Does the fact that J.K Rowling never explicitly stated the race of Hermione mean it's an acceptable interpretation for a reader to interpret Hermione as any race they feel like and nobody can suggest otherwise or say that they're wrong? What do some approaches of literary theory/criticism have to say about this? What does Veeky Forums have to say about this concept?
Everybody knows that Hermione is meant to be white. Everybody knows that J.K Rowling must have had a white person in mind when she was writing Hermione, and in fact probably never wrote it down because it went without saying.
I'm genuinely curious what lines of thought have probed this kind of issue because it opens up all sorts of cans of worms about what you can start claiming about characters through literature if the absence of an explicit statement to the contrary or affirmation of opposing state is all you need.
Harry Potter is not literature. Go to reddit if you want to talk about poorly-written children's stories.
Ayden Harris
Who cares what "Just Kidding" Rowling has to say or write?
Sebastian Bennett
It's not about Harry Potter, that's just an example that was publicised heavily recently to illustrate the point I'm getting at, which is to what extent can characters' races and other details about them be changed on the fly and have any schools of thought come up with decent arguments as to why you can/can't do this.
Landon Howard
We had a wave of shitposters constantly post about this shit for a while. That's why we don't like it.
Anyway, the answer is death of the author yadda yadda yadda who Le cares
John Lee
She is explicitly described as being white but I don't give a shit.
Brayden Torres
I didn't read the books so I'm not 100% sure, but wasn't Hermione's character supposed to be an allegory(not sure if right term) for racism? Making her black just kind of ruins it.
Dominic Cook
See and fuck off
Eli Lewis
but you're the one shitposting
Leo Garcia
>Everybody knows that Hermione is meant to be white what does this say about the state of society where white is the default race.
Chase Gomez
>Does the fact that J.K Rowling never explicitly stated the race of Hermione mean
Adrian Thompson
>They were there, both of them, sitting outside Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor — Ron looking incredibly freckly, Hermione very brown, both waving frantically at him. >very brown looks like she changed races between books desu. transracial Hermione confirmed
Christopher Davis
white people tan in the sun, there are other passages of her cheeks going pink and blushing. Blacks can't do that.
Austin Myers
tanning is the operative word. white people tan. they don't brown. blacks can blush. have you ever seen a black person irl?
Adrian Baker
>white people tan. they don't brown.
to tan is to brown the skin. silly semantics
And what a weird way to describe her if she was actually black/brown. "Hermione very brown" ???
"Azumi very yellow" "Taquisha very black" "Pajeet very brown"
why the emphasis? seems out of place and almost racist if the character is actually not-white
Robert Hill
>blacks can blush.
no they can't.
David Stewart
>blacks can blush.
show me a pic of a black person turning pink as they blush
Justin Roberts
They're in Britain m8.
Hermione is obviously an arab.
Her race is a mystery cause she's wearing a durka the whole time.
Oliver Moore
All it says is that the vast majority of British people are white, especially at the time the novels were written. There's nothing more you can discern from that.
Lucas Long
Was Hermione not in Spain for summer holidays before this?
Easton Parker
It was a tan, you fucking idiot. Jo from Little Women was described as "brown as a nut." Hermione was on vacation earlier in the book.
Cameron Green
say to Rowling's face you cowardly pinko commie bastard
Sebastian Sullivan
Hermione is trans black, but she only makes the transition when she grows up (presumably after spending a lot of time on tumblr)
Levi Scott
Man, even Hogwarts isn't safe from the SJWs.
Samuel Harris
It's a calculated appeal and attempted cash-in on SJW shit. Putting blacks in white roles is pretty common and "hip" in British media/arts now. I don't think there's any artistic (>implying Harry Potter is art) justification for changing or determining a character's race for these kinds of alterior, creatively dishonest motives. But no one gives a shit, including me.
Jeremiah Sullivan
>Everybody knows that J.K Rowling must have had a white person in mind when she was writing Hermione, and in fact probably never wrote it down because it went without saying.
Christopher Hitchens noted the irony of JK Rowling's 'progressive' political opinions with her literary fetishisation of the culture of English private schools.
Thomas Diaz
I think Pottermore and all other post-canon "revelations" are utter bullshit fabricated on the spot by the attention whore authors. Masahiro Ito makes up bullshit about Silent Hill all the time just to shut the fans up.
Thomas Taylor
>black president >black person on dollar >black Hermione >token blacks everywhere >basketball scholarships mainly black students >Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving Blacks and Whites, Blacks commit 85 percent and Whites commit 15 percent. Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are Black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. >black power >black lives matter > >Egyptians where not black >
Andrew Collins
>What do some approaches of literary theory/criticism have to say about this?
Nothing. The creation of fan fiction does not fall within the category of "literary," and therefore is not an object of literary criticism.
