Any tips on how to create Evil characters. Not just antagonists, but pure unaltered Evil

Any tips on how to create Evil characters. Not just antagonists, but pure unaltered Evil.

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Yeah make em kid diddlers

Make him kick a puppy in the first scene

OP is a pure fuckhead dickhead sucking on some dicks fucking on some dicks fuck outta here you dumb idiot bitch

Dont give them a personality

Make the antagonist a FUCKING WHITE MALE

Just like the secret and only trick to all writing:

Write and then read it. If you've heard any of what you've written before, scrap it and write something wholly original

You don't even need talent with this trick

I envy people who can through either ignorance or force of will continue to live in a world where evil exists.

What does that have to do with anything? If I suck dicks or not is irrelevant to my question.

Why does that anime have a vagina on its forehead?

Then you envy the entire planet including yourself?

Imagine an autistic person, then give that autistic person a goal, then make that autistic person kill an animal, then make that autistic person either kill a child or rape a child, then make that autistic person an all around powerful individual who for some reason gets what they want by force or influence and no one seems to try to stop them, then make a character who isn't autistic, make that character generous, kind, thoughtful, and make that character save or help someone out of the autistic person's grasp. Boom, your autistic person will be the idol of evil in your story, the protagonist will seem like Jesus Christ by comparison. Name your main character something friendly like John, Michael, Allen, Jackie or something resembling Jesus' name and name the villain something evil like Severus, Cruxes, Balthazar, Belmont, Cervantes, Malfontez, or some name resembling Malevolence, Severity, Vile, or any other words with negative connotations. Zar usually hits with the evil names. Malazar, Selezar, Valezar. Remember, the more negative connotation the name has the more negative associations will be drawn to the character.

Not him but I think he was implyng that there's no such thing as evil. All "evil" means is "I don't like it but I can't be bothered to understand it."
Maliciousness, sadism, anger, resentment, ect all exist, and as do the terrible things that get done in the name of those things. But calling them "evil" is a cheap generalization.


That's about it, family.

make them seem vaguely authoritarian and have them kill henchmen unnecessarily

watch more anime

metaphysically, pure unadulterated evil does not exist, because pure evil would simply be a pure chaos unable to sustain itself, it would become a void
evil exists as a cancer, a corruption of what is good; the more good a thing, the more evil it becomes when it is corrupted, e.g. Lucifer, being the highest and most intelligent of the evils, became the most wicked of the fallen angels --- the corruption of the best, is the worst.
the "purest evil" is the lust for corruption itself, the desire to defile all purity, all goodness, all beauty, the love of corruption and death for its own sake, the desire to destroy. It is rare that a man gives himself over to this level of all totally, but it is very common partially, e.g. when a man takes pleasure in the idea of taking a virgin's virginity, there is usually this kind of hatred of purity implied. When youths get "fucked up" on drugs, alcohol, etc., there is a hatred of their own goodness, a desire to destroy oneself. When you see groups like ISIS who take pleasure in killing for its own sake, there is a demonic hatred of life and love of death.
When a man does give himself wholly over this love of corruption it ends in devil worship, e.g. the satanic cults that go around sacrificing children.
Ultimately, evil is rooted in the mind's turning away from God, the source of all goodness, truth, and beauty: "But he who sins against me injures himself; All those who hate me love death."

>Lucifer, being the highest and most intelligent of the evils, became the most wicked of the fallen angels
>being the highest and most intelligent of the evils

of the angels*

was gonna right something similar but less articulate. nice.

Read the bible
For everything that you're told not to do, make your evil character do those things


I'm thinking of a more Judaic and hardcore evil.









Implying that virginity or getting fucked up on drugs n shit are inherently impure
Implying that you can make that argument without first defining goodness and purity.

Have them steal a hero's body

Why would you envy them? You should feel sympathy for them

lol he have vagina on his head.

you've never had to deal with a high-functioning sociopath, have you?

OP: consider the sociopath. they don't give a damn about anyone but themselves, so they're okay with putting their needs above everyone else's. evil results, if you judge evil to be "shit that damages society for the supposed benefit of one person"

go read Julian Assange's biography.

try leaving your mom's basement some time, kid.


Sounds boring as fuck, to be honest family.


Have them be the protagonist. THEN DEFINE EVIL.

Then make him sing a song about not diddling kids

You mean like Breaking Bad?