Is Trump what Plato had in mind when he talked about a philosopher king?

Is Trump what Plato had in mind when he talked about a philosopher king?

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Prolly I dunno.

Why aren't /pol/ kids at school?

you do yourself no favors ignoring reality.

trump is running for president

/pol/ is real

Why aren'y you at school? Why do you shitpost this garbage in here? Is it 'fun' to you? What's wrong with you?

True, Trump will surely dictate that /pol/troupers must organize raids hourly on Veeky Forums to spam threads. But Veeky Forums a few months of freedom before the general, so give us some space while you gestate some quality shitposts.

Ok I laughed


What's this from?

boku no pretentious harem shit

Monogatari series

What will Veeky Forums do when Trump wins?


What if he actually makes America great again?

Like when Obama Yes We Can'd America?

That was good

So you voted Obama based on hype alone. Makes sense. 90% of americans did too.

Funny that hyping a literal nobody from Kenya is better than hyping an experienced, successful multinational business man.

Nah that would be the Ayatollah. He was even a gifted poet.

(the constitution of Iran is totally grounded in the Republic. Plato had a huge influence on Islam and is well-regarded by even the most conservative clerics)

Nice conclusion jumping my burger consuming friend. Point is, slogans mean sweet fuck all and Trump's track record for business ventures is not great anyway.
Plus if he tries to force mexico to pay to build le wall, it's just going to end in increased tension and no action. Anyone with half a brain can see that

Some homo blogging pioneer thinks that he is the tyrant who can't control his emotions and has all physical pleasures. It kind of fits desu, I'm voting for him anyway. The fire must rise.

^ According to this /pol/fag, someone born in Kenya won 90% of the vote in a US presidential election. That's the kind of idiocy we are dealing with here, folks.

If anything Bernie supporters are the ones at school. The reason he's losing is because the majority of his supporters aren't old enough to vote.

>experienced, successful multinational business man.

Trump is a guy who inherited considerable amounts of money and profited off government connections built by his father. He may have gotten his start in real estate, but for the last 30 years or so his main focus has been on building the multimedia 'Trump' brand. He's an hyperreal estate magnate who accumulates PR rather than capital and plays himself on TV.

>hyperreal state magnate
>plays himself on TV
>propelled into office by memes
>yfw Trump is the first postmodern president

Anti-Trumpers are fucking squares. A billionaire self funds his own campaign, ruining his perfectly simple life of privacy and luxury. And all these faggots go on about how we should vote for a Big Bank funded politician like Hillary.

Think outside your little square for once. Trump has everything to lose in the white house. Big Banks have everything to gain electing another Obama.

>not being a banker yourself
Get it together, user.

>Trump is good because he's 'ruining his life' (no that wasn't ironic) by becoming the president of the United States and therefore he's good

This is thinking outside the box in the land of burgers

Trump only pushed about $40 million into his campaign, he'll be fine. Hell, it's probably worth it for the visibility it gives the Trump brand.

Getting bashed on media is easy guys. Death threats? Hah! Risk my life to change the status quo? LMAO

You guys need to take advice from this guy. He's got the toughest job in the world: reading books.

Trump is not "self funding" his campaign, dumbshit.

Because working adults want free shit, right?

Trump is really as Roman a phenomenon as it gets. All the jokes of him being the god-emperor aside, they do seem to point at a changing political perception of leadership, a full-on and jubelant acceptance of a type of politician we've seen in the past before.

"He reminds me, in particular, of the sort of privately wealthy men who formed the First Triumvirate, and who were so wealthy that each could afford to pay for his own private army, an army be it said whose loyalty was not given to Rome but to the highest bidder.
Crassus, for instance, who is the figure who perhaps most resembles him–and whose portrait bust even bears a certain similarity to him–made his fortunes (and they were, like Trump’s huge) off of real estate, especially buying huge latifundia that enslaved people to work the fields in mass agribusiness-like agglomerations that kept the grain flowing into Rome. This was one reason why Crassus was so anxious about putting down the Spartacus slave revolt, for Spartacus himself was killed by the legions employed by Crassus in 71 BC (although Pompey, on his way back from his conquest of Spain, claims to have finished off the revolt and was given honors in Rome for doing so when he returned, much to the chagrin of Crasssus)."
- John David Ebert

Someone is triggered

Just because some people donated to his campaign doesn't mean he isn't self-funded. He is no beholden to anyone's money. He can't be coerced

No, he is not self funded. Every dime coming from him is in the form of loans.

And he will certainly not be self-funded for the general election, which requires more than $1 Billion in expenditures. He doesn't even have $100 million liquid. He will be sucking off corporate donors just like ever other politician.


It's GOP money. Does nobody here know how to read?

He's lending money to his campaign. If elected, he'll be looking to be repaid with interest. If he looses, he'll loose his chances of being reimbursed.


he's discussed taking super pac money for the general election.

Where at dood? I'll read it.

Far right populism is a just a bad meme. Even if Trump doesn't belong to any special interests, he's still a shitty candidate.

He wont be in the GE but he partially is now

oh hi.

a [s4s] get isn't too bad. ah well.

here's hoping that 9000000 is better.

