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Literature #79
Does Veeky Forums use bookmarks?
As Dave hung from the rafters he thought "woops"
Post yfw you realized Veeky Forums is becoming a high-brow version of /pol/
Why are you expected to be left leaning when living the literary lifestyle?
Stirner fan art
Who here took /APLIT/ today?
We always have these threads about depressed people wanting to better themselves by exploring the wonderful world of...
What are some good books on toxic masculinity?
Dear Veeky Forums
Hello Veeky Forums I am new to the board and I keep reading how Camus is shit. What's so shit about him...
Current book
When was the last time you went to a library for fun?
Why is man so inclined to find and internalize spooks...
Is Trump what Plato had in mind when he talked about a philosopher king?
Recommend me a nice hardcover edition of Moby Dick
YOU read tonnes of books in the hopes that your erudition will impress girls...
What book will make my life good?
Literature written in prison
What to read?
Ok, so I read The Futurological Congress by Lem on Veeky Forums's recommendation...
People who learned (or currently learning) another language by themselves, how did you do it? Where did you start...
I consider myself not very retarded but I could barely start this book...
Why was he so based, Veeky Forums?
Book 1 / Part 2
How do you deal with amount of violence and horrible things God did to non-believers?
The Metamorphosis
Hey, Veeky Forums. Newly qualified English teacher here
So, user, what's your favorite novel?
ITT: We post our favorite sex manual
Value of an English Major
Sup lit fags, do yall read books with pictures?
Flannery O'Connor
Loeb Series
Are there any good novels about isolated online communities? or just internet communities in general...
Synthetic A Priori Principles: Does Metaphysics Exist?
Worries in Reading
Pls be rational
You are now the leader of the world and all the copies of the books of your choosing get thrown into fires across the...
The Winds of Winter (Book Six of ASOIAF)
The concepts portrayed in the communist Manifesto seem be good but sadly not practical...
Can we get some 80s-core Veeky Forums?
How can we make Veeky Forums great again, my fellow posters? Some suggestions:
Anyone ever read Pope Benedict's writings? He's pretty prolific and a good writer
Born in 1992
Did I ruin my life?
Anyone else cringe at anything you wrote like a month+ ago? Are these feelings valid or just a part of art and creation?
Tfw u realize Jonathan Franzen is the best living novelist
From a literary perspective, which Church is better: Roman Catholic or Orthodox?
What are we going to do about this Veeky Forums?
/sffg/ Sci Fi & Fantasy General
What was his fucking problem?
Is it just me or are some of Nietzsche's arguments *really* fucking facile?
What substances help inspire your creativity, Veeky Forums?
Post them
What's your way to you refute the "everything you say is subjective" argument? Obviously not to change anyone's opinion...
What is the Veeky Forumserary equivalent of this game?
Its out today any one picking it up
Does anyone else dislike early Yeats? yeah hes a master of form and syntax, that's undeniable...
Sexist Pigs
I'm jelly of Americans who had to read this for school...
Hey Veeky Forums
Is this guy actually worth reading?
Fantasy general
Booktubers, everyone
/stirner general/
Vintage Contemporaries
Let's write a novel one sentence at a time. I'll start
Serious question
Serious question: is he autistic?
What books within the past century could be / should be potentially considered a part of the Western canon?
What would you say is essential in order to improve your writing? An active voice in the narration...
Veeky Forums, what's your opinion on him?
Say her name
Want to get into Veeky Forumserature
Books about/for/written by trans folk?
Summer reading before college
Crit Thread: Vain to post and in depth
Why are Evola and Nietzsche two of the most profound thinkers of the modern age?
Spinoza Appreciation Thread
Just finished Mason & Dixon. I think it's one of my favorite novels now. The ending was so touching...
What are you drinking right now, gents?
Italici user, in questo thread! Parliamo di letteratura italiana non tradotta, critichiamo i nostri racconti...
Veeky Forums on TV series
Poll shows that between men and women, women are considered better writers. Well...
You have 15 seconds to justify how you deal with the male gaze when reading cis male authors. I personally...
Have you ever read a book that offended you so much that you had to stop reading it? Mine...
