Any books like pic related

any books like pic related

A lot of Hawkes stuff is pretty dreamy (not sure if that's the right adjective in this context, his books feel like a dream), particularly the Beetle Leg and the Lime Twig

>Is there any pizza like an apple?
>Is there any fruit like hamburger?

That is how dumb you sound

Just watched that last night, good fuckin movie

The diner scene spooked me hard

good recommendation.

Really any surreal horror type stuff reminds me of Lynch.

Best dream novel

4got pic


my nigger

A pizza with ananas on it is sweet like an apple. Tomatoes have a lot of unami resulting in a more meat like taste than other fruits.

If you're looking for themes of Hollywood and lesbians I can't help you but Kafka is pretty Lynch.

Haruki Murakami can have a Lynchian feel. Wind Up Bird Chronicle in particular reminds me of Blue Velvet.

Maybe not all that similar, but DFW was a huge fan of Lynch's - and his books can be equally absurd, if not nearly as macabre in nature.

IJ was somewhat of a puzzle, and all really came together in the end, so it's a but Lynchian-like in that regard.

OP here. I meant more dreamlike

The Castle by Kafka, Gravity's Rainbow

Italo Calvino
John Crowley
J.G. Ballard

good shit my dude


"This is the girl."

I cry at this exact frame. Every time.

Fuck, man, I didn't WANT to be sad today.

Just let it happen.

>ananas on pizza

I cried uncontrollably at that scene

lol my gf at the time. I think 8 years ago. fuck who knows when it was. but when ever HD projectors came out. they installed one and the most badass surround sound system. it was like a mini movie theater. we all got high as fuck and that was the first movie we watched. with the sound cranked. it was a good time.

fuck your happiness

mein negger, novella lengths

How do you not like Hawaiian pizza? You should probably kill yourself.

Ananas on pizza is fucking degenerate kill yourself loser

Dude, I was joking but you are taking it to far. I just tipped a link to your comment to the FBI, never can ever be ever so sure that never ever you will never ever ever actually ever never kill me, dude. FBI TIPPED. The FBI is going to come over to your house, so I suggest leaving some milk and cookies.

Explain why.

Thanks for living my recurrent day dream fantasy asshole

Heinrich Von Kleist has a lot of turns in his short stories that remind me of the sudden awfulness of M Drive