Anyone have any old cook books? I've another from a couple hundred years ago somewhere around here, too

Anyone have any old cook books? I've another from a couple hundred years ago somewhere around here, too.

Even around a hundred years ago they talked about income not keeping pace with food costs.

Here's the rest of the preface, just cause.

Pls post more OP

I have a 1961 Betty Crocker New Picture Cookbook. As far as biblio-bucks granny fucked it up by signing the front page. Otherwise they go for 40-75 USD

the book came out in 1917, so it's more likely that it was written in the specific context of WWI

overall cost of living went down drastically immediately after the war, and that loss of income also contributed to running so many farmers into unmanageable debt during the Depression

anyway pls post 1917 desserts

i have a first edition of "Larousse Gastronomique"

are those potatos?


Makes sense!
Alright so I'm home now, I'll post some old desserts! Also other weird things.

no those are bass guitars

lurking. post desserts.

Keep fucking posting OP.

Canada war cake

Pork cake? Old fashioned even for a hundred years ago!

The rest





Jesus christ.

I suppose if you live in New York you'd be able to feast.


Yeah i really want to try it but i also don't want to catch pigeons downtown. Crazy people do that.



Pigeons could probably be bought at a good butcher. They are pretty good actually.


I might ask.


It amazes me that some things really have changed in centuries.

Pancakes are pancakes, and I think they'll always be pancakes.

>really have



>Grape Eggnog


Yeah i am gonna have to make it. Maybe I'll make some YouTube videos of these.