"The falseness of an opinion," said Nietzsche, "is not for us any objection to it.... The question is...
No structure at all
Would you read it?
A half an hour with a homeless person is enough to disprove everything Nietzsche ever said...
Does Veeky Forums know of any novels that "tell, don't show" rather than "show, don't tell?"
Vapid pop philosopher or great mind?
Can I dive right in to Babby's First Edgy philosopher or am I expected to be familiar with the Greek faggots first?
What are the three greatest decades for literature?
At the library
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Eliot Rodgers Manifesto
What books added value to your life?
Tfw subvocalizer
What kind of names does Veeky Forums plan on giving (or have already given) children
Book 1 / Part 1
Hey Veeky Forums
Have you actually read the entire meme trilogy, Veeky Forums?
I started reading this today and I binged the first 150 pages all in a day
ITT: we draw inspiration from the current US elections
Does anyone else get as mad as I do about writers who try to act all "writery?" For example...
It's a "Veeky Forums doesn't even read a good fantasy series" episode
How do game of thrones book fans feel forced to experience the new book through the filter of bad HBO writers and bad...
Anyone read the new DeLillo yet?
Poetry Critique Thread, Ill start:
How do you find time to read novels while in college?
Recommend me comfy literature
Post a book, read the one posted by the next user
How the fuck did postmodernism get entire forests of literature written about it...
Type a word you like that seems to define itself simply by its utterance. I'll start:
Why exactly does Kant take human reason as this entirely homogeneous thing that we have in common and that we can more...
Conclusions I had from reading goodreads threads
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon
Hey so my sister and I got into an argument about feminism. Which in the end, I admitted I didn't know that much about
Today J.K.Rowling apologised for the writing in the death of Remus Lupin...
What is your favorite poem Veeky Forums?
What do you do if your book falls in the bath?
Rate my writing
Audio Books
More images like this one please
How is Gene so good bros?
What is your favourite 19th century novel and why?
Just finished Name of the Wind
Do y'all actually hate this guy?
Is he as good as Shakespeare?
Who is your favorite philosopher?
Do you believe that simpler prose is inherently worse...
ITT we replace titles using their synonyms and guess what book others are describing
Why aren't you a Roman Catholic, Veeky Forums?
Is this book a meme ?
What do you guys think of School of Life's philosophy videos?
Books on Marxism, socialism, state capitalism, Che, Cuba, etc?
What do you guys think about /r/books?
Just picked this up. What am I in for Veeky Forums?
Did I just buy a book condoning religion? I hate religion. I got this for the screwtape letters...
Buddha > nietzsche
Greetings, /lit! Today is the day we started the group-read of Ezra Pound's The Cantos...
Hi Veeky Forums. /rk9/ and /s4s/ browser here
Is 26 too old to start a successful writing career?
Why do people hate NEETs? Add some books to it and it seems like the ultimate literary lifestyle
Why does he make people angry?
What edition of Ulysses should I buy?
Favourite adverbs?
/mu/ here
My stepdaughter asked us to buy her some of this guy's books, she's 12. Are they appropriate for 12 year olds...
Post some art or photography that reflects what you want more of in literature and get suggestions
How would you describe 'good writing'?
What is some good anti-feminist literature?
Who are these people on goodreads with 1,2,3k books read? Is that even possible
Has any one single person advanced philosophy/society/human life as much as him?
"The greatest thinker of all times, in my opinion, is Aristotle. Everything, in his work...
I hate this picture of Lovecraft.It misrepresents him so much
How to spot a genius
How to determine if someone's tastes are shit
Sci Fi Fantasy General
I'm considering going back to college and double majoring in Classics and Philosophy. Is this a good idea, Veeky Forums?
Which do you prefer?
Clinical Depression literature
Anyone read Master and Margarita? If so what did you think? I liked it a lot...
It's a Marathe chapter
How many of you steal books? I see a lot of greentext stories of people doing so on here. For you book-thieves...
Where the Wilde things are
Blood Meridian and William Faulkner
So did you learn anything from reading so many books?
ITT: post your stack; rate other anons' stacks
Who /leftylit/ here
Literature on suicide?
