>/tv/ actually thinks Ramsay was wrong and this pizza looks good
jesus fucking christ
/tv/ actually thinks Ramsay was wrong and this pizza looks good
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Toppings are a little too thick cut but other than that, it's ideal pizza. literally 10/10.
people who disagree would rather eat a cardboard disc with cheese on it
Don't you have other boards to re-post this shit on?
>americans actually think this is pizza
>He thinks raw dough is 10/10
>He thinks dripping in grease is 10/10
>He thinks a 1" thick "thin crust" is 10/10
>cuckagofags getting mad when anything resembling their shitty pizza soup gets BTFO
well /tv/ do nothing but order shitty pizza and watch tv all day so what did you expect
for you
There's literally nothing wrong with that pizza.
>inb5 asshurt flavorphobes won't hop off Gordon "I'm basically a cooking pewdiepie" Ramsay's 2 inch sausage for a minute and see the truth
>/v/irgin obese neet crossposting
blow your brains out
link to the video???
Too bad he ordered thin crust.
The dough is also undercooked.
t. amrican
>>inb5 asshurt flavorphobes won't hop off Gordon "I'm basically a cooking pewdiepie" Ramsay's 2 inch sausage for a minute
To be fair, 3 minutes is the recommending time for pounding
Is this Veeky Forums Baneposting?
cheers m8!
Well it's been a week so we're overdue someone trying to force a shitty meme.
go' 'za
Good bait
hot meme coming through
Fucking shit dude
it looks like road kill carcass meat
It boggles my mind how you can operate a restaurant and let this kind of shit slide out
/v/ here
ready to start shitposting soon :^)
Undercooked dough tastes good sometimes.
IT'S fucking RAW
>says the redditfrogposter
Oh the ironing.
only if it's stick bread
They're a diamond dozen
>stuff fatty components on a flat bread
>they leak fat when baked
That's how pizza works, you want healthy, eat a fucking carrot.
I've been to plenty of pizza joints that are terrible and exist exclusively to cater to drunks. One of the uniting features of these alc'za joints is that the pizza is underdone.
But I've never seen crust as underdone as that. That crust is a one way ticket to getting sick. Ramsey is a queen, can't stand the fuck, and there's nothing inherently wrong with pizza grease. But crust that raw is unforgivable.
It's Jack tier.
Okay, real quick question.
Just how many of you are underage? Mods can't ban you, they're asleep, so answer honestly.
he could mangle up almost anything and make it looks like shit though
The pizza looks fine, I'm fairly certain most of Gordon's stuff is scripted and he mashed it to make it look worse. That said, if the dough really was raw then it's not a good pizza. And I certainly wouldn't call it a culinary masterpiece, more like great hangover food.
That waitress is CUTE.
She really is. Would waifu.
Even if you thought it looked good, raw fucking dough is an instant disqualification.
As long as the dough wasn't raw, I'd be totally fine with getting this as a takeaway pizza for like £5~ but if I went to a restaurant, and its got that much grease I'd send that back.
Maybe I just get how Americans like their food
>That said, if the dough really was raw then it's not a good pizza.
>As long as the dough wasn't raw
The dough was raw.
Looks like a murder scene.
Well, that pretty much makes sense. Who the fuck wants to eat a big ball of grease with raw dough in the middle?
That is the kind of pizza that makes me vomit.
The grease is just too much!
And the cheese doesn't even look cooked.
Even I can make a better fucking pizza.
Be it with pre made dough or with homemade dough!
>eating pizza with fork and knife
what a fucking filthy animal ramsay is?
>Mash up your food with a knife and fork
Ramsay's a shithead sometimes.
so i personally really dislike pizza with that much cheese on it and that thick dough, but it is a style that a lot of people seem to like and i certainly wouldn't call it disgusting.
Why the fuck is this still an argument get tf over it.
I'm a fan of deep dish pizza but that thing looks nasty
What are you on about, can't you see how thin that crust is?
>/tv/ crossposters
Anyone who's actually seen the episode knows that the pizza looks like shit; end of story.