Brody Rogers
black people are still pretty inconsequential my friend. look at white people things more which shouldn't be hard because they're everywhere
Ian Powell
What the fuck are you on about
Julian Phillips
Elijah Bell
hermoines white face bush etc
also fuck jk prowling in the bathouse for aids sex fucking whore slam a coke in that bitch watch her twitch like add aint nought better tHAN A DICK INA SLUT WITH NO BUTT BUTTERCUP
Aaron Edwards
It's based in England. Fucking no niggers in a good English story.
Evan Reyes
state of a white society where white is the default race? gee whiz mister this sure is a problem
Brandon Collins
"mudblood" = "nigger" im guessing is what he meant
John Ward
because she's a "mudblood" muggle. It's pretty on the nose
Parker Hernandez
For people who are "beyond racism", they sure are obsessed with race.
Is it really that much of a problem if you aren't """"represented""""? It's not like I can't appreciate the bravery and grace under pressure of "white soldiers" when I'm reading WW2 fiction, what difference does that make?
Alexander Jenkins
>You will never be vehemently upset they cast a minority to play a supporting role in a small budget theatre adaptation of a children's story, which may or may not break the "canon" of said story
I can't imagine what it's like guys, but I see people like this here every single day. Just angry about everything. What's the point?
Brayden Evans
Firstly, this does not belong on Veeky Forums. Secondly, "everybody knowing" something does not make it true. If "everybody knows" this, it is certainly not based on the text. What you mean is a lot of people think this. Which again has no bearing on what the authors intentions were, or if race was left out to be purposely ambiguous. Thirdly, who the fuck actually cares. Why would it matter if Hermione was black, or if someone wants to interpret her as being black? It is literally just as true to the text as interpreting her as white. Get the fuck out here, Sincerely, not an SJW
Jayden Howard
Subtext is beyond the reach of struggling finger readers.
Jeremiah Lee
Noticing such things is racist, silly man.
Parker Price
Also, can we at least agree that black Hamilton is racist garbage?
Isaac Perry
It's almost as though the demographics of Western countries have changed in the past few decades and popular art is changing to reflect this.
Luis Butler
do blacks blush? have you ever seen a black blush?
Nathaniel Evans
The only nigger here is you. Now fuck off.
Jace Richardson
can you stop that god awful snarky mode of speech?
>it's almost as if X >you're right, we should [misrepresentation of opinion so as to appeal to ridicule] etc
I see it everywhere and it's immensely grating
Landon Taylor
And the britbong cover.
Jeremiah Bennett
ill grate you in a minute
Blake Jackson
Such bullshit.
Adrian Richardson
by the way, you haven't answered my point at all.
I am not white yet I am able to appreciate media with white people in it. How do you respond to this?
Oliver Lee
I'll punch you right in the dick, you little bitch.
Robert Reyes
It's a play not a historical re-enactment. I would say the same thing to lefties bitching about white washing. If the creator doesn't claim his work be historically accurate why should it matter? If someone writes a book about how Mozart was actually a time traveling Chinaman, the book isn't about the real Mozart, it's about the authors Mozart which can be assumed to be the same in all aspects to the real one except where the author explicitly says that he is different.
Samuel Reyes
you will do no such thing
Dominic Russell
ill smear you in honey and drop you on a fire ants nest
Nathan Garcia
why should anyone give a fuck about how "grating" you think they are?
Mason James
>Mozart was actually a time traveling Chinaman
see this is a different thing altogether. something like that would be acknowledging that the real Mozart is white, because it wouldn't be subversive otherwise.
Claiming that the historical Mozart was actually black or whatever is different
David Thomas
did I say they should? I said "can you stop"
you're quite rude, aren't you?
Nathan Lewis
asking someone to stop pretty clearly implies that you think they care enough about your opinion to do so. besides, it was an honest question: why should someone care about coming off as snarky? why should someone even care about their conduct, do other peoples' opinions matter that much?
Jacob Martin
I'll make you sit at the table until you eat all your vegetables, you rotten little fuck... just wait till your father hears about this.
Josiah Young
>Claiming that the historical Mozart was actually black or whatever is different
No one actually does this though. No one who matters at any rate. Black centrist historical revisionism is a meme of the past. It's only recently resurfaced coming from genuinely stupid or misinformed people and kangz shitposters
Kayden Torres
I'll fill your ears with ticks with leaches while you sleep tonight.
Wyatt Jenkins
i dont give a fuck. i just dont give a fuck. fuck you AND father. im going to put raw eggs in your favorite hat.
Samuel Evans
ill replace your hair with wet spaghetti
Logan Clark
>asking someone to stop pretty clearly implies that you think they care enough about your opinion to do so
no it doesn't.
I don't have the patience to deal with your autistic edgelord spiel so take your "why should anyone care about other people" nonsense somewhere else
Charles Thompson
im not even saying that, im just asking you why you genuinely think that >take your "why should anyone care about other people" nonsense somewhere else >somewhere else do you know what site youre on right now..?
Nathan Price
When did anyone try to claim the actual, real human beings that really existed that the characters in the musical REPRESENTED were black?