Englishfag here. What is the single most useful language to learn for marxists/leftists?
/shit written in your used books/ general
Science grew out of philosophy taking only the good parts as a refined way of finding truth...
If left to my own devices...
Write Thread
Anyone without a degree from a top ten school in their country pls gtfo
Prove that humans have free will
Christianity is literally a pleb religion for the most lowly of slaves...
ITT: Books that "entertained" you
ITT: Describe the moment that you first saw her. any format, any style
ITT: Writers who trigger Veeky Forums
From his Goodreads profile, written by him:
I haven't been here in a while, is Nick Land a meme?
ITT: post the genre of the novel/story you're working on...
Besides plot and characters what makes a book good?
Daily Reminder that he literally got cucked by some guy called Paul Ree over some girl called Lou Salome whom he spent...
Is there avenue of philosophy which hasn't been solved or disproved now?
Reminder that women feign interest in literature to appear sophisticated and quirky to a potential mate
/lit plopped down his cool sofa on that hot afternoon, with a sigh of relief. He had the house to himself...
ITT: we give the poster child book for each Veeky Forums board. /out/ is pic related
Hilo de crítica en español/Spanish critique thread
How was the reader supposed to figure out that Anselm castrated himself?
Why is this allowed?
Why do you even read philosophy? It's not like you'll really change your opinion, and even if you do...
Finish the first part of Don Quixote
Writing Software
Achievement Whore
Why is this one of Veeky Forums's favorites?
Harper Lee
I am the most "well read" person on /lit. ask me anything lit related
Do you think any aspects of pleb or Internet culture are actually pretty deep?
What is your opinion on Joseph McElroy? And what is the best place to start?
Books for my kid
If at one of us on this board could publish a book and hit it big, what would you like the book to be about?
Books are inferior to anime in every way
Is he the only professor of literary criticism who hasn't completely bent over a table for the ludicrous...
Did human gain free will in the last century?
Reading while walking
Free journal thread. Tell me about your biggest fears, Veeky Forums. Just start writing...
Anybody else find that once they started reading regularly they became much less interested in video games...
/sffg/ Sci-Fi Fantasy General, Tourist Edition
I'm a repressed fucking faggot. I have pic related coming in the mail, what else would you recommend me?
Was he ever wrong?
Would Veeky Forums agree with this?
Post a poet who is alive today (pic is Geoffrey Hill, check out his Christian Architecture poem)...
It's really him isn't it
How do Buddhists reconcile the doctrines of anatman and of reincarnation? If there is no self...
Poetry Critique thread
Novels that end with the protagonist or a main character becoming 'broken' or greatly more cynical?
Who are some good fat authors?
What's the funniest book you have ever read Veeky Forums?
One of the only good Christian writers since 1950
Tinychat com / 4chanlit
What was his favorite book?
What's his best play?
Do you read in public?
Camus, Albert
The Chinese women were about the size of fire hydrants and moved like they had more than the normal amount of legs...
Is there a recommended reading list that once completed will make a person intelligent?
Those of u doing the social sciences... u a marxist yet?
What are your absolute favorite lines of poetry? Post them here
You will never be rich enough to comfortably go to St. Johns
Any tips on how to create Evil characters. Not just antagonists, but pure unaltered Evil
Writing habits survey
Name some Sci fi or fantasy novels that actually have literary merit (what ever the fuck that means)
Has an author ever significantly changed your views?
What are your favorite words that you can throw around to sound smart around your friends when you are having...
What are some of your favorite cookbooks...
Recommend me Veeky Forums-approved books on history. Both literature and non-fiction are welcome
Alright Veeky Forums, since Orthodox Easter is coming up...
Chaucer is the greatest writer of Medieval English
J.K. Rowling announces an eighth Harry Potter book
Recent purchases
What do you think about the "dark enlightenment"? Are they really something new?
Take a seat user
Are Zizek and Trump not so different?
Sup, I'm not sure whether this is the 100% correct board to post this stuff...
How's your novel coming along Veeky Forums??
Where can I find some good hard-boiled fiction...
