. What I have noticed (although I haven't been sober for more than about 3 weeks in this 6 year period of drinking) is that after I get through withdrawal, I have absolutely no motivation. I also can't focus. I also have issues with short term memory, however with that, I'm never sure if it was because I was drunk at the time, or if it because my memory is starting to get fucked. I've also noticed lethargy and depression. Those seem pretty common though. I hear they go away eventually. However, I can't even fathom attempting math. Not even intermediate algebra. That's quite the scary thought. It also seems that I black out a lot more easily than I have in the passed. Because of this I wake up hearing I have done incredibly stupid things. It's not even like I have been on binges. I can drink just about 6 shots and black out. Surely that means my brain is a but fucked? And of course, I have also noticed the while tingly sensation in my legs and arms. I think I already mentioned the difficulty in saying words that are more complex than commonly used words.. Or even a unique sentence...Hmm.. It's such a shame. I can think of several more things that have affected me, but I'll save it. I don't want to make this post too long

Thank you both for the input. What I have noticed (although I haven't been sober for more than about 3 weeks in this 6 year period of drinking) is that after I get through withdrawal, I have absolutely no motivation. I also can't focus. I also have issues with short term memory, however with that, I'm never sure if it was because I was drunk at the time, or if it because my memory is starting to get fucked. I've also noticed lethargy and depression. Those seem pretty common though. I hear they go away eventually. However, I can't even fathom attempting math. Not even intermediate algebra. That's quite the scary thought. It also seems that I black out a lot more easily than I have in the passed. Because of this I wake up hearing I have done incredibly stupid things. It's not even like I have been on binges. I can drink just about 6 shots and black out. Surely that means my brain is a but fucked? And of course, I have also noticed the while tingly sensation in my legs and arms. I think I already mentioned the difficulty in saying words that are more complex than commonly used words.. Or even a unique sentence...Hmm.It's such a shame. I can think of several more things that have affected me, but I'll save it. I don't want to make this post too long. Oh and I also go through withdrawals after like 2 days of drinking as opposed to about 2 weeks as I used to be

I get it, it's hard coping with living in this realm.

If you can cope with it without chemical aids, it's better for you, but don't beat yourself up if you can't.

I always get a bit slurred talking when I'm drinking, but I also noticed difficulty speaking for a few days following heavy drinking, it's pretty embarrassing

I stumbled back to my apartment, or what I thought was my apartment, to pass out after a party. Turns out I walked into my neighbor's place (who are all women) and passed out naked in one of their beds. Woke up to the police there



Damn man. Never been that bad. I was trying to get in my room but I was trying to open my roommates door. I'm just he wasn't home and the door was lock. Lucky for me I had the lights on in my room lol.

Upto 5 nights a week I'll buy 2 or so 500ml beers to chill out after work
Maybe twice a week I'll get drunk, which usually takes 7 standard drinks, which lately has been going down to once a week because the hangover is killer, I don't eat much and am an skeletal
Two flatmates have individually come up to me and mentioned something about my drinking
>you guys are always drinking lol, at least I'm not up there with how much you drink etc
>lol.. Should we get a smoke alarm for when you're cooking maybe..?

Legit though, yeah it was 4am, yeah I got a wee oven kiss on my finger rasslin' the fries before putting them back in for 3 more mins
But I had one bottle of wine that night and a beer, are they just been over cautious or am I an alcohol?

they're just cunts man.

3rd day sober here. I'd drink tonight but I'm broke as shit until my pay goes through aand my boss always pays me late. Been living pay check to pay check for months. Got a text for my bank this morning, credit card just went over this morning when monthly interest was added. I have like $20 to my name and rent due this week. Got to quit drinking and get my debt under control. Went through my bank statements and over the last 6 months I've spent over $1000 a month on booze. Could have cleared my debt if I had just given up drinking for half a year. Or at least not drank so much in that time. Critical point now.

Need to quit. I don't give a fuck about my health. My life is shit. I'm just sick of not having any money.

>I developed a stomach ulcer and had digestive problems for a couple months from pouring so much booze in my gut.
What did you experience in terms of this?

How would I know if I have this? I get terrible indigestion sometimes, Like seriously painful. Could this be due to an ulcer or digestive problems?

Shit myself and had to barricade myself in the bathroom until everyone either left or went to sleep. Switched phone providers, deactivated facebook and never saw any of those people again.

I remember you from a thread on r9k.

Or it might have been here. Pretty sure it was r9k though.

I had slipped into a dark hole for the past few months, drinking at least every day. While I didn't always get drunk, I still drank 3 or 4 drinks at least a night.