>implying there's anyone who isn't a /tv/ crossposter
And yet if you go to /tv/ and think posting candid pictures of semi-famous, underage actresses is off-topic then you're from reddit...
>The pizza looks fine,
the crust is literally fatter than gordons hand. no its not fine.
fuck ive eaten calzone that was less bulky
which would Veeky Forums rather eat?
right looks like it was made in an actual pizza oven so ill go with that.
for some reason regular ovens always make pizza a bit soggy
whichever was bigger
I don't really like it when pizza is super airy and crispy
gotta go with the right. the one on the left looks like a shitty attempt by Dominos or Pizza Hut to make the one on the right
>takes literally one bite, maybe two
>judges it entirely on appearance
>yfw it's actually the best 'za in Denver
>yfw they're gaslighting the poor bastard
Left looks better, but I'm not sure what that pink shit is. If those are pepto bismol colored tomatoes I'd have to go with the right, but there's just so much dry dough around the edges it doesn't look appealing. When I get pizza I'm expecting good bread with sauce and cheese and toppings, not a little puddle of sauce and cheese and toppings surrounded by a giant ring of plain dough, no matter how well it was made. I also don't care too much about evenly distributed toppings, I just want a proper topping to dough ratio so that I can get a little of everything in at least most bites.
>Crust is a one way ticket to getting sick.
God, you remind me of those parents that would freak out at a pizza joint I worked for in college when we'd bring out some raw dough for kids to play with.
>Little Joey can get salmonella!
>But what if he eats it?!
There are no dairy or eggs in pizza crusts, and unless the crust touched raw meat or unwashed veggies for an extended period with no cooking, there is no way you can get salmonella.
Also, kids who took a mouthful of dough discovered real quick it tastes nothing like crust or Playdough and stop it.
>best cook in the world
You can spot americans from a mile on this board.
I'm not talking about illness you bugchasing homosexual- I mean if you're drunk and you take a big gob of uncooked dough in your mouth it's going to be gross and your tummy won't like it.
you see Tom there's the problem
it makes me want to vomit , and im not joking
I love food , that's why i come here.
But that thing isn't food. is the creation of some old crazy guy who does not want to close his restaurant
You're a big pie.
The servers are always so qt
that pizza looks like its gonna taste alright and then give me massive diaherra. Ramsey hated it because it looks rounded and the cheese looks way to smooth, pale and flat so it makes it look cheap
no cares what you father learned form his father, who learned it from his father and so on
looks like some good Za to me
>that greassy cheese
How did this episode end?
>tfw no qt Kitchen Nightmares gf.
Ramsey is right. Sure some people might eat that pizza and say that it is good but that's why they're posting it on /tv/.
The pizza isn't acceptable to serve to anyone because it had raw dough in it and was dripping in oil.
>no problem
>everything except the way the cheese comes off the crust when it rises is good
>watch the webm
>the cheese slides off the crust
Okay, that's not good pizza.
>Toppings are a little too thick cut
You type like a fag.
Left, but the right one is glorified bread; poor people's food.
thx mate
Even if you ignore the already touched parts, the rest of the pizza is still swimming in grease and too thick to be properly cooked and not soggy as all hell.
reminds me of the top gear audience cuties
is that herpes on her lower lip?
O okay im 13 i live in ohio i didnt now the mods were asleep so i was afrad to repli D:
You disgust me.
You know, I've seen this picture many times before over the course of many years. And I've always just glanced at it, and thought yeah fat people eating a big pizza. But when you look at it, like take some time to view it properly, you can see its fat people being fat on some many different levels.
Right looks better, but either is honestly kinda gross looking
Most people on this board are americans, but there are plenty of americans who would see that that pizza is shit. I know its shit.
shad pls go
don't forget that the dough is literally raw
no it's a piercing
I don't know why but even though James May is the most bland of persons I just enjoy watching him do things that he gets excited about.
>The skinny guy in the background
I hope he isn't married to one of those things.