ITT: We post library porn
This is our new logo
So, is this the most overrated writer of all time?
Who here is comfortably unemployed?
Were the 1920s the greatest decade in literature?
Just wondering, Veeky Forums anons, how many friends do you have and how often do you go out?
Weird books
ITT great writers that committed suicide
My gaze when i just threw away all my books and stopped reading
Checkmate, atheists
What is the most abstract concept or idea you have come across in lit or philosophy? No math or science!
Any philosophy majors here?
Describe your gf/crush/whatever in the style of your favorite author. Go
Ever feel like you spend so much time reading older books and classics that you're missing out or alienating yourself...
Start with the Greeks
Grammar snobs are patronising, pretentious and just plain wrong
What's the point of writing if the best of literature has already been written...
Get on tiny chat /4chanlit for alcohol and books
Cast Your Votes
Is reading seriously supposed to improve your life...
Who's the best female novelist?
Does Veeky Forums have a mascot? If no, what do you think it should be?
Thinking your "big ideas" can in any way make up for your shitty writing
For some reason webms with sound are not allowed here
Post-nihilism on lit
What are the best British novels? I'm just starting to read again and want some literature from my own nation...
Veeky Forumserary Feels Thread
Why are Veeky Forums mods retarded cunts? They delete every funny thread...
Just finished this
Did he predict the state of academia in the late 20th and 21st centuries?
Could you give me any examples of novels that are at the same level of "difficulty" as Ulysses?
How is he perceived in academia? Is he only a meme? Are his books worthy of reading?
Yeah I'm a Platonist
I want to go through a chronological reading of philosophy's progression
The smallest guy is the most intelligent
Trigger warnings
Lads, I've come to the conclusion that I need to train my body as well as my mind. I've become inspired by the Greeks...
Who read? Who like? Who got something to say about it?
What's the appeal of The Sun Also Rises, Veeky Forums? Having read it...
Dark Tower Series
Do ebonics be serus litery language?
Cross out the ones that you've read Veeky Forums
Hello friends
4x4 Top Classics
At what point does a man become truly morally irredeemable
Give me an immensely obscure poet who is at the level of the masters
What's an adjective that describes its own sound
/sffg/ Furries in space edition
Wanting to be a professional author
Le secret identity man xD
What other boards do you visit?
Faces of Veeky Forums
Saw the movie and hated it, should I assume that the book is shit too?
So I've decided to start with the Greeks am think Socrates is a good place to start...
Please recommend me quietist philosophers
Isn't it nice to know that the entirety of Western literary tradition can be summed up in nine (9) panels?
Last but not least
About to read this straight off the bat, no introduction to philosophy or nietzche. What am I in for?
Want to seriously get into literature
Does anyone else here practice idioms so they can appear cooler to their friends?
Is he a pseud?
Things you like in a book
Any books like pic related
What are the essential stories of Poe?
Itt: bad philosophy
ITT: Contemporary young fiction
What book(s) changed your life?
Books to help someone that's majorly depressed
Who's your favorite poet, and why?
ITT: Veeky Forums confession
What's more important
Cringe facts on reading
Good at sports
Looking for social skills books
I've been somewhat lost while reading this book, should I read the series or does it get worse?
I wonder how many people on Veeky Forums have actually read this
Is there conservatism literature that rejects or ignores religion or at least Christianism
It's a Waterloo chapter
What would you all recommend as a good starting point for someone just getting into philosophy?
What does Veeky Forums think of primitivists like Zerzan and Linkola...
Is she the only attractive female writer that's actually good?
Anyone here /chronicmentalillness/?
John Green is Gross
Poetry Critique
Better than Joyce
So Veeky Forums, how can i get into Kant? I really want to dig in but i feel like a certain bagage is needed
ITT: Genre books that are good enough to transcend their genre
Have you ever found yourself in the position where you had to teleologically suspend the ethical, Veeky Forums?
What do you think about this book?
ITT: Great novels no one has heard of
Who are some good black authors who write about stuff besides "muh racism"
Times you went full ass burger
What's your idea of heaven?