You mean RNC money? Where do you think that comes from? RNC money = corporate money.

fuckin A. If your betting on cultural populism to fix actual problems, you'll always be disappointed, that is, if you can be honest with yourself long enough to admit nothing changed here. StormTrumpers are as gullible as the Obama golden youth of '08.

Enough with the Obama comparisons.

We get it. That was the only election you were old enough to remember. so much wit

Donald Trump says NO to drugs.


Boku no pico

Enough with telling me enough.

We get it. You've got ass pain and have nothing better to contribute.

>Populism in a country where newspapers are written at a middle school level
>Voting for the right in a country where how far to the right you fall politically is based entirely on how loudly you claim you're a conservative
America was a mistake

I am voting for Trump over Clinton for this reason alone: The United States at this time needs a leader more than it needs a bureaucrat.

Americans are hilarious: a culture that places great importance on empty slogans

We're the original meme country. Don't you ever forget it.

People are not machines. Emotions, a sense of belonging, and pride have been essential to progress.

I am thoroughly unimpressed by Europe and simply have pity. Americans carry the flame while wretched Europe cries and whines, incapable of action.

More slogans! More slogans! Amazing


I'm a European and I hate when Europeans do this sort of "lol Americans are dumb" shit.

Europe now is the super immature kid at school that imitates the adults and thinks they are better, when in reality they look the dumbest of all to the adults. Counterfeit maturity.
Real maturity is modesty, self-reliance, choosing your battles wisely, and bouncing back fast after defeat.
European maturity knows only fear, insecurity, name calling.
High school shit.

Source on that painting?!

muh self flagellation

His campaign was basically modeled off of the last days of Socrates. Father figures that wants to keep the nation truthful and honest. Asking the tough questions.

Nowadays you have a far worse kind:

"lol white people."
-white people

That's more like criticism of the in-group than actual self-hatred.

>you can't control me daaaad
>reddit understands meeeee

not him but google says: nocturne #7 by Jeremy Mann

Paco, you have to go back.

> pride have been essential to progress.
pride is a result of progress, it takes shame to stimulate productivity, encouraging pride in nothing like trump does simply creates a veneer of respectability to some people which peels off at the slightest contact with reality

Thoroughly convinced that her rejection of traditional virtues means superiority, Europe insults and lashes out at any sign of courage, unity and loyalty. She flocks to promises of the moral high ground in return for forsaking the very society, unknowingly fragile, that generations of her ancestors struggled to build. Thousands of years and thousands of European lives given for a vision of a world guided by organization, display, and a sense of community several tiers high. But Europe now sees that those thousands do not matter. What matters is the high ground. A facade of being better without the work. So Europe rolls around in a perceived savior position, the absurdity of this messiah complex lost on all but a few, and the destruction thereof soon to be felt by many.

Europe is full of fags. Self hating fags

Tbph while the money for his campaign is not his own, it does feel like this whole thing is not going the way the Republican party or its sponsors intended. Not only is former crazy Democrat and friend of the Clintons Trump winning, Tea Party Cruz is second and they've both bullied pretty much everyone else out.

What do you expect?
Our inbred leaders sent all of our prime genetic stock into the world wars to be slaughtered before they could pass on their genes.
The dysgenic consequence is a continent of chinless effeminate cowards. Of course we hate Trump.

Nah. But he is better than $Hillary.

poo poo pee pee see if you can catch mee

you are fucked either way.

Yes. Poo poo pee pee indeed.

I find Romney's original works more stimulating than Trump's, but Trump's commentary on Hegel's Science of Logic is almost perfect.

As long as he keeps out third world mud people and HIV positive euroshits, I'm happy

>when some youtuber or some shit perceived as SJW gets death threats


>when Trump does

HES RISKINF HIMSELSO FOR THE GOOD OF MURISCANS LIKE U &* ME ::::::::::^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^))))))))))))))))))

Nice feminist victim complex. You are so brave for standing up to... cyber trolling. youre a faggot and will die a worthless piece of shit


Perhaps but Plato believed in meritocracy. Trump wouldn't be where he is today with democracy, as his support mainly comes from his demagoguery and populism.

the difference is Trump is actually risking his life,much unlike the whiny SJW

None of them really are, you're just giving attention to attention whores

when ever u don't like the election results it's not democracy but "populism" but when u do like the results then it's a triumph of democracy

America isn't a democracy and probably never was. The whole system is designed to protect and balance the interests of multiple power cliques

So you missed the Trump assassination attempt. The assailant tweeted moments before that he was aiming to headshot Trump at the rally.

Don't confuse keyboard warrior SJWs to Trump. He actually goes across the country to speak for what he believes in. Bitches stay home and complain on tumblr.

I'm actually a Trump supporter. It doesn't mean I don't recognize his tactics for what they are.

Hey, whatever works. Nothing is off the table in American politics when the stakes are this high.

>the nation
i cringed

>le patriotic emotions magically solves everything argument
>huge generations, assuming emotions of individuals can somehow be aggregated and described
just kill yourself my man


Exact opposite, honestly. He just plays into stupid people's fears