Luckily, I seem to be over it, and I managed to pull a decent semester out of what seemed to be a surefire bomb. I'm proud of myself for that, and I think I'll keep doing well, but something is bothering me. I still sometimes get cravings for a drink on a weekday, though I've limited myself to just drinking on Fridays and Saturdays, which I have kept up with the past few weeks. Still, I sometimes just feel the urge to have a drink or two in the middle of the week, though knowing me, it'll probably turn into more if I do decide to slip.

For experienced alcoholics in this thread, should I take this as a warning sign? My family has a history of alcoholism and other drug dependency issues, so it'd be nice to get some advice from you guys. Should I continue limiting myself to only weekends?

Depends on how impulsive you are (and genetics). Just know the more often you drink, the higher your tolerance increases, just like any other drug.

Unless you're a disciplined person who's strict regiment-like habits can't be broken by your peers (aka being a square), leave drinking for socializing (from parties to chilling with roommates after work). Once you start drinking alone, the amount increases, and pretty soon you're going through a handle in 3 days wondering how you got there. Alcoholism is a rather insidious addiction, but like any other one it'll creep up on you if you're not careful; any these al/ck/ohlics here can testify to that.

I wish my tolerance was low again. Would be way richer, and would get that euphoria instead of social anxiety when I drink.

get a hobby. You drink because you're fucking bored

what happens to your body?
gimme some reasons to quit

Thanks man, to be fair if you leave half your dinner cooling in the pan before boxing it up to freeze it or whatever one of them eats half of it and tells you about how they were eating your dinner, lol it was good!
So that's definitely a shitty person for sure

You can drink small amounts regularly, wouldn't drink more than 3 beers a day, and that's with eating. Not just slamming them all on an empty stomach.

Try to use more alcohol for celebrations or as a mind-altering substance occasionally. At most once a week, once a month would be better.

You also need to find something to do. Get a creative outlet. Painting, music, cooking, share your creations with people.

You might need to talk to someone if things are bothering you, sometimes /r9k/ can actually be decent if you don't want to talk to a therapist.


Personally i found i wasn't interested in one or two drinks, just in getting wasted. Which I did every night for years. Then the day drinking started and it got really bad.

Now i don't drink at all, and it's a lot better.

Did I go to AA? you bet your ass I did, they're a bunch of drunks and they know how to help drunks stop drinking.

Get to a meeting sober, then get to bed sober, and you've been sober that day. One day at a time. That's how they do it.

I do still get tempted by cocaine and mushrooms, but I've had plenty of those and so far I've been able to say no (don't run into them that often these days to tell the truth).

Saying no to alcohol is no issue at this point. Yesterday I was with a bunch of people who all ordered/did shots of vodka and I was actually really glad I didn't have to. Before I would have been all over that shit.

>Then the day drinking started and it got really bad

That's when shit goes downhill for me as well. I know it's not good for me, but I can function pretty well just getting drunk at night after work. Sometimes a minor hangover, but no physical dependence. When I start drinking during the day, even if it's just a drink an hour to keep a slight buzz, that's when physical withdrawal starts getting huge

I think I have fucking gout.


I drink six half litre cans of beer every night, and I'm able to stick to that. It's alright, I get buzzed without getting messed up and I'll probably live into my 50s.

>8-12 beers a day for 10~ years
>Functioning alcoholic

Recently, I've had days where I just cannot drink. Get to 2-3 beers and just feel so bloated and bored that I can't continue, so I end up eating dinner and going to bed sober. The urge to drink was so unavoidable up until about 3 weeks ago, now it seems like a bit of a chore. Should I use this as an opportunity to quit altogether? It feels like if I don't take advantage of this now, the urge might come back.

Also addicted to buying beer in general. I buy it every day, even if I have enough. My fridge is just full of straggler beers.

>Should I use this as an opportunity to quit altogether?
if you want to do that then go for it, this seems like a good time
>Also addicted to buying beer in general.
that's just habit, as long as you're aware of it you'll be able to tell yourself that you're just acting because you're used to it, and then stop doing it

>get on an anti-depressant

Fuck that shit. It's sobriety or nothing. No sense in replacing one chemical with another, power through that shit like a man.

This is cooking related, how?


Just smoke weed


How do you guys deal with the anxiety? How about the sleep, or lack thereof resulting in fatigue?

Because cooks are degenerate substance abusers. Maybe you should get out, you turbonigger.

Well, given that situation I suppose he's just trying to kill himself but doesn't have the stones to do it in one foul swing.

Try drinking chamomile and valerian root tea.

