ITT: Books that "entertained" you

ITT: Books that "entertained" you


Snow Crash

If the writer didn't inject so much early-20s wish fulfillment, it would probably be better received on Veeky Forums.

Still >genre lit or whatever

infinite jest

>book is defined as "x meets y"

Don Quixote & Tom Jones


Stop it

This was for this

All of Jane Austen?!

Reddit, fuck off!



I tried to read it several times but each time ended up putting it down only a few minutes before finally forcing myself to keep going. I'm now in Ch. 5. It's terrible so far. I don't think I will finish it because it's trash.

NOTHING of interest has happened so far. It's just laden with pointless references to the 80s. And I enjoy 80s film and music.

The whole MMORPG aspect of it feels so unimaginative. This has been done before so many times. It's so basic even that it feels like outside-in knowledge and not authentic at all.

The there's some real cliche stuff about nerds in there to boot. It is fucking garbage, and not the entertaining type either.

On topic though: Altered Carbon
Only read it once so far but I loved it. Highly imaginative and detailed. Definitely going to read it again in the future.

>The whole MMORPG aspect of it feels so unimaginative.
I felt like there was some pretty good stuff that was pushed to the side to make room for all the "lol pacman" shit. There was a whole economy/society going inside the MMO that wasn't explored at all, particularly the whole thing with "players" working for the game as customer service for in game currency that had some pretty great thematic potential. But instead the whole novel was just a checklist of references.

Yeah, these ideas you speak of. I imagined they'll never get fleshed out over the course of the story. They're just the most basic concept from Second Life and microtransactions thrown in there with no real effort behind it.

It feels really lazy and as a result makes little sense: A teleportation fee? Traveling across the simulation takes time? You can't go faster than the speed of light in your starship vehicle? Why? Why even have a ship to begin with?

God, it so bad: Every movie, video game and book ever written is free in the Oasis? How does that work with copyright laws? Oh it's convenient for your poor protagonist, got it. But in-game items cost money? Right. Convenient. Much of it feels so implausible and just akwardly construction.

At times it reads like a little nerds wet dream: "Oh I wish I had the time to read all these books, play all these games and watch all these movies. Forever." But it was written by a nerd stuck in the past really. Hence the MMORPG aspect just being spotty.

Again, this is a 'so far'-opinion. But I don't think I'll keep going.

sorry about the mistakes, i'm sleepy and multitasking here.


Me again. In the end, I think it's just an entry-level scifi novel - and not a good one. Too much time spent on exlpaining the most basic things when it comes to the simulation. Thing that would probably be somewhat familiar to many readers.

Protagonist talks to you from the future like you're a cave man and it ruins the pace. But so far there's no story underneath woth taking the center stage either.

Heart-Shaped Box is better.

Indeed,it kept my interest up,but the more I think about it,the weirder it seems.
The more I think about it,the plot seems less and less consistent.
It's a puzzle that falls apart the more you look at it.
Like when you make a fire and it warms you up,but then you realize that burning plastic wasn't such a good idea.

Mm I read that too, the ending was atrociously sappy. I think Joe inherited his father's knack for terrible endings.

>I think Joe inherited his father's knack for terrible endings.
Yeah well, at least it wasn't terrible almost all the way through like Horns.