/tv/ actually thinks Ramsay was wrong and this pizza looks good




There's literally nothing wrong with that pizza.
>inb5 asshurt flavorphobes won't hop off Gordon "I'm basically a cooking pewdiepie" Ramsay's 2 inch sausage for a minute and see the truth

>/v/irgin obese neet crossposting

blow your brains out

link to the video???

Too bad he ordered thin crust.

The dough is also undercooked.


t. amrican

>>inb5 asshurt flavorphobes won't hop off Gordon "I'm basically a cooking pewdiepie" Ramsay's 2 inch sausage for a minute

To be fair, 3 minutes is the recommending time for pounding

Is this Veeky Forums Baneposting?

cheers m8!