Sebastian Price
like I said, have your edgemaster moment somewhere else, goober.
Hudson Collins
If death of the author empowers me to interpret the core message of Hunger as the ruinous power of matriarchal passive aggression and Don Quixote as a story of a man transfigured into a self-made man through his adherence to a personal ethical system above all else, then anything is game.
Ian Thompson
can you just tell me why presenting your argument or whatever in a snarky manner is bad other than the fact you think its obnoxious
Grayson Bailey
are you talking about Hamilton specifically because I was talking about the concept and action itself
Luis Moore
This is new hermoine
Ryan Cox
I think its less about race and more about association and a fixed idea of who the character was depicted as. This new black actor doesn't fit who Heroine was in the first 6 or 7 movies. Continuity is what people are mad about.
Aiden Jenkins
>can you just tell me why presenting your argument or whatever in a snarky manner is bad
I never said this but even if I did I wouldn't tell you, goober
Nathan Murphy
It would be like replacing Will Smith in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air with Zac Effron.
Tyler Barnes
why would you argue against it if you didnt think it was bad?
Jace Wilson
>>black president >>black person on dollar >placing these two very normal things on the same list as interracial crime and rape
Austin Walker
how am I """""arguing"""""" against it?
why is your brain so fucked that you interpret everything as LE EPIC DEBATE ME moments?
Samuel Richardson
you explicitly asked them to stop what they were doing. like, maybe "arguing" wasnt the right word but why would you single out a post and reply to it like that if you didnt think it was a bad thing. i dont really know why youre dancing around the subject instead of just answering me? if you dont have an answer just say so
Xavier Diaz
If this passage was about her race I agree with what said. This would be ridiculous if it was referring to her actual skin color. "Godzilla very scaly, Herman very white" "Jack Sparrow very tanned, Shaq very black" It just sounds ridiculous.
Ian Martin
>dancing around the subject
your question is stupid and meaningless to begin with. You even admitted it yourself. I don't even know what you're getting at
>see annoying trend >can you stop that >WHY WOULD YOU ASK THEM TO STOP???? >???
Blake Butler
well why? apart from you wanting them to stop, why should they? you really are dancing around the subject, honestly. like a monkey at a fairground
Anthony King
You turned this minor comment about an user being a passive aggressive snarky juvenile into a huge argument over nothing. I can see where that user is coming from. People who use passive aggressive language like that user did are indirect and try to be clever when they just come off as snarky teenagers.
Jaxon Myers
whatever you say, autist
Kevin Carter
but why should they care?
Sebastian Evans
you're like a gypsy girl dancing for her supper in the town square of paris, france
Asher Parker
Because some people care about how others might be negatively viewed by people in the future for their bad habits.
Aiden Parker
user, I'm sure you think you're a groundbreaking genius who's """"exposing""""" people's biases and embedded assumptions or whatever, doing your best impression of hacky philosophers asking fundamental, reductive "why" questions etc, but please take a second to walk away from your dimly lit computer screen, then look at yourself and what you wrote from a distance.
Asking "why" rhetorically and facetiously isn't hip, and you're not all that. In fact you're most likely a mediocre faggot who's all to impressed by the not-at-all-unoriginal idea of "questioning fucking everything haha"
Asher Butler
and if they dont....?
Jace King
apple goes surprisingly well with pork actually, and asian pears with beef.
Lincoln Campbell
Didn't Rowling have direct involvement in the casting of the original movie?
James Russell
So you can't answer the question after all. Your capitulation is accepted.
Ayden Wood
And if they don't they can continue to have that bad habit which is unwise but its up to them in the end.
Lucas Nguyen
epic projection. to be honest, i was just imagining that guy saying that to someone and wondering what his reaction would be if they just said "i dont give a fuck about how people like you view me, i didnt ask for your opinion"
you're like a horse on a carousel, going round and round forever and never reaching any real conclusion. you're like the ancient ouroboros. you're like the corpse of a clown, floating bloated and reeking of decay in the river thames. why dont you kiss my ass, buddy?
Kevin Moore
honestly? i know you've probably anticipated this, but i really fucking disagree. i cant stand fruit with meat or in salads. my mom sometimes puts raisins or pears in salads and i throw a big tantrum until she relents and buys me a big mac. is it really unwise though?? like is there even anything inherently wrong in not giving a shit why someone would perceive them as annoying? you're like an unhinged door user, lying in a dump
Matthew Butler
every fucking chapter art in the autistic books depicts HERMIONE as WHITE you FAGGOTS
Chase Campbell
good god, another one of these types
Isaiah Brooks
To explain this entire comment line., That user made a snide comment which reveals characteristics about them which seem rather passive aggressive or as that other user put it "snarky". That other user seeing this lashed out and merely told that user stop doing that because it is overall negative to attempt to make someone seem stupid for their opinion while mocking them even if it is just an opinion. Its very condescending which is a negative characteristic to possess.