Which book on the pre-Socratics should I get? These are the ones I'm considering:
Post contenders for the worst books ever written
Are there any good youtubers that talk about literature or just books in general? /v/ has Matthewmatosis...
In what order should I read Plato's Complete Works?
Tfw can't stop subvocalizing
Where do I start with Schopenhauer?
ITT: allude to your biggest demon in fifteen words or less. Veeky Forums guesses
Albert Camus
Yo faggots what do you think Shakespeare suggests through all of the deaths in Hamlet...
A Song of Ice and Fire or Lord of the Rings?
Daily remember that all you need to write is:
ITT: Books about fucking
Not reading=pleb?
Littérature francophone général
Is there a Veeky Forums approved economics reading chart?
Help brehs. What writer, contemporary or classical, has the comfiest descriptions of Nature?
There are people out there who are actually happy
I'm planning on reading the Brothers Karamazov soon. Which translation or version would you recommend? I speak english...
I never got what "t." meant. Is it short for "thanks"? or "then"? or what...
How should one interpret this book?
ITT- we post a book we could read at least once a year
How can books even compete?
So, was it really that funny?
Tfw another glorious day as a trust fund kid (early 20s)
Holy Fuck
Which author has the best studio?
When did you realise that literature was so far gone that it's hopeless to care about it?
I've been reading Nietzsche and just realized that Social Justice is nothing but the secular metamorphosis of Christian...
Listening music while reading ?
Socialising with the help of literature
Does anyone else think that The Golden Rule or Kants Categorical Imperative...
How do I read this book in public without looking like a pedophile?
Is pic related an accurate representation of Atlas Shrugged?
Funniest book reviews ever!
Can you, with any certainty...
Hey Veeky Forums, I just wrote my first essay intended for publication...
ITT: Rewrite Genesis 1 in the style of your favorite author
Which books bring out the strongest romantic feelings in you...
Gene Wolfe appreciation thread
Hello Veeky Forums
2014: Marxism
I just graduated college and have to make a decision on what to do with the rest of my life (or at least pick a...
ITT: God-tier Literature
Rate Europe's literature
Sup lit?
So Veeky Forums, tell me a little about yourself
Is this starter kit for retards or something, Veeky Forums?
"This sublation in a double sense of its otherness in a double sense is at the same time a return in a double sense...
So you guys don't like the female booktubers? well this is /lits YouTube channel. I reviewed a book...
Absolute Truth
Is some version of Rory the best you can possibly get when trying to raise a literate child...
Just a reminder
What does lit think of Richard Dawkins?
What are you reading right now Veeky Forums?
Ebook bot twitter
What are your opinions on this?
What is the best way to read the Bible?
Memes and Validity
Why was he such a butthurt faggot because he wasn't as good as Shakespeare?
Looking for more stories with pathetic but self-aware protagonists
What will be studied in 2416 Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forumserary confessions
Hey Veeky Forums i had a thread a few months ago about Nietzsche that gained some attention...
Rec me some good non-numale books. I'm looking for something Un-PC with lots of traditional, healthy masculinity
What did the greeks start with?
Essential chart thread
ITT: books that set the prose bar so high it makes you want to give up writing
Are the 1880s the greatest literary decade ever?
Shakespeare didn't read the classics...
What music does Veeky Forums listen to when reading?
English student Help me pick a dissertation
Who is Dostoyevsky's best translator?
Female trickster characters
Is wheel of time worth the investment?which is shittier, wheel of time or a song of ice and fire?
The fountainhead
/sffg/ SciFi and Fantasy General
What's the absolute worst book you were forced to read in school?
Which one of Marx's book should someone new to the subject read?
Ugh fuck this board. I fell for the start with the greeks meme...
Who else /blameparentsfornotprovidingforpatricianchliterature/ here?
Hi Veeky Forums!
Name a book that (isn't) in Borges' library
Would you buy a book on a masturbation journal? For the price of $5
Critique Thread
What are the best books by Philip K. Dick?
What the FUCK is this BULL SHIT
So which is it, Veeky Forums?
What's the most beautiful thing you've ever read? Pic related, not the best but pretty cool
Tfw spending more time reading about reading on Veeky Forums rather than reading books
What's the Top 5 look like for Japanese literature?
