What will be studied in 2416 Veeky Forums?

What will be studied in 2416 Veeky Forums?

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John Green

I highly doubt.
We still have 400 years.
I expect a lot.Even though I won't be here.I wonder if there is a library in Heaven.Or Hell.

probably Veeky Forums


>tfw you will never experience the great literary works of post-post-post-postneomodernism aboard the Prometheus earthship

Silly user, of course there is. Borges went there and wrote about it.

Still Shakespeare.

>tfw you will never experience humanity coming full circle and having one of their own give the gift of fire to semi-intelligent apes.

I don't think we're going to make it that long. We're going to be lunch for hungry cannibals and the Western Canon will be used as table napkins.

I honestly have no idea. Maybe internet fanfiction as some sort of outsider art?

My diary desu meine familie.

>400 years from now
>Earth is destroyed
>humans are all living in a handful of other planets far way from here
>somewhere on the future equivalent of Veeky Forums someone will start a meme


I think we will study a new kind of science, something mixing up the knowledge about materiality and spirituality. Our current perception of technological progress will be overpast, I believe.

Nothing. There will be no mankind. Or we will live in a simulation of the second half of the twenty first century, just before the Singularity.



This guy

The Omega AI Sentimental Doctrine or How to Move About in the Hive, written by X0223D v2 after the great Sun Wave and awakening of the overmind.

All hail the [O]overmind 11001010010

>7h15 5h17 15 700 h4rd 70 r34d

THere will be no need, when the entire library of congress can be uploaded directly to your brain and its extended HD for instant access

Life span will have dramatically lengthened, there will be more a focus on sustainability, biomedicine and gene therapies that allow you to function at old age more efficiently will be the flavour of the times. developing counties will have approached 4th stage DTM kicking and screaming or all died out. Public discourse will focus on euthanasia of the super-old, those who don't willingly switch themselves off will be ostracised and shunned for being selfish and not letting the young have their turn with all the things. Because each new child lives so long, takes relatively longer to grow-up and is hence more of an investment, birth rates decline. We'll go to other planets. Everyone will still complain. The club of Rome.

The books on this list.

Link: spinelessbooks.com/mccaffery/100/

>being alive
>the human race actually making it that long

this desu

either how to bang rocks together or a massive computer simply compiling itself or nothing at all

Something on crops after we'll have bombed ourselves back to the middle ages.

Occidere te. Ad esse honestum, memeber mea.


start with the humans

kek, nice one

Hypersphere and TLOTIAT

Greeks. By that time we'll have all the Herculaneum works too so lit may be exclusively Greeks.

Nothing new, we've reached the peak of literature quality a few decades ago and we're beginning a phase of slow painful decline.

tfw you were born in the wrong generation :P

This + Gene Wolfe

said some idiot in each generation to ever exist

Taolins remaining Twitter fragments