What's with the obsession over "meal prep" lately? shit seems autistic to me. pic related

what's with the obsession over "meal prep" lately? shit seems autistic to me. pic related

>veggie bowls

cooking enough food for a week in one go is less time-consuming than cooking each day

>time to shitpost on 4chins or normie book for hours
>no time to cook

who are you quoting?

>work 9-5 M-F
>go to college after work, usually until 8, sometimes later (4 days a week during summer, 3 during regular semester)
>spend other time with fiancee or doing homework

For me, it makes sense to spend Sunday preparing my meals for the week. Obviously once it hits Wednesday, I gotta spend that night cooking shit for Thursday and Friday, but it helps with time management. Plus I find it really fun.

>time management
Yup. More time management means more time you can spend shitposting on Veeky Forums,

>work 6am to 330
>drive home
>walk dog
>cook dinner
>watch a show
>it's suddenly 9pm and I have to go to bed
It's just easier prepping an okay lunch for the week in one sitting.

ITT: wage slaves try to fix everything else except the real problem

Bernie's a lost cause at this point, desu.

bernie is a faggot

my point was that it is easier to save money than to save time. get a job that doesn't rape you 60 hours a week and actually enjoy your life instead.

>neet opinion
In the trash it goes

I don't think Hilary is going to give me that.

What? I like my job.

wagekek faggots don't have time to cook food

Aren't NEETS notorious for just eating frozen dinners and ramen?

When you guys say wage slaves do you mean hourly workers who do retail/food/customer service or do you also include those with good salaried jobs with good benefits?


That shit has been around for a long time user.

they are either memers or actually angry at the world, so they basically mean everyone with a job that is not independent, or if really asshurt everyone that works

>answering question

I weight my food and track macronutrients, preparing ahead of time means I don't have to have questions asked about using a scale. Plus I work on a ranch, so there aren't any restaurants around even if I wanted to go to one.

>good salaried jobs with good benefits

It's still slavery in its own way user. At least hourly workers go home after their 8 hours or get paid extra for more.

It helps track your caloric intake and macros.
Pre-packaged things are good too but price and ingredients quality vary a lot so I stick to basic stuff like beans and passato for lunch

I mean someone whose entire life and self worth is working and making money. Someone that basically has no free time, hobbies or social life outside of working all day and watching videos on how to meal prep so that they can spend more time at work or sleeping.

I am not saying be a NEET and collect benefits (this is even worse than being a wage slave and a truly pitiful life) I was simply saying that if you are worried about "wasting" 20-30 minutes to make dinner your life is probably shit and you should look for a better job before you wake up and you are 60 years old and realize you have done absolutely nothing but work.

>not having a loving wife who has freshly cooked dinner ready for you when you come back home from work

I pity you lot.

great point

salaried workers are way more likely to be slaves devoted to their job than hourly workers and hourly jobs aren't all that bad.

Example: I would much rather be a nurse, make $40/hr and work 3 days a week than be a doctor, make more money but always be on call.

Everyone is a slave user.

You are literally property of your country. When you get a birth certificate you are labeled as an asset of the country so whether you have a job or not you are just property.

god i always thought wage slaves was just a joke word

die in an apartment fire