Rate my routine Veeky Forums
Recent purchases
Just finished reading this and almost loved it but I honestly feel like I misread the ending a little bit and missed...
Who are the best authors from your country?
Tom Clancy
Is he misinterpreted?
Where do I start with this qt
I want to 'get over' philosophy. What are some good endgame philosophers that help one do away with it all?
How do you feel about consumerism in the book industry?
Have you guys read justine? it sounds hilarious. just got it. gonna read it when I finish mason and Dixon
Thoughts? Considering picking this up
Girl on Tinder says she likes books
ITT: Veeky Forumserary pleb stories
When u realise your literature and philosophy habit is probably making you more unhappy than you have to be
Consciousness was a mistake and suicide is the only way out of suffering
Veeky Forums has the best writers in all of Veeky Forums
Inspiration thread: post pictures that inspire you
ITT: You've read one, you've read them all
DFW Short Fiction
You can only read one book for the rest of your life which one do you choose
Will Self to publish adaptation of Great Gatsby set in modern day
Hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up eagle and snake my name is frederick but u can call me Z4r4ThU5TrA!!!!!!!! lol...
What's the most depressing book you've ever read? I'm talking soul-motherfucking-crushing...
Which Kafka novel do you recommend to read first?
Wrote this
Poetry thread? Original poems?
Worst diseases of our times
Reading 1984 by G. Orwell. What are you reading today?
What are the greatest books ever written?
What does zizek think of anime, Veeky Forums?
I can only buy one book
Any thoughts on Goethe, Veeky Forums?
What does Veeky Forums think about this little book? Is it the ultimate /comfy/ book?
How do I get better at writing?
Russian author recommendations other than the obvious:
What does Veeky Forums think of this?
ITT: Books you will deny you ever read
I never see Jane Austen discussed here, what does Veeky Forums think of her?
Haruki Murakami
ITT: Books featuring relatable main characters
Is this any good? I love the Kate Bush song 2bh
What is the literary equivalent of this informative chart?
Recommend people their next 10 books
What is the most disturbing book you have read?
So, what are you currently reading, Veeky Forums...
How can real life be this gripping holy shit
Does the fact that J...
Why is Kafka one of the greatest literary minds of the 20th Century?
It's a Hegel tries to save Christianity but ends up destroying it episode
For non-anglo anons, how is Shakespeare regarded in your country? Do you read him in school?
Is French worth learning for literature, poetry and maybe some music...
Which books will help me recover from the /r9k/ mindset?
Post opening lines of the next great American novel
Cervantes > Shakespere
Best Vonnegut works?
Do you make notes or underline words in your books?
Did Wittgenstein win the philosophy language-game or did he just knock over the pieces and storm off?
What books have the most epic, sweeping plotlines Veeky Forums? Something to put me in a state of awe please
Which of Stephen King's books would you say come the closest to being considered literature?
Why aren't you Objectivist yet, Veeky Forums?
As an English speaker, how difficult is it to learn Latin...
All hail the greatest of all poets
One Sentence Stories
David foster wallace you have only read four books in the first sixteen weeks of the year
At what point did postmodernism go too far?
Give me your honest opinion on this book
Am I likely to be banned (permanently) from Veeky Forums should I begin pasting my entire six-part debut memoir here...
What is a book you can recommend that is similar to this?
Join our lit chat, and talk lit with patricians, pseuds, and normies. (Text-based, no microphone or cam required)
How do you hold your Kindle? Also, do you use a case?
How do I deal with the fact that the Munchhausen trilemma exists and all philosophy is bullshit and all humanities /...
Divine Comedy
/sffg/ - SciFi and Fantasy General
Post some reading inspo...
What's her name, Veeky Forums?
What will I need to read to build foundation to understand and/or appreciate Stirner?
ITT: Authors with the most annoying fanbases
In order to understand Ancient literature...
Giving up
ITT: We blurb an entire book in 10 words or less
Does anyone have the other ones?
Critique thread
ITT: books you'll never read
/lit triumphantly threw his backpack down and sat in his usual, favorite seat in the library
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games