The more you stay away from the booze the easier it'll get.

Personally I hate having to go and buy booze. I live in a small town and there's so much fucking gossip and judgement surrounding it.

i drink to get rid of it

Ex daily all day errday smoker here. I'm talking about gram a day minimum. Quit for 6 months to a year and replace it with something else, preferrably multiple things. My choice was cooking/food, weight lifting, work, coding, and TV/movies. Alcohol if the cravings get bad. If you do this and are committed to quitting for the foreseeable future, you will stop having cravings. I did. It helps if you move a thousand miles away where you don't know anyone and can't find any weed.

Creature of habit mang, don't know what else to say. Somehow worked the purchase and consumption of alcohol into my daily routine, like brushing teeth or having a fap. I'll give it serious thought, thanks for the reply.

>night sweats
whenever I get really drunk i never know if its sweat or pee
it worries me

Ignoring the withdrawals and depression I get from trying to quit, I cannot fucking STAND the crippling boredom without booze, man, holy fuck. Nothing interests me when I'm sober. I just want to claw my eyes out from being so bored.

Anyone else use Kratom to help stay off the booze? I know replacing one addiction with another isn't healthy, but it seems much better for you than alcohol

I know what you mean. Sometimes I wake up in a puddle of water on my bed. Gotta wash the clothes and the sheets or it'll smell. It could be pee though.

Not who you were referring to, but thank you for posting this. I've been struggling for a couple years now, very much improved over the last year...but it really helps hearing that encouragement from someone else who lived through this shit.Thank you again.

ugh, have this problem too. I get super uncomfortable when I've been drinking. It used to help me get to sleep, but once I went through a blazing alcoholic period for a year, my reaction to it changed. Now, it just keeps me up and irritated. Hate it so much.

So I'm quitting for a while, keeping this shit to special occasions instead of... you know... the night before work. Told my wife this yesterday.

>But user, I invited guy you don't know, cousin, and cousins boyfriend you hate over tomorrow to have a nice drinking party where we watch stupid shit and drink a box of wine. I'm allowed to have friends over! You have to meet guy friend!

So I'm sitting in my room sober with the door closed. Wife stinks like wine when I go out to smoke, everyone sucks and bores the shit out of me. Wife is being extra nice because I called the god damned bluff and I'm pissed.

>you have to let me drink with my guy friends

whew enjoy the eventual divorce bro

yeeeea, great time to quit drinking rite?

>I've spent over $1000 a month on booze
The fuck? What are you drinking that causes you to spend a grand a month on alcohol? Champagne?

keep drinking and quit smoking.

Tell us a little more user. Who else was there? Was it a party? Did other people see you shit yourself? Did they noticed you'd locked yourself in the bathroom? What did they say?

The fuck of it is that they go hand and hand for me. Normally I only smoke when I drink but I'm pretty sure I'm replacing it with that.

i can understand being a drunk. faggots smoking cigs ill never understand the addiction.

Can't really say I understand it myself. It's calming in a way, temporary though. I started while drinking, bumming off of people who would offer. You get to a point where you tell yourself you'll only ever bum and you're not a smoker. Then one day something gets you angry and you buy a pack because you want a god damned cigarette.

Must be going through a 30 dollar bottle of something every day

I never smoke, but I use chewing tobacco when I'm drunk. Being drunk and then having a big nicotine rush on top of it fucks you up pretty good and gives a massive head rush

he probably just drinks at bars a lot

i spent $120 last saturday and had to go home and drink some more after. shits a scam but you pay the extra money to not feel like a loser pounding a fifth alone on the couch

thank christ I am only mildly addicted to diet coke for the caffeine

I'd rather drink alone than be the pathetic guy at the bar who all the bartenders and regulars feel bad for getting shitfaced in public every day


you are bored because you don't know what to do with yourself besides drink

You are makign excuses for your addiction. You aren't a special snowflake who needs alcohol to not be bored.

Maybe he's trying to get allllll the chicks

after some point antidepressants were the only thing that gave me the strength to even begin helping myself. I am not in the perfect place but antidepressants and therapy definitely helped me a ton.

First time here?

8 days sober after 6 months of 1-3 pints of liquor a day

You can do it lads!

Going to the doc today and going to discuss my drinking. This is my first time meeting this guy, as I haven't been to a doctor in years due to lack of health insurance. Do I be actually honest? I'm down from about 12 drinks a day to 3-5. Can this effect my ability to get healthcare in the future I.e like how being open about your smoking can? I'm nervous as fuck and don't want to go.

you are gonna relapse soooo hard